Friday, December 31, 2021

Error-riddled letter from Virginia teachers union about lack of COVID testing in school district is mocked as parent spots roughly 20 blunders in just FIVE paragraphs and posts revised version to Twitter

Via David

  This error-riddled letter from the Arlington Education Association calling for increased coronavirus protection for public school students was mocked relentlessly on Twitter Thursday after an appalled parent edited the piece and posted a revised version online

The poorly written letter was mocked online Thursday after an appalled parent took a pen to the piece and posted a now-viral revised version to social media.

 Hey @VEA4Kids, are you going to send out more of these grammar worksheets over break?' parent Ellen Gallery wrote Thursday morning.

My kids and I had a great time spotting errors! Did we find them all?' she wrote.

 Despite only being five paragraphs long, the peeved parent spotted - and corrected - roughly 20 errors in the piece, many of them extremely glaring

    More @ Daily Mail

Gilboa Snake: Twice as Deadly as the AR-15 platform: 1,000 shots per minute


A new twist on an old weapon has produced a very deadly gun used by Britain’s elite SAS forces.

Everyone knows about the double-barrel shotgun, a standby on farms across America for generations.

The Gilboa Snake is a very advanced upgrade of the two-muzzle concept that can fire 1,000 shots per minute, according to the U.K.’s Daily Star.

It reported that two SAS soldiers used the Snake when they killed up to 12 Islamic State fighters in less than a minute in northern Syria.

More @ Flag and Cross

Institutional Hoaxing – Brilliant Video Shows How Media, Joe Biden and Govt Health Officials Drove the Omicron Fear Narrative

Via  sw44magnumman Brown


The already low credibility of media and the political health establishment has collapsed more in the final week of this year than most months preceding it.   Why?

The main cause of this specific moment, an inflection point in the arc of COVID history, was the Omicron “winter of death” narrative pushed by Joe Biden, the COVID taskforce, government health officials, left-wing politicians and media.   The Omicron doom and fear narrative became a parody of itself.   One brilliant videographer has put together a mashup showing what took place in the past ten days

.More @ The Last Refuge

NASCAR Driver Reveals ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Themed Car

Barbarians IN the gates.


The Yankee Problem In America, By Clyde Wilson

"By Yankee I do not mean everybody from north of the Potomac and Ohio......I am using the term historically to designate that peculiar ethnic group descended from New Englanders, who can be easily recognized by their arrogance, hypocrisy, greed, lack of congeniality, and penchant for ordering other people around. Puritans long ago abandoned anything that might be good in their religion but have never given up the notion that they are the chosen saints whose mission is to make America, and the world, into the perfection of their own image."

Dear Friends of the Abbeville Institute:

The barbarians have broken through the gates and are now running rampant through the streets.

The opening of the Lee Monument "time capsule"--with one preservationist admitting it wasn't really a time capsule because it was never intended to be opened--and the decision to hand over every Richmond Confederate Monument to groups determined to destroy them are just examples of the depravity of the woke mob.

History only matters if they agree with the historical actors.

The media will classify these actions as evidence of "racial justice," but this misses the point. America does not have a race problem. It has a Yankee problem.

The Yankee is a curious specimen, a peculiar creation of secular Puritanism and American geography. He is a self-righteous cancer determined to remake American society to fit his Utopian vision for a "just" world. He is the ideologue, the revolutionary, the reformer.

He can be found anywhere in the United States. He is Ralph Northam and Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren, George W. Bush and Allen Guelzo, David Blight and Victor Davis Hanson. Not all Northerners are Yankees nor are all Southerners, "Southern."

The Southern tradition offers the only real counterweight to this disease.

It has always been the flywheel in American society. America would not exist without the South.

This is why the Abbeville Institute is essential for our future. We are the only organization dedicated to exploring what is true and valuable in the Southern tradition, a tradition that could keep America from committing suicide.

You can help us continue our website, videos, conferences, and other educational programs by making a donation online or by sending payment to PO Box 1870, Auburn, AL 36831-1870.

