Monday, January 18, 2021

Purely Political Today: Fires, bricks mark daylong assault on inaugural festivities


 January 21, 2017

Protesters set fires and hurled bricks in a daylong assault on the city hosting Donald Trump’s inauguration, registering their rage against the new president in a series of clashes that led to more than 200 arrests. Police used pepper spray and stun grenades to prevent the chaos from spilling into Trump’s formal procession and evening balls.

Several spirited demonstrations unfolded peacefully at various security checkpoints near the Capitol as police helped ticket-holders get through to the inaugural ceremony. Signs read, “Resist Trump Climate Justice Now,” ″Let Freedom Ring” and “Free Palestine.”

More @ AP

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe: The CIA Suppressed Information About China’s Interference In The 2020 Election

The Epoch Times reported the bombshell:

Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe assessed that China interfered in the 2020 federal elections, according to a letter transmitted to Congress.

In the letter (pdf), Ratcliffe alleges that intelligence about China’s election interference was suppressed by management at the CIA, which pressured analysts to withdraw their support for the view.

Citing a report by the Intelligence Community’s analytic ombudsman Barry Zulauf, the director of national intelligence said that some analysts were reluctant to describe China’s actions as election interference because the analysts disagreed with the policies of President Donald Trump.

More @ WLT

Nancy Pelosi Praises National Guard Presence in DC After Denouncing It During BLM Riots Last Year & Video Exposes Democrats Who Incited Violence Against Conservatives

Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) is singing a much different tune about the presence of National Guard troops in the nation’s capitol ahead of Inauguration Day.

Despite previously criticizing President Trump for deploying the reserve force during last year’s Black Lives Matter protests, in recent days Speaker Pelosi used the opportunity to thank troops stationed in Washington, D.C. for protecting “democracy” after a pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6.

More @ Team Candace Owens

Poll: 91% of GOP voters still with Trump … McConnell worried? & GOA supports calls for candidates to step forward and challenge those 10 GOP lawmakers, and will be working to defeat them

 Trump rally in Colorado

A poll taken after the Capitol Hill rioting that Democrats blame on President Donald Trump reveals that more than nine out of 10 of his supporters would still vote for him – results that could spell disaster for Republicans such as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell who have supported efforts to impeach the president.

The favorable Trump numbers relayed in a Washington Examiner report revealed the findings of pollster Frank Luntz – numbers that reportedly should have many Republicans who sided with the Democrats very concerned.

More @ ONN

From my old stompin' grounds: Will you watch Joe Biden’s inauguration Wednesday as the nation’s 46th president?



The Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies will host its 59th event Jan. 20.

Disclaimer: This poll represents an unscientific sampling of users.

Votes 509

328    No

170 Yes

11 Undecided

How the commies stole the election: One minute and fourteen seconds

Via Anonymous "Yes, the greatest crossroad. Ran across this video today of how the 'left' won the election. Short, to the point, and could help in showing others what happened. One minute and fourteen seconds

 Attempts to overturn the 2020 United States presidential election -  Wikipedia

Ex-Facebook Executive Says OANN And Newsmax Must Be De-platformed

Stamos, here's a shovel, get digging.

It looks like liberals aren’t too fond of OANN and Newsmax.

Former Facebook executive Alex Stamos appeared on CNN and went on a rant bashing Conservative news outlets.

Stamos specifically called out OANN and Newsmax by saying “we have to figure out OANN and Newsmax.. I’m not sure we need Verizon, AT&T, Comcast, and such to be bringing them into tens of millions of homes”. 

More @ WLT