Thursday, July 22, 2021

The CCP's collaborators are helping destroy America: "......Biden's 'personal Communist Gestapo' is busy subjugating citizens"

  Via Billy

 Communists approve Joe Biden for president - Washington Times

Communists approve Joe Biden for president

We have a choice: Either we surrender our religion, our country, our constitution and our freedoms; or we stand up and fight for them.

It has become clear that Biden is using the FBI and CIA as his personal Communist Gestapo. They are betraying our country while breaking the law, violating our constitutional rights and spying on us with impunity. Remember how immediately after Jan. 6 the FBI ordered Bank of America to hunt through everybody's credit card files and locate who bought tickets to D.C. and who purchased anything in D.C. during that time? Then the feds used Google's facial recognition software to hunt down Trump supporters, broke into their homes and jailed over 500 Trump supporters, without charges and without attorneys, some for over six months. Remember? Yet, for the past year, this same FBI was unable to track down a single Antifa/BLM rioter!

These are carefully planned attacks, attacking us, our religion and our constitutional rights from all angles: voting, free assembly, free association, freedom of religion, right to carry, equal application of the law, draconian COVID mask mandates, calling us domestic terrorists/insurgents, calling everything we say "disinformation' and deleting it. All carefully designed to destabilize our country, create total confusion and paralyze us with fear. Remember how they lie and contradict themselves constantly? How they delete all information they don't want us to know – until we don't know whom or what to believe and will be forced to give up, exhausted?

More @ WND

"Perhaps what we see in the streets of Cuba is a harbinger of what could happen in America when we are fed up with the serial lies our government is feeding us."

 Via John

 Socialism Has Ruined Cuba, And It Seeks To Engulf The United States

To objectively understand what is occurring in Cuba, to gauge how these events are once again affecting the United States, and to put forth a response, one must understand the history of the Castro dictatorship and how America has related to it.

The government in Cuba is a self-described socialist-Marxist regime, as proclaimed by Fidel Castro himself. It is a murderous, perennial abuser of human rights. The proof of its 60 years of murder are legion, one of which can be found here.

More @ The Federalist

Mario Sánchez is a data scientist for a private company. He was born in Cuba and joined the U.S. Marine Corps at the age of 17 during the Vietnam era, where he was part of a Special Forces unit....? He went on to earn an M.S. and Ph.D. in computer science and has held senior executive information technology roles in corporate America. He lives in Miami.

Was the Battle of Liberty Place a “Race Riot”?


Although commonly portrayed as one of the largest mob attacks on blacks by white racists during Reconstruction, the so-called 1874 Battle of Liberty Place in New Orleans was really a conflict between the militias of two competing state governments.

The story begins in 1868 with the election of Carpetbagger Henry Warmoth as Louisiana’s first elected Republican governor. To ensure future Republican victories at the polls, in 1870 his legislature established a five-man Election Returning Board, which had final authority to determine the outcome of all major elections. It is perhaps the most egregious example of how Reconstruction-era Republican Puppet Regimes used control of the election machinery to force their will on the people.

More @ The Abbeville Institute

TN Building Commission votes in favor of removal of busts of Nathan Bedford Forrest, U.S. Admiral David Farragut and U.S. Admiral Albert Gleaves from the capitol.

 Via Billy

Gov. Haslam says Nathan Bedford Forrest bust may not stay at Capitol

“There has only been one perfect person to walk on this earth - everyone else has fallen short. Our country was established by imperfect people who made a great country that stands for hope, opportunity, and liberty. Trying to judge past generations’ actions based on today’s values and the evolution of societies is not an exercise I am willing to do because I think it is counterproductive. It is much more productive to learn from our past and not repeat the imperfections of the past. Any attempt to erase the past only aligns society with the teaching of communism, which believes the present dominates the past. From the very beginning, the legislature has tried to follow the process and procedure in a respectful manner, and we did that today. Moving forward, the legislature will be working on revising current law to include a more significant voice of those elected.”

More @ WSMV

Our Confederate Ancestors: Part Four, Conclusion, of The Daring Exploits of H. D. D. Twiggs and His Confederate Compatriots in the War Between the States: The Union Assault on Battery Wagner, July 18, 1863

Wagner, which up to that moment seemed to the Federals to be almost without life, was suddenly lit up with a sheet of flame from bastion to bastion. The deepening twilight was illumined by the irruptive flashes of the small arms and the dark parapet of Wagner was decorated by a glowing ring of fire. The rattle and crash of thirteen hundred rifles was deafening and the guns of the gallant Simkins, the light battery of De Pass on the left, and a howitzer outside and on the right flank of the fort added to the roar and clamor. 