Your donation is tax deductible to the full extent of the law, and today is the last day of the 2021 tax year.

We wish you a happy and healthy new year, and pray that our continued efforts together with your support will bear fruit in this ongoing culture war.


Brion McClanahan

Top Marine Commanders Have Rejected All 3,080 Religious Exemption Requests From Healthy Marines for Experimental COVID Vaccine

 Via Billy

Marine commanders have rejected all 3,080 religious exemption requests from US Marines so far this year for the required COVID vaccine.

Healthy adult males between 20 and 50 have almost zero chance of serious complications or death from the coronavirus. But the regime is demanding they all get vaccinated anyway.

Moire @ The Gateway Pundit

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Requiem for Grandma

Growing up on ‘Holt Hill’ in Vendor, Arkansas, I was truly blessed. I had a touch of the ‘Old South’ that I now have oft read of; a true, closed community of my own people who endured hardship, drought and war, and came out stronger as a result.

Of the many giants who walked through my childhood, there is one I feel I have neglected to mention in my past scribblings, one who held the family together through loss and gain, through thick and thin, through hardship and privation and good times and excellent years: my great-grandmother. But I just always called her grandma.

More @ The Abbeville Institute

Kwanzaa Is A Fake Holiday Invented By A Criminal Marxist

 Via Cousin John


Spanning from Dec. 26 to the first of January is Kwanzaa, the invented African American holiday celebrated solely by white liberals and clueless public school teachers. Overblown by leftist claiming the holiday has immense cultural significance, a survey by the National Retail Foundation discovered only 1.6 percent of Americans celebrate Kwanzaa.

More @ The Federalist

Over 200 Marines Kicked Out for Not Taking Coronavirus Vaccine

 U.S. Marines and sailors of the 1MEF (1st Marine Expeditionary Force) salute the flag prior to the arrival of U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney during a campaign stop July 27, 2004 in Camp Pendleton, California. Vice President Cheney is on a campaign tour of California as the Democrats hold their …

More than 200 Marines have been kicked out of the Marine Corps for choosing not to take the coronavirus vaccine, the Marine Corps announced Thursday.

“To date, 206 Marines have been separated from the Marine Corps with the vaccine refusal discharge code,” the Marine Corps said in an a press release Thursday morning.

With thousands more unvaccinated, more discharges are likely on the way.

The deadline for the active duty Marine Corps to comply with the Biden Pentagon’s coronavirus vaccine mandate was November 28, aligned with the Department of the Navy’s deadline.

More @ Breitbart

Podcast Updates


I'm posting this update to let all those on the blog know what's happening. There are a few people who have helped me try to get the word out about the status of the nation since the fight over Obamacare and one of them is Concerned American at Western Rifle Shooters Association (WRSA). I interviewed CA for Episode #3 of Texas TL in Exile. I'm going to link all of the episodes up to date, but the third one is one that should interest most of those who read this blog. 

More @ 12 Round

Comment & reply on "I Submit For Your Consideration "


Submit For Your Consideration  

 This has got to stop. I'm talking about the criticism based upon them not adhering to real science. Stop expecting them to adhere to scientific method or principals thereof; this entire bamboozle was never founded upon science. It has bred purely political since the beginning. Just because they ramble on about science this, science that should not conjure the expectation that it is anything to do with science.

They have created an illusion which has played to the perception of anyone who had thought or, especially, those who still cling to the perception that the perpetrators do practice science although wrongly.

To reiterate, this scheme has nothing to do with science. It is the art of the manufactured lie. And you're hooked into it by believing and hoping 'if they would only turn back to science/the truth/admit their errors. Stop it!

They have made no such error. Sure, there have been mistakes but not as you think. Their error is they have lost the chance to hoodwink all the people.

(Perhaps their greatest error was to think they could. Yet why wouldn't they, have you looked at society lately? How wayward must we get.)

However, the single greatest error is of those who have thought the perps have simply strayed, therefore let us show them their error. Again, they have made no such error. 

