Friday, March 26, 2021

NC: Confederate monument getting permanent steel fence from county

 Via Allen


Alamance News

A miniature backhoe was working last week at the base of the Confederate monument that guards the northern approach to Alamance County’s historic courthouse.

The county authorized the flower bed’s destruction as it prepares to install a permanent steel fence to replace the portable barricades that it has used to protect the century-old monument from would-be vandals, including any who show up as protesters.

A proposed design for the fence, which was originally submitted to Graham’s historic resources commission in August, appears to have received the commission’s approval in February.

Installation of the fence is expected as soon as next week.

Southern Reflections on Being Neighborly


 I bid you take thought of your honor and heritage as a Southerner. To value pleasure and possessions and self more than the exercise of neighborly virtue and community is, to be quite blunt, a Yankee way of thinking and acting.

A white house sits on the outskirts of a small town in upstate South Carolina. It is modest in both size and appearance, and rather old, and in front of it next to the highway is a large cross which appears to have taken some money and effort to erect. There is a sign which invites any passerby to stop and kneel at the cross to pray, particularly for the good of the nation. This house is remarkable for the contrast it presents to so many other houses in these parts. Many a house sits guarded by a gate and fence, dogs, and a platoon of signs bearing the stern warnings of NO TRESPASSING, KEEP OUT, BEWARE OF DOG, and the like. In many cases this makes for a real eyesore, but, more importantly, it suggests something about the attitudes of the householders in question, as does the former householder’s cross.

                                                        More @ The Abbeville Institute

Gibbon’s Long-Haired Barbarian

Admiral Raphael Semmes (1809- 1877) was a Naval Academy graduate, prewar lawyer and remarkable naval strategist who quite-nearly destroyed the US merchant marine with his devastating commerce raiding tactics. A frequent critic of the New England mind and character, he saw the Yankee as “ambitious, restless, scheming, energetic, and has no inconvenient moral nature to retrain him from the pursuit of his interests, be the path ever so crooked. In the development of material wealth he is unsurpassed.” Below, he describes President Jefferson Davis’ path after departing Richmond in 1865.

More @ Circa 1865

An Open Letter to Walmart

 Via Jonathan

Dear Mr. McMillon, Mr. Penner, and the Walmart Board of Directors, 

 On behalf of the people of Arkansas, I appeal to your patriotism, to your oft-stated love of our great State, and to your heritage, and call upon you to mandate that, within ten years, every product sold in Walmart stores nationwide must be made in America. This “Made in America” mandate would unilaterally force every company on earth that wishes to do business with you to move its production facilities—and all of the jobs that accompany them—back to America, where they belong.  

More @ Reckonin'

Here's why America's going the way of Venezuela

A growing number of Americans, it seems, are surprised at how fast we are descending from a free and liberty-loving society to one that gives every appearance of emulating any one of many failed socialist/communist states.

But still most cling to the idea that this can never happen here – right? Of course not – although, for example, not too long ago Venezuela was one of the most prosperous nations on Earth. But hey – as the saying goes – they just haven't done socialism/communism right. Seems no one has.

For years we conservatives complained about Obama – that he was a lawless president, he was despotic, that we've never seen anyone like him. How did he ever get elected?

More @ WND

Mark Stein Hilarious On Tucker Carlson! [Bumbling Biden]

Thirty years later, war story has a happy ending

Via David

As I watched the Continental Airlines flight touch down, I knewNguyen Cong Hiep was aboard and suddenly I was no longer at JohnWayne airport in Orange County; I was back in Laos in 1968,surrounded by the North Vietnamese Army.

On Oct. 7, 1968, our six-man Special Forces reconnaissance teampaused on a hilltop in the Laotian jungle, looking for an AmericanPOW camp. As I opened a can of apricots, Hiep and Nguyen Van Sauopened fire on more than a dozen NVA soldiers climbing the hill tokill us. My back was to the NVA as Hiep, Sau and the remainingthree men on Spike Team Idaho cut loose with a deafening blast offull automatic gunfire.

More @ San Diego Union-Tribune

Honeymooner: Biden’s Bonhomie Unlikely To Last


Minute and repetitive questions about the dire border conditions were funneled into a series of responses based on the alleged inhumanity of the previous administration and scrupulously ignored President Trump’s achievement in reducing illegal southern border entries by almost 90%.

President Joe Biden’s first news conference was the high point of his administration to date; he was fluent, good-humored, well-informed, and only slightly bobbled one or two questions and not in a way that surpassed the confusion deliberately created by Dwight D. Eisenhower’s complicated syntax or Lyndon Johnson’s Texan colloquialisms.

He was well-rehearsed to take predictable questions on the Democrats’ soft-points and respond with articulate answers that had almost nothing to do with the real issue. Less reassuringly, he read from briefing notes at length in a manner that brazenly advertised the pre-selection of questionnaires, questions, and generally windy and evasive answers.

More @ The New York Sun

Trump Responds to Biden’s First Press Conference: ‘An Absolute Embarrassment’


Former President Donald Trump on Thursday night blasted what he called “softball” questions asked by reporters during President Joe Biden’s first press conference earlier in the day.

Speaking to Fox News host Laura Ingraham, Trump said Biden’s presser was like a “different world” compared to when he faced questions from the Washington press corp.

More @ RTM