Monday, May 3, 2021

Biden vs. Biden on ‘Is America a Racist Country?’

 Biden vs. Biden on 'Is America a Racist Country?'

Can you lead a country about whose history you profess shame? And how long will Americans follow leaders who appear to agree with those who hate what America was and, yes, what America is?

“Hear me clearly: America is not a racist country.”

So declared Sen. Tim Scott, a Black Republican, in his televised rebuttal to Joe Biden’s address to Congress.

Asked the next day what he thought of Scott’s statement, Biden said he agrees. “No, I don’t think the American people are racist.”

Vice President Kamala Harris also agreed with Scott, “No, I don’t think America is a racist country.”

More @ Patrick J. Buchanan

The Legacies of Reconstruction: How “White Supremacy” Was Born and Repainted

*General Gordon promised the men a gold medal and 30 days leave if they accomplished their task and many years after the War my great grandfather wrote General Gordon, who was then governor of Georgia about this incident. They exchanged several letters which I have framed. The Attack On Fort Stedman


Former Confederate Lt. General and future Georgia U.S. Senator and Governor, John Brown Gordon, told a Congressional Committee in 1871: 

“We never had any apprehension from the conduct of the negroes until unscrupulous men came among them and tried to stir up strife.” 

The South was as devastated during the Civil war of 1861 to 1865 as much as any nation in the annals of warfare.  By the end of the war, more than 250,000 Confederate soldiers, one out of every four white men, had been killed or died of wounds or disease. In addition, at least 50,000 Southern civilians died.  Over 40 percent of private property including homes, businesses, livestock, and crops had been destroyed. In South Carolina, where Sherman’s men had burned the capitol city of Columbia, over 50 percent of private property was destroyed. Most of this property damage was deliberately inflicted on the civilian population to deny the Confederate Army the logistical means of resistance, but also to demoralize their families and supporters at home.  It was ordered in cold calculation by Northern political and military leadership and often executed with self-righteous religious zeal or criminal abandon.  Neither Christian teachings nor modern Geneva Conventions condone such total war.  Reconstruction was an extension of that total war by political means.

More @ The Times-Examiner

AZ GOP Chair Kelli Ward: "Arizona Is The First Domino That Will Fall”

The Arizona Chairwoman and others all agree that the audit in Arizona will cause other forensic audits state by state.

Hopefully Dr.Ward is right.

People from all walks of life have voiced concern and provided testimony that they witnessed fraud or polling ‘irregularities’ during the 2020 election.

There are various reports everywhere—basically, a mountain of evidence that something was going on.

What did we get from our ‘leaders’ and courts though? Silence.

The problem with recounting votes and then saying: “no evidence of fraud” is a huge mistake. The kind of fraud that happened cannot simply be caught by recounting ballots.

More @ WLT

Colonel John Taylor Wood’s Escape

Confederate Gold and Silver : A Story of the Lost Confederate Treasury and...

The following account is related by Capt. William H. Parker, CSN, who had charge of the Confederate treasury in gold, silver and bullion, estimated at about $500,000, as it was transported southward in 1865. The term “Dutchman” was derived from “Deutsch,” or German, which was the language and nativity of many of the North’s soldiers – estimated at 25% by 1864. Secretary of War John C. Breckinridge and Treasury Secretary Judah. P. Benjamin were the only Confederate cabinet members not captured.

More @ Circa 1865

Snow White may be CANCELED as Disneyland ride sparks fury over non-consensual ‘true love’s kiss’ while she was asleep

'True love's kiss' has come under fire from academics in the past

Via John "She is not only a white supremacist, but she fell asleep and was sexually assaulted (by being kissed without permission), from a male white supremacist. She has to go, and that mauler, Prince Charming, has to go, too. It's hard to find any fun in this now angry and nearly humorless society we're creating. It is becoming ugly to the core."

DISNEYLAND'S popular Snow White ride in California is under fire for its "true love's kiss" scene, which shows the Prince kissing the sleeping princess.

Critics claim that the cartoon character was being kissed without her consent and have blasted Disneyland for including it in the re vamped ride in Anaheim.

More @ The U.S. Sun

Contemplation in an Evil Time


 The Abbeville Institute

Written in the Year 2021

Hampton, our stalwart Wade,
             As wily as Odysseus in war
As full of rage for truth in time of fraud
             As any celebrated Greek,
He saw his son fall at his feet,
             Kissed him a hard farewell
In manner Hector or Odysseus
             Would bring to tears,
Turned back to battlefield
             Which he controlled
As full of righteous anger
As Achilles ever knew.
             Remains the story of the power in his arm
             That wielded on his mount
             A burnished broadsword Roman style.

He fought until the end
             To time when Appomattox
             Was already distanced past
To build again
A burned and tragic home,
             A hero to his land
Who sent him to defend again
In nation’s torn and still divided halls
             Until unseated by a demagogue.
             His friends assured,
             “Your State will send you back
             Through legislative act,”
But he said “No. The seat to be bestowed
             Not sought and not begged for.”

The heavy Roman sword
             But takes a muscled arm to even lift,
That split a skull in twain to shoulder blade,
             Is still with us today
             If but display.
The marvel is its heaviness
Far heavier than the head that wears a crown
In time that bears a weakling, pandering brood
With no such giants in the land.

Arizona GOP Leader Kelli Ward Sounds the Alarm – Dem Secretary of State Hobbs Is Sneaking Dem Operatives from Biased Orgs into Maricopa County Audit

 Via Alan

Arizona GOP Leader Kelli Ward is sounding the alarm.  Deep State players from Democrat Not-for-Profits (NFPs) were snuck onto the Maricopa County Audit these past couple of days.  They are as corrupt as their ‘non-biased’ NFPs are and have no business being on the audit floor.

We reported on Thursday that three far-left NFPs requested that the DOJ intervene on the audit in Arizona and stop it: 

More @ The Gateway Pundit