Conservatism and the Southern Tradition


A review of Conservatism: An Invitation to the Great Tradition (All Points Books, 2018) by Sir Roger Scruton.

There is no such thing as conservatism, according to Sir Roger Scruton’s 155-page monograph, Conservatism: An Invitation to the Great Tradition. That is, there is no unified theory of conservatism because it is always localized to a time, a place, and a tradition. To say the word conservative means something different depending on who, and where, you are. But the philosophy of conservatism qua conservatism simply does not exist. By no means does that mean it’s empty, though.

Conservatism requires a modifier. There is Southern conservatism. There is British conservatism. There is even what you might call Yankee conservatism (see, e.g., the Salem Witch Trials). One might rightly say that there is a localized flavor of conservatism for every state and even every town, the objective of which is to preserve the native society, kinship, and ritual. Conservatism without a specific temporal and terrestrial provenance, though, is empty.

More @ The Abbeville Institute

Biden Senior Advisor Ranks Mao Zedong Among “Favorite Political Philosophers”

 Via Cousin John


In a scary preview of what lies ahead, a cherished senior advisor to President Joe Biden ranks murderous Communist dictator Mao Zedong among her “favorite political philosophers.” The egregious admission actually forced the veteran political operative, Anita Dunn, to resign as Obama’s White House communications director over a decade ago and now she’s back along with a lengthy roster of leftist officials who served under the 44th president. Dunn sticks out among the group because she publicly praised the Chinese Communist revolutionary responsible for killing tens of millions and it was caught on video.   

More  @ Judicial Watch

Biden Admin Deletes ‘1776 Commission’ from White House Website Immediately After Inauguration

 Supporters wave to outgoing US President Donald Trump as he returns to Florida along the route leading to his Mar-a-Lago estate on January 20, 2021 in West Palm Beach, Florida. Trump, the first president in more than 150 years to refuse to attend his successor's inauguration, is expected to spend …

Supporters Line Mar-a-Lago Streets to ‘Welcome Home’ Donald Trump

The 1776 Commission was removed from the White House website about an hour after President Joe Biden was sworn into office on Wednesday afternoon.

Biden had already prepared to reverse key policies of the Trump administration through executive orders on his first day in the White House. One of those policies to be reversed was the 1776 Commission, according to a report by CNN.

The 1776 Commission had released its final report on Monday, fulfilling Trump’s request to reaffirm the importance of America’s founding principles in the daily life and education of its citizens.

More @ Breitbart

Pair of 1979 Lincoln Continentals With Delivery Miles Is a Rare Time Capsule


 Auto Revolution

Here’s a pair of identically-specced Lincolns, one a Mark V and one a Town Car sedan, with the same owner, just now looking for their second owner. One that will, hopefully, take them out for at least one drive, as they come with delivery miles.

This is a clear case of a time capsule vehicle, with the twist that we’re talking about a pair of two versions of the same car. They were both bought at the same time by one Clyde L. Farris of Arden, North Carolina, who paid $17,717 for the Mark V and $16,251 for the Town Car. The former has 10 miles (16 km) on the odometer, while the latter just 7 (11 km).

They’re so new they still have the factory plastic in place. Mr. Farris bought them, drove them home, and then, for whatever reason, didn’t as much as bother to take the wrapping off.

Both have a 6.6-liter V8 engine with 166 hp mated to a 3-speed automatic transmission. Both have a cream exterior, which the Mark V pairs with a cream leather interior and the Town Car with gold plush seats. In the photos, the gold on the seats translates to a moldy green.

This intriguing pair is listed as separate items with Mecum Auctions as part of the Low Mileage Collection that crossed the auction block at the Kissimmee event. The event ended last weekend, and it looks like these two failed to secure a buyer since they’re now tagged with “The bid goes on…”

No estimate is offered for either, but both come with original documentation, original MSO, original bill of sale, original owner's manual and miscellaneous paperwork. And what is surely an entertaining story we might never hear.

Freedom of speech slipping away

                                                                                      Freedom of Speech Slipping Away | GOPUSA

Because those controlling these technology companies disproportionately have political sympathies to the left, it is the freedom of conservatives that is most seriously under siege.

As the new Biden-Harris administration assumes power, the most basic American freedom of speech and expression is under unprecedented threat.

For the first time ever, I am concerned about my freedom to do my work, to run a policy institute addressing issues of culture, race and poverty from a conservative perspective.

                                                                         More @ ONN

Democrats Are Framing Americans As Domestic Terrorists So They Can Do To Us What They Did To Trump In Spygate

Democrats Are Framing Americans As Domestic Terrorists So They Can Do To Us What They Did To Trump In Spygate


Democrats have moved swiftly to use the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol mayhem to push for a frightening expansion of federal surveillance and police powers, openly smearing anyone who voted for Donald Trump as a potential terrorist.

