Monday, January 4, 2021

Excellent Idea: Trump Lawyer Jenna Ellis Suggests Pence Could Defer Certifying Election, Send Requests to State Legislatures

Trump campaign attorney Jenna Ellis Monday night suggested Vice President Mike Pence could defer certifying the election results for Joe Biden on Wednesday when Congress meets and instead send requests to the state legislatures.

In an interview with Just The News, Jenna Ellis said Pence would simply defer the question to the state legislatures in contested states with dueling electors to clarify which slate of electors the state will approve.

More @ The Gateway Pundit

These Are Socialists, Marxists, Communists – I Hope Mike Pence Comes Through” President Trump BLASTS the Radical Democrats

 Via Billy


President Trump: The people of Georgia will be at the mercy of the left-wing socialist, Communist, Marxist, and that’s where it’s going. You know we don’t like to use the word “communist.” How about the press? Look at them back there, look at them. (boos)… The fake news media, they go silent anymore. They don’t talk about it. And that is the beginning of communism. That is exactly what happens. Because I think they hate our country and they despise Georgia and your values. And a lot of them despise you as you know. There is nothing the radical Democrats will not do to get power… I hope Mike Pence comes through.

More @ The Gateway Pundit

Wisconsin Legislature Announces Resolution To Be Introduced on Thursday Which Will Likely Decertify State and Award to President Trump

Could State Legislatures Pick Electors to Vote for Trump? Not Likely - The  New York Times

 A day late a dollar short?

The state of Wisconsin has reportedly announced that it will introduce a resolution on Thursday morning to decertify the state’s electoral college votes and award them to President Trump.

More @ The Gateway Pundit

Georgia State Senators Call on Pence to Delay Jan. 6 Electoral Vote

Georgia Democratic Electors stand and clap after casting their Electoral College votes at the Georgia State Capitol on Dec. 14, 2020 in Atlanta, Georgia.  (Jessica McGowan/Getty Images)

“I’ve had my cell phone on my website and on my senate sites for eight years, I have never received any calls,” he said. “I may have gotten a call here now and then but after this—my phone has blown up, my email has blown up, my text messages have blown up.”

“People are angry, they’re mad, they feel disenfranchised,” he added.

Republican state senators in Georgia started a push on Monday to delay the Jan. 6 counting of electoral votes. At least a dozen have signed a letter directed to Vice President Mike Pence asking him to officially delay the count—and the number is still growing.

“There’s about 16 or 18 of us now that signed this letter to the Vice President … asking him to delay the electoral vote for 10 to 12 days,” Sen. Brandon Beach told The Epoch Times.

“We were going to get it to him tomorrow morning,” Beach said, adding that more Senators might still sign on.

More @ The Epoch Times

Congress Approves Rules Regulating Jan. 6 Electoral Vote Count (Stabbed in the Back Again)

 Via Clint

 Then-Vice President Joe Biden (C), presides over the counting of the electoral votes from the 2016 presidential election during a joint session of Congress, in Washington on Jan. 6, 2017. (Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

That will trigger a withdrawal from the joint session and a two-hour debate followed by votes in each chamber. Only with a majority vote from both the House and the Senate would a challenge be upheld, which even supporters find unlikely, considering that Democrats, who control the House, and Senate Republican leadership, including McConnell, have expressed disapproval of the plan to object.

The House of Representatives and the Senate on Jan. 3 adopted rules that outline how the counting of Electoral College votes will take place on Jan. 6.

The rules were passed without recorded votes. Instead, a voice vote was used in both chambers.

The guidance, introduced by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), says the chambers will meet in a joint session on Jan. 6 presided over by Vice President Mike Pence.

Pence, as president of the Senate, will open “all the certificates and papers purporting to be certificates of the electoral votes,” the rules state, a nod to the fact that seven states sent so-called competing electors to Washington, certificates for both Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and President Donald Trump.

More @ The Epoch Times

What 2020 Means for Southerners


But, for us, we must go forth, like Colonel Mosby’s raiders—the “Gray Ghost”—to harass and bedevil the Enemy, with all the hardships that means, with conviction and commitment, knowing that our hope is in God. 

In the end evil must fall.


During the past couple of months, from shortly after the presidential election until now, seven installments in the MY CORNER series have been picked up and (re)published, and while most of these dealt specifically with the election, an emphasis on the South and the vicious attacks upon it were never far from my thoughts.

To forthrightly and openly defend Southern, especially Confederate heritage these days marks one as a highly visible target in our “woke” society. Already I have been doxxed, once very seriously. The Daily Tar Heel, over at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, has attacked me for my writings defending Southern traditions and symbols. The old, discredited canards put out by Morris Dees and his Southern Poverty Law Center (e.g., that I am a racist, Neo-Confederate, etc.) continue to pop up from time-to-time. I am now more or less used to the “hate calls” and anonymous messages (many of which have come from Chapel Hill/Carrboro or “the Peoples Socialist Republic of Durham, NC”) which occasionally show up on my answering machine.