It is the bonehead who thinks good fruit can be gotten from the corrupt tree. Worse, such thinking marks one as a cultural illiterate patsy.


God Bless you Rick.

Nailed it.

This is Orwell writ large. The perversion of language and marking of the 'intellectual battlespace', kills us every time - you get sucked into a non-sensical debate about the effectiveness of a mitigation strategy instead of arguing that the atrategy isn't needed in the first place!

That's right, argue about masks in public, not whether they're needed at all.

Argue about 'the current definition of vaccinated' instead of the disturbing fact that they do not work as a 'vaccine' in the first place (see how they did that there?).. the jab isn't a vaccine, its mRNA gene therapy adopted from cancer treatments, but you use their word when arguing about it don't you? Guess who's NOT going to win that debate?

Robert E. Lee monument, other Confederate statues could go to Richmond’s Black History Museum under deal

 Via Billy 

Despicable as the Lee family continues to run scared.

 City and state officials have reached an agreement to transfer ownership of the statue and pedestal of Gen. Robert E. Lee to the Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia, which has also agreed to take possession of all the other Confederate memorials removed from Richmond since last year.

Under this arrangement, Richmond’s Black History Museum would work in partnership with the Valentine museum — which has chronicled the city’s history for more than a century — and local community members to determine the fates of the stone and bronze symbols of the Confederacy.

More @ Wa Po

Lee and Jackson Banquet

 Via Cousin John


What:   Lee & Jackson Banquet
When:  6:00 pm on February 12, 2022
Where: King’s Restaurant on US 70 east in Kinston, NC
Why:    To celebrate the birthdays of Generals Robert E. Lee and
Jonathan Stonewall Jackson
Who:    Anyone who cherishes the memory of these two Southern

The Goldsboro Rifles, the Dr. B. T. Person and the Smithfield
Light Infantry Camps are hosting a Lee and Jackson Banquet.
Please come and help us celebrate the birthdays of these two
great men and Confederate leaders.  It is General Lee’s 215 th  and
General Jackson’s 198 th  birthday.
 We are proud to have as our speaker for this year’s banquet,
another of our favorites, Mike Parker.  Mike is a member of the
CSS Neuse Camp 1427 of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.
Three of his great-great grandfathers served the Confederacy
during the War Between the States. He enjoys serving as a tour
guide on the CSS Neuse II, a full-size replica of the original CSS
Neuse. He serves as secretary of the CSS Neuse Foundation,
caretakers of the Neuse II.  He has had a thirst for history all his
life and has done extensive research on many of its subjects.  His
topic this year will be the first seventeen years in the life of
General Stonewall Jackson, “Before Stonewall”.  It promises to be
very interesting and given Mike’s talent for delivery, there is no

The meal, served family style, will consist of King’s barbecue,
fried chicken, Brunswick stew, slaw, potatoes, tea and

If you would like to be a part of this special celebration,
please send your check made out to Allen Aycock.
                  $32.00/couple--$16.00/single to:         
                       Allen G. Aycock, Sr.
                       1128 Aycock Dairy Farm Road
                       Fremont, NC 27830
Please send it to Allen by February 5 th ,   2022 so we can give the
restaurant a head count in time for them to prepare for us.  In
the past, quite a few have waited to pay at the door.  When you
do that, we cannot give the restaurant an accurate head count,
so, please, send your check to Allen.  It really helps us as we
want to have enough food and seating for everyone.  Thanks for
your co-operation.

Please feel free to pass this along to ANYONE that you think
might like to attend.  You do not have to belong to the SCV to be
a part of this celebration. It is open to all General Lee and
General Jackson admirers.

As usual we will be having a silent auction to raise money for
the upkeep of the General Joseph E. Johnston Monument on the
Bentonville battlefield.  We encourage you to bring items for the
auction.  Who knows, someone else may bring just what you
have been looking for and you might bring what he or she has
been looking for.  Items do not have to be War Between the
States theme items, just any items you would like to
donate to help us care for the monument.

