Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Lincoln’s Total War

Who has not heard of Wounded Knee? Most know at least the general facts surrounding what is acknowledged as an atrocity committed by the army of the United States. On December 29th, 1890, the 7th Cavalry surrounded a band of Ghost Dancers—a spiritual movement of the Lakota Sioux—near Wounded Knee Creek. The soldiers demanded that the Indians surrender their weapons. As the Indians made to comply, a fight broke out between an Indian and a soldier and a shot was fired. When it was over, it is estimated that between 150 to 300 Indians—nearly half of whom were women and children— had been killed; the cavalry lost 25 men. Wounded Knee is considered the last major confrontation in the deadly war of extermination waged by the American government against the Plains Indians.

More @ The Abbeville Institute

[Photos] Quy Nhon's Rustic Charms in the 1965


 Saigoneer makes no attempts to hide our love for Quy Nhon.

The Binh Dinh Province capital seemingly has it all: mountains for hiking, pristine coastlines, a unique food scene and fascinating history that includes the rise of Nguyễn Huệ and his brothers, as well as the life of Hàn Mặc Tử. It is thus a special pleasure to marvel at the city when it was even less-developed and still had many scenes to get our ventricles throbbing.

These photos taken in 1965 by American Tom Robinson reveal a Quy Nhon of red dirt roads and working fishing boats, farmers going about their daily affairs, and a growing collection of western architecture spurred on by the increasing presence of foreign residents.

The collection presented by Flickr user manhhai reveals that before it straddled the line between tourism destination and an essential provincial capital, Quy Nhon existed in the quaint nexus between an urban center and agricultural outpost.

More @ Saigoneer



           I haven't been able to verify this, just that the article has been posted on other blog/sites.

Alleged affidavit of Lt. Col. Theresa Long, M.D.   

An alleged affidavit by this US Army official is doing the rounds. There is no PDF or authenticated affidavit on the internet but the contents are knowledgeable and potentially genuine (copy here – also see this).

I will, however, not be able to spend time to look into it unless someone shares an original, signed PDF.


Via LargeMarge ".Please, read and memorize paragraphs 31 and 32.
* inoculations harm more than help
* natural immunity is thirteen times more effective than inoculations
* inoc flight crews are grounded
* SecDef austin orders "...all necessary force..."

I personally observed the most physically fit female Soldier I have seen in over 20 years in the Army, go from Collegiate level athlete training for Ranger School, to being physically debilitated with cardiac problems, newly diagnosed pituitary brain tumor, thyroid dysfunction within weeks of getting vaccinated.

                                                               More @ Deep Capture

Australia: Counter-terrorism squad confronts UNARMED construction workers marching Melbourne's streets to protest the world's longest and harshest lockdown.

 Via David

Biden's Vax Mandate To Be Enforced By Fining Companies $70,000 To $700,000?

Electoral College Vote

Via Jonathan "It appears they intend to starve us into submission? As I relax this morning with my coffee and quietly read the morning news, I thought I might have a momentary respite of peace, but then I realized that evil never sleeps and that satan and his minions are always about seeking our destruction. We are at war with evil and we are all behind enemy lines now. Keep your powder dry renew your strength in Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In the end, We Win! Stay well and blessed my friend. Frosty, behind enemy lines in The Great State of Texas."   

By Adam Andrzejewski, CEO/Founder of; originally published in Forbes

President Joe Biden didn’t just announce a Covid-19 vaccine mandate on companies employing 100 or more people, he plans to enforce it.

On Saturday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s House quietly tucked an enforcement mechanism into their $3.5 trillion “reconciliation” bill, passed it out of the Budget Committee, and sent it to the House floor.

Buried on page 168 of the House Democrats’ 2,465-page mega bill is a tenfold increase in fines for employers that “willfully,” “repeatedly,” or even seriously violate a section of labor law that deals with hazards, death, or serious physical harm to their employees.

More @ Zero Hedge