More @ The Abbeville Institute

Chinese Ballots? Chinese Shipping Receipt Found in Georgia Among Hundreds of Thousands of Shredded Ballots

"Word is the DOJ and DHS have been told to stand down. That President Trump himself has had to call agents on the ground asking them to continue."

A bombshell of epic proportions may have just dropped regarding massive voter fraud in Georgia. 

Former CEO Patrick Byrne just dropped two potential bombshells regarding fraudulent ballots that were shipped country-wide.One of those bombshells ties directly to Communist China.

According to Byrne, a Chinese shipping receipt has been found among hundreds of thousands of shredded ballots from Fulton County, Georgia.

Once again, no matter how much proof comes in, this information continues to be censored.

China undoubtedly interfered in our election, and it’s time someone does something about it. 

More @ WLT

President Trump Files Two Lawsuits Against Georgia Secretary of State for Leaking Confidential Litigation Call

President Trump Files Two Lawsuits Against Georgia Secretary of State for Leaking Confidential Litigation Call

Georgia Republican chairman David Shafer announced that President Trump and his team filed two lawsuits against Secretary of State Raffensperger.

David Shafer: “President Donald Trump has filed two lawsuits – federal and state – against Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. This was after Raffensperger secretly recorded the “confidential settlement discussion” of that litigation that is still pending.”

The audio published by the Washington Post is heavily edited and omits the stipulation that all discussions were for the purpose of settling litigation and confidential under federal and state law.

More @ RTM

Un PC: East Carolina Council Camporee. Boy Scouts, 1967 or 1968. Troop 49, Tarboro. Maybe some from Troop 96, Tarboro.

Via Gene 


Image may contain: 1 person, standing, on stage and outdoor

Team Of Georgia Auditor Gets SHOT AT In Atlanta As He Looks Into Alleged Fraud

#WARNING our team members who live in Atlanta are being attacked. One team members home took 5 shots through the windows in a drive by. Right through his daughters bedroom window. The #BiasAndHateMustStop

Last Wednesday, Georgia’s Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Elections as well as members of the Senate Judiciary Committee gathered to hold a hearing on Georgia's election laws.

During the hearing, inventor Jovan Pulitzer stated that he could easily audit Georgia's election results with special techniques that would identify fraudulent ballots.

More @ Trending Politics

The Electoral College

Via Red                                      

Electoral College  

"To be honest, it is very difficult to be entirely originalist about the Electoral College because it never really worked as intended. Contrary to the modern notion that it is just a way to state weigh the national popular vote, this was not the original intent. The original intent was to place a barrier between the election of the President and pure democracy. The Constitution does not even direct that those electors be popularly voted for. Theoretically each state would select however it decided hopefully wise and prudent electors who would then go to their state capitol and hash out who would be the state’s choice for President and Vice President. The Framers actually say nothing about parties and nothing about slates. The Framers feared parties. These state Electoral College votes would then be transmitted to DC where on the appointed day Congress would count them. 
That this very quickly didn’t worked as intended and the whole thing quickly devolved into a two party national election simply testifies to the fact that our Framers were imperfect and failed to see this potentiality. So, Massie may be technically right that the job of Congress is supposed to be to simply count a presumably previously unknown outcome, but this has little if anything to do with the modern system we actually have today which is leagues away from what the Framers intended. Today the outcome is “known” so the whole thing of “counting” the results potentially becomes just a formality. (Remember, theoretically we wouldn’t even know the outcome until the 6th if this was working as intended.) 
The Framers simply did not account for the possibility of mass election fraud. It wasn’t a national popular election. They did however account for an indecisive vote. So what is an originalist supposed to do in a situation where the original is for all intents and purposes a dead letter? My feeling is that allegations of fraud are most analogous to an indecisive vote, and should be adjudicated by Congress in the same way. There is historical precedent for this. Massie’s insistence that Reps and Senators can only “count” votes in the current context which resembles the original intent in very little way, I see as simply an unwarranted and imprudent imposition. Whether he is sincere in this belief or just excusing inaction I don’t know. I hope the former. But what we do know with absolute certainty is that nowhere in all this does the Constitution say a Rep or Senator cannot vote based on a good faith determination of who he thinks actually won the election in a particular state. 
That said, I would much prefer we get rid of national popular elections for President and return to the indirect democracy of a real functioning as originally intended Electoral College. I also agree with the Confederate Constitution that the President should be elected to one six year term. So if you aren’t down with me on that, please spare me your lectures about originalism."