 For questions, you may email me at tobaccodog@gmail or call

For questions, you may email me at tobaccodog@gmail or call
me at 919-222-8441.
 Please forgive me if you get multiples of this invitation.  I am
using several sources for addresses.
Hope to see you

John Pippin

Southern Patriotism and Foreign Military Interventions


Is it un-patriotic for Southerners to question American military intervention? This is a perplexing question for those raised during the Cold War. For us, it was a battle to defeat atheistic communism—an evil power attempting to force its will upon the world. We were raised and educated by the World War II generation for whom patriotism was intricately linked to America’s military power. “America! Love it or leave it,” was our motto. But is Cold War “patriotism” appropriate today?

More @ The Abbeville Institute

I Submit For Your Consideration

 Via Joe

Joe Martin's Ghost

We now come to the close of the second year of what I like to call "The Great Pandemonium." (TGP) A year marked particularly by irrational behavior brought about by irrational and, more often than not, contradictory public policy as a reaction to, again what I like to call the "Sino-Lung-Rot." (SLR)

But there's this question that is increasing nagging me. As the "Social-Fascists" (Stalin's term not mine) ramp up their hate campaign against the unvaccinated it's rational becomes less tenable by the day. (Seriously legislation was proposed in New York to confine the unvaccinated to camps.) 

Consider the following.

1. After two years the unvaccinated are just that unvaccinated and to this point for all intents and purposes healthy. They can be broken down as follows.

(a) The infected and recovered with natural immunity. (b) The "New Hermit Class"(NHC) that cowers in their basement and have everything delivered. (c) Those who were never susceptible to the SLR in the first place.

2. Even the CDC and the "poisonous dwarf" (Hitler's staff's unspoken nickname for Dr. Goebbels) Fauci admit that the vaccines don't prevent either infection or retransmission of the virus. In spite of this painful exercise in cognitive dissonance we are told "but they are milder infections". Excuse me but isn't the survival rate for those under 80 something like 99.93% And the younger you are the higher the survival rate.

3. Increasing the numbers of active cases of the newest attenuation of the virus in many areas contain more vaccinated than unvaccinated.

I can only conclude then with questions. Why then should the unvaccinated be considered as some lurking, "Typhoid Mary" like repository of pestilence and death? Isn't the vaccinated that are the victims here? Especially given that they remain just as suspectable to infection and unwitting vectors of spreading the infection to others? Isn't that the definition of what the infamous Typhoid Mary was?

Science has never been advanced by a one size fits all, not decent or contrary opinion allowed approach, never. Scientific progress only comes through open, honest debate and most importantly experimentation that explores alternative possible explanation and solutions to problems. The likes of Fauci and the leftist medical and political mafia are no different than the Papacy that "cancelled" and imprisoned the likes of Galileo and Tycho because their theories (based on actual observation and rigorous calculation) exposed the fallacy of the Aristotelian universe.

Unless and until we reject the idea that the scientific and medical universe revolves around the so-called experts like Fauci et al there are dark days ahead.

School Board Unanimously Approves Plan to Pay Non-White Teachers More

If you feel like you live in an alternative universe where reductionism replaces logic and superficiality trumps character, here’s more evidence that you may be right. We might just be living in a racist version of The Twilight Zone.

The Mankato School Board in Minnesota voted unanimously to pay non-white teachers “additional stipends” based only on the color of their skin, according to BizPac Review. If you happen to be born black or Native American and teach for the school district, you ostensibly deserve to be paid more than your peers.

More @ Flag & Cross

Biden Admin Sparks Uproar with Plan to Rip Emergency Aid from Rural Areas, Funnel Toward Cities

Rural areas are about to be hit by a Biden administration policy that puts the wants of major cities over the needs of small towns.

Rental assistance that was part of the coronavirus aid package has been spent in an uneven fashion, according to Politico. The Biden administration is planning to take what has not been spent — about half of the $46.5 billion allocated — and give it to areas that have spent the most money, which effectively means major cities.

Wyoming, Montana and the Dakotas are among the states that are expected to be hard hit.

