Confederate ‘Cavalry’ rides through Stone Mountain Park after permit denied

 Via Susan

Confederate ‘Cavalry’ rides through Stone Mountain Park after permit denied 

More than 100 motorcyclists — many toting Confederate flags — rode through Stone Mountain Park on Saturday morning after officials denied a permit for a Confederate Memorial Day celebration.

The Georgia division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans planned to hold its annual celebration at the DeKalb County park this weekend, but was denied permission by the Stone Mountain Mountain Memorial Association.

Motre @ AJC

MUGSHOTS Released of BLM-Antifa Dirtbags Arrested in Brooklyn Center, MN This Week — With Video

 Via Billy

Free Range Targets Below

The Gateway Pundit

Arizona Senate to Start Major Audit of 2.1 Million 2020 Presidential Election Ballots

Arizona Senate to Start Major Audit of 2.1 Million 2020 Presidential Election Ballots

“The Maricopa BOS has refused to allow us to perform the audit at their facilities,” Fann said, “and has gone so far as to refusing to even answer simple questions such as ‘how are the ballots sequestered? It’s taken the Senate two and a half months to win in court to uphold our right to issue subpoenas for election materials and another 6 weeks of researching to select the audit team to perform the full forensic audit.”

A Republican-led Senate is ready to start a major audit of 2.1 million ballots for the 2020 presidential election, with the recount will be done by hand this time.

The Arizona Senate said in March they would be conducting a “broad and detailed” audit, adding that they will test voting machines, scan ballots, look for IT breaches, and perform a hand count.

More @ RTM

Remembering John C. Calhoun

The spring of 1850 is an ominous perpetrator. Notwithstanding the crisis our country faced during those trying years leading to the so-called compromise of 1850, March 31st marks the death of one of our most favorable and forbearing men in our history, John C. Calhoun. Calhoun had always been a man of great vigor and zeal, uncompromising in his approach to government and politics. Such admirable characteristics led to great achievements during his political career. His stance on nullification, his Disquisition on Government (a great and significant undertaking of the role of government and its constitutions), and his love for the South and its sheltered defense of overarching federal structures are all examples of the tremendous exploits the man championed as his cause for political existence. Such a man can never be forgotten. It is incumbent upon not only my own generation, but for those which will come, to bear out his name and impress his legacy in our own history, here, in this time and of the times to come.

More @ The Abbeville Institute

Another Brick In The Wall

The FCC is apparently getting more aggressive in policing amateur radio. This is, in my estimate, yet another avenue to silence conservative voices; by regulating us out of existence. Now that the Bolsheviks have seized (further) power in our nation's capital, they will be getting (even more) aggressive in centralizing power and diminishing state's rights.

It's not merely a matter of their current hold in office - while there, they will be infesting the Federal bureaucracy with their ideologues (and simultaneously vastly expanding the size and intrusion of that

Those aren't appointments, nor elected - but career civil service. Which is to say it will be all but impossible to be rid of them and they, in turn, will ensure that only their fellow ideologues will be hired,
promoted, or retained. My recommendation is to render the politicians irrelevant to your life, at least to the extent that you are able. And for crying out loud, don't look to them for the solution - they're the
problem, as is the fetid corruption that they represent.

We have a system designed to be self-governing, but we have failed to live up to that obligation and, in that void, the bureaucrats have quickly swept in. The administrative state started with Wilson, FDR
ramped it up, but it wasn't until LBJ that the rot become systemic....since then, it's been a decline - some ups, some downs, but since the mid-60's the trend has been decline of our country, our economy, our sovereignty, our society and our liberty.

Local involvement is the only solution, and it where the Bolsheviks have been eating our lunch - by infesting school boards, budget committees, public schools, and so forth. Get to know your county sheriff and local power structure. As always, follow the money.

That's all I can offer, along with filing complaints under the provisions of Title 18 U.S.C, Sections 241 and 242. But be advised if you do so, you will, in all likelihood, be persecuted. So it may not be
a bad idea to first divest yourself of your assets and have them  transferred to your heirs or some other trust.

A close friend and former co-worker of mine, very conservative - her family established a gaming business in Las Vegas - very successful. In 2010 or so, Dear Leader's administration shook them down for over $2M...just because they could - point is, once you're on the list, you are not likely to see any peace.



Via John

NC: Task Force to Fight Critical Race Theory in Schools.

 Via Tom

The state's lieutenant governor announces a task force to fight critical race theory in schools.

Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson is seeking to provide support for parents, teachers, and most importantly, students who are willing to stand up for North Carolina's future by exposing indoctrination in the classroom and ensuring that our students are taught how to think - not what to think. The Office of the Lieutenant Governor is establishing a Task Force (FACTS) to monitor the state of affairs within North Carolina classrooms. The primary goal of this task force is to allow the voices of concerned citizens to be heard regarding public K-12 education in North Carolina.

The FACTS Task Force advisory board is composed of education professionals representing all levels of K-12 including teachers, administrators, and university professors.

Purpose of the Task Force.

More @ LT GOV

CNN ‘Hemorrhaging Viewers,’ With Ratings Down 54 Percent Overall, Down 60 Percent In Key Demographic

 A CNN presenter is seen during the 2018 NATO Summit in Brussels, Belgium on July 11, 2018.

Adding to weeks of reports of dwindling ratings, CNN has been “hemorrhaging viewers” since President Joe Biden took office on Inauguration Day. According to reports, CNN’s ratings are “down more than 50 percent in multiple categories” since January 20.

“The liberal network spent years attacking former President Donald Trump and the network thrived during his final days in office amid a brief post-election spike. CNN averaged 2.2 million viewers during the first three weeks of 2021, but it has averaged just one million viewers since Biden took office, a staggering decline of 54 percent,” reported Fox News.

More @ The Daily Wire