Thursday, February 18, 2021

Industrialization and the Survival of the Peculiar Institution


Coming out of the American Revolution, the nation faced a slave problem that most today could scarcely imagine and that was unemployment. The Slave labor force had grown from reproduction and from importing of slaves by the northern slave traders in a situation that, using modern business terms, was more of supplier push than buyer pull. That is the suppliers wanted to sell their human cargo more than buyers wanted to buy it. When, during the Constitutional Convention, it was determined that the slave trade would be allowed to continue until 1808 instead of being ended at that time, the popular impression is that Southerners wanted the trade to continue and the Northern representatives simply agreed to it as a concession through negotiation but it was New England interests that wanted this and the provision was more of a concession to them.  The Duke de Rochefoucault Liancourt, traveling in the States in 1795 described,

More @ The Abbeville Institute

‘Slavery Ended Over 130 Years Ago’: College Hall of Famer Herschel Walker Testifies Against Reparations Bill During Hearing

 'Slavery Ended Over 130 Years Ago': College Hall of Famer Herschel Walker Testifies Against Reparations Bill During Hearing

College Football Hall of Famer Herschel Walker, 58, spoke against a bill that purportedly would pave the way for reparations for descendants of slaves during a Feb. 17 hearing.

Walker, a supporter of former President Donald Trump, said during a House Judiciary Committee meeting Wednesday that “atonement” wouldn’t help Black people.

 More @ Atlanta Black Star

Trump ready to make McConnell's life miserable

.........Trump’s allies say McConnell has unquestionably made life much more difficult for many in his caucus. They say that in addition to anti-Trump lawmakers, some longstanding members that might not have had a primary opponent are more likely to draw challengers now.

“What he’s done has made it more likely that members of his caucus will get primary challenges and he's undoubtedly made [Sen.] Rick Scott's job at the NRSC [National Republican Senatorial Committee] much more difficult,” said one GOP consultant. “It’s a clear case of Leader McConnell putting his petty personal feud with Donald Trump ahead of the well-being of his Republican members in the Senate and it’s unforgivable.”

Trump had a 98 percent success rate in the 2020 primary cycle, according to data kept by the FiveThirtyEight.

More @  The Hill

Trump!: Declined to meet with Haley, who extended an invitation to meet according to sources.


More @ WLT

Venezuela Turns to Privatization After Being Bankrupted by Socialism

 Via Billy


After much pain and suffering, Venezuelan socialist leaders have conceded they cannot effectively run an economy.

 Early in 2007, after winning a second six-year term as president, Hugo Chávez announced his plan to nationalize Venezuela’s largest telecommunications company, CANTV, hinting at wider nationalization plans to come.

“All that was privatized, let it be nationalized,” announced Chávez, who had run under the banner of democratic socialism.

Nearly a decade and a half later, on the brink of mass famine and a growing energy crisis, Venezuela is now moving in the opposite direction.

More @ The Liberty Loft

IBM and the Holocaust

 Via Lew


IBM CEO Thomas J. Watson (second from left) meets with Hitler in Berlin, June 1937, just before receiving medal for "service to the Reich"; image via Jewish Virtual Library

BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 1,935, February 18, 2021

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Twenty years ago last week, IBM and the Holocaust, exposed—backed up by a tower of documentation— that IBM knowingly organized all six phases of the Holocaust: identification, exclusion, confiscation, ghettoization, deportation, and even extermination. All of this occurred under the micromanagement of IBM’s celebrated CEO, Thomas Watson, Sr., operating from his New York office on Madison Avenue, and later through European subsidiaries. In view of what IBM was able to accomplish on behalf of the Nazis prior to the era of the computer, the thought of what big tech can now do to surveil, censor, and control human lives is sobering indeed.

More @ BESA

Our Military’s SJW-Driven Abandonment of Warfighting Is Going to Get Troops Killed

 Via Billy

 Our Military’s SJW-Driven Abandonment of Warfighting Is Going to Get Troops Killed

The military used to be a welcoming safe space for patriots. But no more. With this insane babbling about “internal enemies,” does anyone think that potential recruits do not understand that this slur is what the liberal elite that the military brass obeys calls people like them and their families? Why would you join an organization that sees you as an enemy?