More @ Flag & Cross

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

A Dedicated Group of Patriots Working to Protect Freedom & Liberty

 Via Request by Timothy Norman

 Operation Resist Tyranny is a non-profit, unincorporated association of American patriots actively working to restore unalienable Rights; protect, advance, and preserve the foundational principles of Freedom and Liberty upon which the Republic rests; to compel the government at all levels and branches to make good on the constitutional guarantees that our forefathers fought, bled, and died in order to secure for themselves and Posterity. In order to achieve that goal, OPERATION RESIST TYRANNY submits to all American patriots The Charter and Proclamation of the Rights of Man as a demand that the government restore our unalienable Rights.

More @ US Rersisters

Marines say they're being 'crushed' over vaccine refusal: 'A political purge'


Zero religious exemptions for the COVID-19 vaccine have been granted to date, Marine Corps spokesman says

US Warship Stuck Overseas After COVID Spreads Through Fully Vaccinated Crew

The littoral combat ship USS Milwaukee and its crew are stuck at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba amid a coronavirus outbreak.

Navy leadership kept the ship in port after some sailors among the fully immunized crew tested positive for COVID-19, according to a Friday news release from the Navy. Infected crew members have been quarantined, kept away from the rest of the crew, the statement from the armed service said.

More @ Flag & Cross

12 Round Podcast


Every year on my birthday, I re-evaluate what I’m doing and whether that’s working or not. It’s the only notice I give my birthday, because it seems completely irrelevant, except in this one area. This blog will remain, though probably more sporadically than before, because I was forced to recognize that writing these posts and relying on the support of the many readers was not having the effect I wanted to have. In a lot of ways, I consider myself a failure, because I’ve been working diligently on opening minds and providing those who are already awake something to share with friends and family, to help explain their points of view on certain issues, but here we are, I’ve had no effect, it seems. Okay, I’m not a stranger to failure, it doesn’t hurt like the first few, before I realized that hard work and diligence are not a failproof recipe for success. I would suggest that it’s very difficult to succeed without those ingredients, but even with them, one can fail. But far from distancing myself from the eternal struggle for freedom, I’ve come to the conclusion that there are better ways.

Mote @ 12 Round

The Lee Monument Time Capsule


Governor Northam’s henchmen have finally located the time capsule buried in the Memorial erected to Confederate Gen. Robert Edward Lee in Richmond, Virginia.  How shameful and hypocritical that today the Virginia Department of Historic Resources shows so much interest in opening and disgorging the contents of the time capsule in light of their insipid defense of this monument and others throughout the Commonwealth over the last six years.  Governor Northam no doubt is salivating at the thought of this final desecration, disgrace, and slander of General Lee and the Confederacy.

More @ The Abbeville Institute

Did you have an Omicron Christmas this year?

We sure didn't. We spent a glorious weekend enjoying family, roasting meat, and roasting Joe Biden. But we did have a very China Christmas. Sadly in the midst of the global pandemic and supply chain shortage largely due to fallout from the Chinese virus, it has become more clear than ever that in a Judeo-Christian nation like the United States, we are still somewhat dependent on the massive Communist nation to get all of our stuff. And those of us with children are constantly getting gifted stuff, whether we need it or not.

But China isn't merely exerting its influence on us through plastic toys: enter TikTok, the viral short video platform that seems to be designed almost perfectly to get ADD-minded young people hooked. It has overtaken Google as the most popular global web domain. So, as America's big tech companies have become more international, China's quintessential media brand is taking over the world and with Beijing in control. The TikTok addiction is real; many parents have reported horror stories. But we are most concerned with what this could mean for our values and our productivity if young Americans continue to waste countless millions of hours because we've been enslaved by Chinese tech.

And we know which nation benefits the most if we raise generations of social-media crack heads.