This is incredibly fascinating reading since most people's knowledge of the Battle of Battery Wagner comes from the movie Glory. Around 1,300 Confederates endured 11 hours of non-stop bombardment in bombproofs as hot as ovens in mid-July with no water, then, when the order was given, sprang out onto the parade of the fort and to their places on the parapet to face an attack by 6,000 Union troops.

Fact Check: Biden Claims Moody’s Report Said His $4.1 Trillion Spending Plans Will Reduce Inflation

 WASHINGTON, DC - JULY 20: U.S. President Joe Biden pauses while speaking at the start of a Cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House on July 20, 2021 in Washington, DC. Six months into his presidency, this is Biden's second full Cabinet meeting. The White House said …

Claim: “Here’s the deal. Moody’s today went out—Wall Street firm, not some liberal think tank—said if we pass the other two things I’m trying to get done we will in fact reduce inflation. Reduce inflation. Reduce inflation,” Joe Biden said of his $4 trillion of proposed spending at a live CNN town hall Wednesday night.

Verdict: False. The Moody’s report, put together by a Democrat economist, did not say Biden’s plan would reduce inflation.

More @ Breitbart

Virginia School Board Unanimously Rejects Critical Race Theory and State-Mandated Transgender Policy

 A student eats lunch in her classroom at Freedom Preparatory Academy on September 10, 2020 in Provo, Utah. - In person schooling with masks has started up in many Utah schools since shutting down in March of this year due to the covid-19 virus. (Photo by GEORGE FREY / AFP) …

The school board of Russell County, Virginia, July 15 unanimously rejected both the teaching of the radical Critical Race Theory (CRT) indoctrination scheme and Virginia Department of Education’s (VDOE) mandated transgender policy.

According to WCYB News:

More @ Breitbart

Democrats Are Playing a Cynical Game With the Latest COVID Hysteria

 Via Billy

If you are paying attention to the current rhetoric and hysteria being pushed by Democrats and their media allies, you’d likely be under the impression that we are in the midst of another massive, devastating COVID wave. In fact, there’s little to distinguish what we are seeing from the left today in contrast to what we were seeing half a year ago when we were actually seeing 3000+ deaths a day.

The latest fear porn comes courtesy of the “Delta” variant, which began in India and has become the predominant point of discussion here in the United States. But does the data support the ridiculous reactions we are currently seeing?

In a word — no.

More @ Red State

..................Deleting Wrongthink in Your DM’s and Emails?

 Via David

On my old blog, I had a post about the coming Great Silencing.  In it I predicted that blogs would be shut down, fascist book, gulag, twit, etc., would be cracking down and ruthlessly deleting wrongthink posts (if permitting them to go up at all thanks to algorithms and AI scanning).  This would go well past the ongoing cancel culture and shadow banning to include emails and DMs.

Lo and behold,  message app crackdowns on Covid “misinformation” is something the nascent Fascists in President Asterisk’s administration is doing.  Is this happening?

I argue YES.

More @ Granite Grok

‘This Is Just The Beginning’: Larry Elder Wins Case Against California, Judge Orders State To Include Elder On Ballot

 Larry Elder attends the ceremony honoring Larry Elder with a Star on The Hollywood Walk of Fame on April 27, 2015 in Hollywood, California.

A Judge in California has ordered the state to include radio host and author Larry Elder on the ballot in the upcoming California recall election.

Elder “has won his lawsuit against California Secretary of State Shirley N. Weber. The Superior Court of California held this afternoon that Secretary Weber will list Elder as a candidate for governor in the special California recall election scheduled for September 14, 2021,” his campaign website announced in a press release.

More @ The Daily Wire

Biden Admin Promotes Race-Hustling Activists as Part of School Reopening Plan

 Via Cousin John

 Bettina Love

'If you don’t recognize that white supremacy is in everything we do, then we got a problem. I want us to be feared...'

As schools prep to bring back students following a pandemic hiatus, the Biden administration is recommending they consult a radical activist group that wants educators to “disrupt whiteness and other forms of oppression.”

President Joe Biden’s Education Department included a link to the Abolitionist Teaching Network’s “Guide for Racial Justice & Abolitionist Social and Emotional Learning” in its school-reopening guidance published last week.

The Abolitionist Teaching Network openly promotes Critical Race Theory, which it refers to as diversity and equity training.

More @ Headline USA

We are no longer a nation of laws.

Via Kirk


Of all the protests across America over the last 15 months, the January 6th Capitol Protest of the obvious theft of the 2020 Election caused the least amount of damage. The other protests resulted in over $3 Billion in damages to public, private and commercial property. So why are the only people being prosecuted are the participants of the January 6th Capitol Protest? Could it be because they are considered to have been Trump Supporters and they must be punished while BLM and Antifa rioters, looters and arsonists have their charges dropped? We are no longer a nation of laws.