Thursday, July 15, 2021

Rules for Northern Immigrants


With the onset of the latest leftist government regime, many Americans are migrating South to escape oppressive taxes and gain other income advantages. Some of you may even be moving whole businesses here. Being the gracious Southerners that we are, our impulse is to welcome you, to invite you in for a metaphorical cup of coffee or a leisurely front porch chat. Our inclination is to make you feel at home, to accept you. But it is a conditional acceptance.

You are relocating to a place that is different, populated with people who have their own ideas about things. You would do well to remember it. If you are under the impression that the modern iteration of Southern life is radically different from the past and is oh so Yankee-fied it will object to nothing, you have been misled. Southern mores may look different – and they, too, have suffered under a coarse and imposed federal culture – but enough remain that their violation can still poke the rattlesnake if you aren’t careful.

I write this for your own good.

More @ The Abbeville Institute

Our Confederate Ancestors: Part Three of The Daring Exploits of H. D. D. Twiggs and His Confederate Compatriots in the War Between the States

Defence of Battery Wagner, July 18th 1863. Addresses delivered before the  Confederate Survivors' Association ... by Col: C. C. Jones ... Hon: Lieut:  Col: H. D. D. Twiggs ... and by Captain

But, my friends, I may not detain you. An eloquent member of this Association has consented, on this occasion, to revive the memory of a siege illustrious in the annals of war; a siege, the brave traditions of which will live with the recollections of Leyden and Malta, Crema and Saragossa. Himself an actor in the grand drama, he will speak with the thunders of the guns still ringing in his ears, with the incidents of the strife indelibly stamped upon his retentive memory, and with the fervor of one who bared his breast in the heroic defence of Battery Wagner. I have the honor and the pleasure of presenting our friend and comrade, Lieutenant Colonel H. D. D. Twiggs, of the Georgia Regulars.

Introduction by Col. Charles C. Jones, Jr., President of the Confederate Survivors Association in 1892, 29 years after the Battle of Battery Wagner.

More @ Charleston Athenaeum Press

United Nations Formally Invited by Biden Admin to Investigate “the Scourge of Racism, Racial Discrimination, and Xenophobia” in the US

 Via Billy

The United Nations has been formally invited by the Biden Administration to investigate “the scourge of racism, racial discrimination, and xenophobia” in the US, according to Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Joe Biden, a lifelong racist, claims his administration is “deeply dedicated” to addressing “racial injustice” on the global stage.

More @ The Gateway Pundit

New Revelations Show How Absolutely Dangerous Our Military Leadership Has Become


The descent into leftism of our current military brass has been a much-discussed topic lately. As RedState reported previously, the woke ad campaigns belittle the mission and make a mockery of the readiness of our military. While China grows a more capable Navy and prioritizes physical ability, the US Army and other branches are out there plugging for people with anxiety disorder and gay parents.

But just in case you thought our military leadership was delusional enough, a new book reveals just how insane they were and continue to be.

More @ Red State

US media shamefully justified a string of Canadian church burnings

 Via Billy

 US media shamefully justified a string of Canadian church burnings

One fire destroyed six stained-glass windows created to show indigenous culture can coexist with Catholicism. For mainstream media, though, the “genocide” story was too good to check: They could attack the Roman church and whites in one fell swoop. Yet it’s Canada’s natives who are being traumatized yet again.

One day this month in Canada, 10 Catholic churches were vandalized in a single city, Calgary. In the last month, arsonists and vandals have attacked dozens of Canadian churches, burning some entirely to the ground.

America has 70.5 million Catholics; Canada, with just over a 10th of the population, has close to 13 million. So this is a big story. Yet the US media aren’t interested in reporting our northern neighbor’s plague of church burnings — except to suggest it’s understandable.

More @ New York Post

The Amendment That Never Was


The date of the latest federal holiday, June 19th, was touted as the one marking the end of slavery in America. While few today would argue with the idea of honoring emancipation, the selection of that date in 1865 leaves much to be desired. If one truly wanted to commemorate the legal end of American slavery, the date for such a memorial should have been December 6th . . . the day in 1865 when the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution was finally ratified and actually accomplished full and legal emancipation.

June 19th is merely the day in 1865 when Union troops under the command of Major General Gordon Granger landed in Galveston, Texas, a little over a week after Confederate Major General Kirby Smith effectively ended the War by surrendering the Army of the Trans-Mississippi. After General Gordon’s arrival, he immediately issued General Order Number Three which proclaimed that the slaves in Galveston were now free. As the Thirteenth Amendment had not yet been ratified, the general had no legal authority to issue such an order other than basing it on Lincoln’s two-year old Emancipation Proclamation.

More @ The Abbeville Institute