Checking in on the Omicron hysteria: global messaging on the virus is hitting a new level of schizophrenia. President Joey Biden has now abandoned the "shut down the virus" rhetoric and is passing the buck to individual states. Dr. Fauci wants vax mandates on planes, despite the fact that planes have been a remarkably safe place to be during the pandemic due to their state-of-the-art ventilation systems. Bernie Sanders wants mass distribution of N95 masks. If that strategy is going to work, why are we just hearing about it now? We knew about N95 masks 21 months ago when we began lockdowns. The CDC has also shortened the COVID-19 isolation time to five days, but thousands upon thousands of flights have been canceled. More transport workers are expected to quit, which will likely strain the supply chain even more. All of this is leaving Americans either confused or checked out. We are increasingly of the mind that a bifurcated America with some areas free and other areas in a semi-permanent state of "light" lockdown might be the new normal for a while. At least the chaos could benefit markets because any clear pandemic policy that harms Wall Street has not emerged.

– Alex Marlow & John Carney
Breitbart News Network

Monday, December 27, 2021

Mother Gives Life Protecting Child from Vicious Rescue Dog Attack: ‘I Have No Arms and I’m Dying’


 & the first thing that any sane person would ask........

On Dec. 8, mother-of-two Heather Pingel of Bowler, Wisconsin, was faced with a tragic choice that most parents never have to make.

In a strange series of events, Heather’s 4-year-old son Damion Bernarde took a tumble down the stairs, which appeared to trigger the family dog and it attacked, according to OK! News.

Seeing the dog strike, Heather quickly shielded her son and the dog went after her, instead, injuring her severely and leaving her mangled and struggling for her life.]

More @ Flag & Cross

Judge Drops Hammer On New York Times, Sides With Project Veritas


A judge has upheld a decision from a lower court to prevent The New York Times from writing about Project Veritas.

“There is no dispute that Project Veritas is the holder of the privilege, and the Times has not claimed that it was waived by Project Veritas,” Westchester County New York Justice Charles D. Wood said in his 28-page decision, Law & Crime reported.

Richard Marcinko, first commanding officer of SEAL Team Six, dies

 Via Eddie Raffs

Marcinko led the SEAL team in what has become known as the Navy’s most successful SEAL operation during the Vietnam War: the May 1967 assault on Ilo Ilo Han. Marcinko and his men killed many Viet Cong and destroyed six of their sampans, according to the Navy SEAL Museum. Marcinko deployed a second time with SEAL Team Two during the Vietnam War. His platoon assisted Army Special Forces during the Tet Offensive.

Retired Navy SEAL and the first commanding officer of SEAL Team Six, Richard “Dick” Marcinko, has died, according to a post on the Navy Seal Museum’s Facebook page.

He was 81.

More @ Naval Times

What Is the Business Model for DuckDuckGo?

 Via Wes

Screenshot of the DuckDuckGo search engine results page for "dishwasher" highlighting the two dishwasher ads served at the top of the page

DuckDuckGo has been a profitable company since 2014 without storing or sharing any personal information on people using our search engine. As we like to say, what you search on DuckDuckGo is private, even from us! We’re proud to have a business model for a web-based business that’s profitable without making your personal information the product. I’m happy to tell you all about how we make it work (and how other companies can, too). 

More @ DuckDuckGo

Report: Armed Citizens Are Working at Southern Border to Assist Law Enforcement

Groups of armed citizens are working at the southern border to help law enforcement find and detain immigrants trying to get into the United States illegally, according to a new report from the Wall Street Journal.

Some sheriffs are welcoming the help as their communities and criminal justice systems are overwhelmed with the increasing number of migrants. A new Texas law allows state troopers to arrest illegal immigrants on misdemeanor trespassing charges, and these groups are working to find migrants and notify law enforcement.

More @ GOA

James Lord Pierpont


Via The Virginia Flaggers

               May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'LITTLE KNOWN FACT: THE AUTHOR OF THE SONG JINGLE BELLS" Was a proud Confederate Soldier of the 5th Georgia Cavalry named James Lord Pierpont. He also wrote other timeless classics such as "Our Battle Flag", "Strike for the South", and "We Conquer or Die".' 