It gives me no pleasure to say that I no longer recommend that young people join the military, and I’m not alone. The non-Blue Falcon veteran community is in full revolt against the conscious decision to decline embraced by our current military leadership. After failing to win a war in the last 20 years – and don’t say Syria, because the second President * woke up in the Oval Office wondering how he got there, more of our troops were heading back into the hellscape for reasons no one has bothered to articulate – the military has decided to target an easier enemy, i.e., other Americans.

More @ Townhall

The War Through Women’s Eyes, Part I

"[July 23 1861] Witnessed for the first time a military funeral. As that march came wailing up, they say Mrs. Bartow fainted. The empty saddle and the led war-horse---we saw and heard it all, and now it seems we are never out of the sound of the Dead March in Saul. It comes and it comes, until I feel inclined to close my ears and scream."

From Mary Boykin Chesnut's
A Diary from Dixie.

The War Through Women's Eyes

by Douglas Southall Freeman

Chapter VI of
The South to Posterity,1

[Publisher's Note, by Gene Kizer, Jr.
: This is a fascinating article in which I have inserted 11 illustrations, mostly photographs. There is much on Phoebe Pember, who was born and raised in Charleston, and there are several dramatic passages from A Diary from Dixie at the end of this post. The style of the citation, and content of each note, are Douglas Southall Freeman's, verbatim. 

More @ Charleston Athenaeum

Expert Warns Biden Has Launched ‘Four-Prong Attack Against’ Second Amendment, Advises How to Respond

 “One is universal background check is really a universal registration system. Second is banning of assault weapons and then defining assault weapons as almost any semi-automatic firearm. Third is banning magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, you know, again, hurts people twice for self defense in our country, and then attacking the firearms industry so that any criminal that goes out and misuses a gun, the gun manufacturer can be sued for it, it’s going to put the industry out of business and nobody can buy a gun.”

More @ Team Candace Owens

A hard truth for the 'swamp dwellers'


"Mitch McConnell may not like that," he recognizes. "The National Chamber of Commerce, with its tongue hanging out wishing for more trade with Communist China, they may not like it. The swamp dwellers that I have to work with every day don't like it."

A conservative activist says whether anyone likes it or not, Donald Trump is the leader of the Republican Party.

Just after voting to acquit on the impeachment charge, Mitch McConnell said in a Senate floor speech that Donald Trump was "practically and morally responsible" for the violence at the Capitol on January 6.  In response, Trump issued a blistering attack against McConnell, calling the Senate minority leader an "unsmiling political hack" who should be thrown out of office.

More @ ONN

‘I Was So Disgusted’: Father Of Parkland Victim Rips Biden For Using Anniversary Of Massacre To Push Gun Control


Andrew Pollack, whose daughter Meadow Pollack was killed in the mass shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, speaks to U.S. President Donald Trump about school safety and the new Federal Commission on School Safety report during a roundtable discussion with family members of shooting victims, alongside state and local officials, in the Roosevelt Room at the White House on December 18, 2018 in Washington, DC.

Every one of those [gun control measures] that he wants to put in place wouldn’t have made a difference in my daughter getting murdered in Parkland. They’re not capable of looking at solutions.”

Andrew Pollack, whose daughter Meadow was one of the victims at the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, on Valentine’s Day 2018, slammed President Biden for using the third anniversary of the shooting to push his gun control plan. Pollack told Newsmax TV’s Grant Stinchfield that he was disgusted with Biden’s course of action.

Pollack, the author of “Why Meadow Died: The People and Policies That Created the Parkland Shooter and Endanger America’s Students,” was asked by Stinchfield, “How do you sum up the state of school security three years later, and all the work that you’ve done to keep kids safe?”

More @ The Daily Wire

Ocasio-Cortez Slams Texas: That’s What Happens ‘When You Don’t Pursue A Green New Deal’ - Critics respond: "This is 'quite literally' false.

 House Financial Services Committee member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) puts on her glasses as the committee takes a break in the testimony of Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg in the Rayburn House Office Building on Capitol Hill October 23, 2019 in Washington, DC

On Wednesday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) took a swipe at Texas political leaders, propounding that the suffering Texans are experiencing because of the freezing cold and concomitant power outages could have been addressed by her “Green New Deal.”

Ocasio-Cortez tweeted, “The infrastructure failures in Texas are quite literally what happens when you *don’t* pursue a Green New Deal. Weak on sweeping next-gen public infrastructure investments, little focus on equity so communities are left behind, climate deniers in leadership so they don’t long prep for disaster. We need to help people *now.* Long-term we must realize these are the consequences of inaction.”

More @ The Daily Wire