Democrats have moved swiftly to use the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol mayhem to push for a frightening expansion of federal surveillance and police powers under their sole control for two years, smearing anyone who voted for Donald Trump as a potential terrorist. Joe Biden himself called the Capitol protesters “domestic terrorists” and “insurrectionists” and said his administration will prioritize legislation to increase federal crackdowns on what Democrats consider to be “domestic terrorists.”

The main problem with that is that Democrats openly link Republican Party affiliation and mainstream conservative ideas to “domestic terrorism,” “extremism,” “white supremacy,” and other evils. To the left vanguard of the party that Biden’s administration is marching behind in both personnel and policy, simply supporting lower taxes and believing that “hard work can help you get ahead” is enough to mark you a “racist” and “white supremacist.” These redefined “racists” and “white supremacists” now face increased FBI surveillance, discrimination in military and other careers, suspension of their right to own guns lawfully based only on another person complaining they are a “threat,” public harassment and smears, government and business pressure campaigns and investigations, and more.

M0re @ The Federalist

Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook

 Via Billy

More than twenty years ago, as a very young man, I traveled in Ukraine. In one place, the local authorities were excavating a mass grave from the 1930s. Hundreds of skeletons, men and women, many with flesh and clothes still attached, had been laid out on wooden platforms, for attempted identification before reburial. If you looked, it was easy to see the cause of each person’s death—a square hole in the head. Why square? Because the Communists had hammered in a railroad spike. Why does this matter? Because what screams from every page of this book of Antifa apologetics is that the author, Mark Bray, and his compatriots, today’s direct ideological successors of those murderers, want to do the same to you.

More @ The Worthy House

A New World Dawns

 Via Bob

Well, it has arrived. The culmination of a stolen election will result in a new President at the exact time this post goes up. Rahm Emmanuel once said “Never let a crisis got to waste”. The permanent power structure in DC will heed those words, and do it remarkably quickly. They have been gaslighting the threat for weeks now – and it doesn’t matter if the violence they predicted did not materialize or that their original claims were not true. There are already rumors and moves for a Patriot Act 2.0; for a new wave of Stasi informers; for massive gun control; for deplatforming and denial of services to “undesirables”; for truth and reconciliation committees.
Don’t believe me?

Two Comments on the end of the Trump Presidency

Image may contain: one or more people, stripes, tree, table and indoor

In the waning hours of President Trump's term, I am thankful for his four years at the helm of this great nation. For the first time since Eisenhower (another hero of mine), we enjoyed a pro-military, anti-war administration that gave us an all-too-rare period of peace. My father, who fought in Korea and Vietnam, taught me that no one hates war more than the soldier. Having later fought for my country and as the father of a soldier, I know full well what he meant and am grateful. Trump led from a position of strength. He ushered in an expansion of religious protections after many years of seeing these rights chipped away. 

Our churches have always been key to the success of our country, and the right of our people to worship freely is enshrined in the First Amendment. Going forward, we must hold the line and keep the incoming politicians in check. President Trump brought - in spite of the best efforts of members of both parties - stability to the Southern border. It is telling that the President's staunchest ally at the end was President Obrador of Mexico. The wall Trump built was as helpful to Mexico as is was to the United States. 

President Trump demonstrated love of country and love of our flag as few in my lifetime have shown. He restored our economy - twice, restored our military after literally decades of war fought, and so much more, with little or no help from Congress. It has been a pleasure being able to serve this nation under this Commander-in-Chief. I will miss him. 



Its an ill wind that blows no one any good. 

I am pleased to announce the end of those endless pompous pontifications from this quarter.  I leave that behind, along with the rights, liberties and freedoms formerly enjoyed.  With those rights, liberties and freedom came responsibility, which I also now abjure. From time to time, I may pass on odd tidbits and memes I find amusing.

It saddens me to report also, that the creative impulse has flown.  There will likely be no more stories, anecdotes, memories recounted.  I enjoyed writing and cartooning, but when the jar is empty, it's empty. 

I thank you all for your courteous attendance and I wish y'áll the best of what possibilities remain to us.  Vaja con Dios.



Gov. Abbott Rips ‘Loyalty’ Screening In Place For Troops At Biden Inauguration: I’ll Never Send Troops To D.C. Again

 Gov. Greg Abbott, R-Texas, holds a news conference with Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, (not pictured) in the U.S. Capitol to discuss Syrian refugee legislation on Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2015.

Republican Gov. Greg Abbott (TX) on Monday night ripped into the so-called “loyalty” screening of tens of thousands of National Guards troops to secure the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden.

Linking to a piece from The Washington Post concerning the excess screening of 25,000 National Guard troops, Abbott posted: “This is the most offensive thing I’ve ever heard. No one should ever question the loyalty or professionalism of the Texas National Guard.”

More @ The Daily Wire