James Lord Pierpont (April 25, 1822 – August 5, 1893)[1] was a New England-born songwriter, arranger, organist, Confederate States soldier, and composer, best known for writing and composing "Jingle Bells" in 1857, originally titled "The One Horse Open Sleigh". He was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and died in Winter Haven, Florida. His composition "Jingle Bells" has become synonymous with the Christmas holiday and is one of the most performed and most recognizable songs in the world.   

                                       More @ WIKI

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Climate Change v Boys & Girls

Via Thuy


              May be a cartoon of text that says 'Liberal scientist can prove climate change is real! They can't tell the difference between boys and girls? BANS C'

An Alabama Christmas



 Each stocking was bulging with oranges, apples, clusters of big raisins, hard candy, nuts"

I have one of my framed letters to Santa Claus and I mainly wanted fruit.

Christmas can be both a wonderful and awful time of the year for many of us.  The holiday has become one associated with worries over holiday debt, sadness from loss, concerns over gatherings, and add into that the calamities of the last few years: the pandemic, politics around the dinner table, and now, worries over the supply chain.  Contrary to the limited horizon of many in this modern age, the holiday is not simply a chance to get out of classes, engage in gluttony, and play video games.

We must remember the joys and losses of our shared family and cultural histories, and part of that is sharing the memories of Christmases past.  The following was written to me by my much beloved great aunt, Mrs. Mary Paul [Pittman] Smyrl, 1899-2006.  She was one of many who sparked my interest in our family history, and I have taken up that task gladly. The following is a letter that she wrote to me in the 1980s after I asked her about her memories of Christmas in northwest Alabama.  Let this be a reminder that we share with one another the bonds of heritage, family, and tradition and it is up to each of us to shoulder the burden to preserve the bonds which our ancestors gifted to us.

More @ The Abbeville Institute

Black Lives Matter Activists Tell Students ‘Crime Is Made up,’ Black People Are ‘Enslaved’ when They Go to Jail


Via Billy

 Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) speaks at the National Council for Incarcerated Women and Girls "100 Women for 100 Women" rally at Black Lives Matter Plaza on March 12, 2021 in Washington, DC. The organization and its supporters are calling on President Joe Biden to release 100 women currently incarcerated in …

Black Lives Matter (BLM) activists gave a talk to over 150 people in the spring of 2020, telling students that “crime is made up” and black people are “enslaved” when they are sent to jail, among other things.

Four BLM activists — Jessica Louise, Kyra Jay Harvey, Michelle Anastasia, and Leah Derray — from the Marxist organization’s Indy10 Black Lives Matter – told students that black people often don’t have the same opportunities as their white counterparts, according to a video of the lecture obtained by Daily Caller.

“Crime is made up,” Derray said. “People created these rules and people break them. It’s just that if you are black, brown, or poor, you are more likely to be jailed for these things, to be enslaved, imprisoned, for these things that a lot of people do.”

More @ Breitbart

‘Spectacular’ Jesus Ring Discovered in Ancient Ship Wreck Off of Israel


A ring from the era when Rome ruled the Holy Land has been found, and it bears an early Christian symbol of the Good Shepherd.

The ring was found in an excavation of a shipwreck off the coast of the ancient port of Caesarea, according to CBS.

The gold ring had an octagonal shape with a green stone set into the thick gold, showing a young shepherd boy in a tunic with a sheep across his shoulders.

The Israel Antiquities Authority announced that the ring was found amid a stash of third-century Roman coins, which also included Roman-era figurines.

More @ Flag & Cross

Salvation Army Caught Partnering With Antifa/Soros Linked 'Bail Project'

 Via David

Salvation Army Caught Partnering With Antifa/Soros Linked 'Bail Project'

The Salvation Army is working overtime to distance themselves from their own statements made in a guide called “Let’s Talk About Racism,” where they encouraged white people to apologize for their racism.

Since then, they have removed the guide from their website, and are currently spending money to direct those who search for them on Google to a webpage where they “set the record straight.”

More @ Pro-Gun News

NJ to pay $52.9M to families of vets who died of COVID in state-run homes

Via Eddie Raffs

 New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy's administration agreed to pay nearly $53 million to the families of veterans home COVID-19 victims.

The state of New Jersey has agreed to pay a nearly $53 million settlement to the families of 119 residents of the state’s military veteran facilities who died during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to reports.

Each of the families will receive an average of $445,000, to be determined in future arbitration proceedings, according to an administrative official who confirmed the payout to The total amount of the settlement is $52,955,000.

More @ New York Post.


Via Tuan Hoang

                    May be an image of one or more people, people standing and outdoors

Hình ảnh quá đẹp làm lòng người lắng lại, cảm phục và tin chắc cuộc đấu tranh của nhân dân Myanmar sẽ thành công, vì sự …
See more
The picture is so beautiful that makes people listen, admire and believe that the struggle of the Myanmar people will succeed, because of the full people's protest against the tyranny and because the conscience is still in the police security team, not lost as inhumane as the Chinese army and police in Thien An Mon 4/6/1989. 
The woman kneels down the road, asks the security forces not to suppress the people, a respectable expression of humanity. 
The image of two policemen kneeling down shows the respect for the nun who is no less human. 
Such a humane country will surely triumph over tyranny. 
Source: old farmer Nguyen Khan.

If you are feeling charitable this Christmas & Prognosis of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

Dear Friends of the Abbeville Institute:

James McClellan was a founding father of the Abbeville Institute. He had a law degree and a doctorate in political science. He was a fountain of knowledge on constitutional law and was an authority on the states rights tradition. He was an advisor to Senator Jesse Helms of North Carolina.

I am writing because his daughter in law Annie, who is married to Jim's son Angus, has an aggressive form of Triple Negative breast cancer. They have health insurance through his small graduate fellowship at Princeton University. And their families are trying to cover the excess billings and other increased living expenses they now face. But they have had to hire a nanny to watch their three-year-old and a 11-month-old for the next year.

They are facing a $1,000 a week bill for most of the coming year.

If you would like to help them, Annie's sister, Grace, has set up a GoFundMe site.:
Jim passed away before his time. He was a great blessing to the Institute, and your gift, however small, will be a tribute to him.


Don Livingston, President, Abbeville Institute 

GOP Rep. Tom Rice Regrets Jan. 6 Objection Vote, Says Trump ‘Responsible’ for Incident (Being Primaried, by 10 Republicans)


Barbara Arthur

Insurance agent and Christian speaker Arthur, 57, has run very clearly on her opposition to communism as a Cuban-native whose family fled the island in the late 1960s.

“The Biden administration wants to create an America that looks very much like Castro’s Communist Cuba. I will not submit,” she said. “I will be a powerful advocate for the legal citizens of District 7, South Carolina, and America.”

If elected, Barbara said she’d protect constitutional values and oppose what she calls Marxist/socialists in Congress but did not provide specific policy points.

Arthur said she also was inspired to run for Rice’s seat after his vote to impeach Trump, saying he joined the “communist-loving Democrats” and that was the last straw for her.

GOP Rep. Tom Rice Regrets Jan. 6 Objection Vote, Says Trump ‘Responsible’ for Incident

Meet the 10 GOP challengers trying to unseat SC Rep. Rice after his Trump impeachment vote

West Virginia Coal Miner Hits Back: We Contribute More to America than Bette Midler

A West Virginia coal miner reacted to left-wing Hollywood star Bette Midler insulting the people of his state, pointing out that West Virginians contribute far more to the United States than the actress.

“I think my first reaction was, ‘Bette Who?’ I don’t really recall anything that she’s done too significant here in the last little bit,” coal miner Bo Copley told Fox & Friends First on Wednesday.

Copley added that West Virginians aren’t losing any sleep over Midler’s insult, especially given that her career has been at a standstill for a while. “I don’t think a lot of West Virginians are losing sleep over it,” he said. “The only thing to lose sleep over is getting up early and heading out and going to work.”

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