Why is the Biden Administration Purchasing Surveillance Drones from China?

 Via sw44magnumman Brown 

A growing number of people believe the U.S. and China are entering a new cold war. If this suspicion is true, then why, one wonders, is the Biden administration buying surveillance equipment from China?

Last year, the Senate Homeland Security Committee advanced the American Security Drone Act to the Senate floor. The bill called to prohibit federal departments and agencies from procuring certain devices, including drones, from countries identified as national security threats. Boasting bipartisan support, the bill would have sent a clear message to China. As Senator Josh Hawley said at the time, "we must take this common-sense step of banning the federal acquisition of drones from nations like China to strengthen our supply chains and better protect our national security."

More @ Newsweek

New Introduction - LEE Monument Decal Now Available


LEE Monument window decal! Show your support for General. Lee with this 5” tall X 3” wide high quality window decal. Application instructions included, and as always, shipping is FREE and ALL proceeds benefit the Virginia Flaggers' Roadside Memorial Battle Flag projects.

Abandoned by Biden and with Winter Fast Approaching, Afghans Forced to Sell Off Their Own Children

 Via Cousin John

The following article, Abandoned by Biden and with Winter Fast Approaching, Afghans Forced to Sell Off Their Own Children, was first published on Flag And Cross.

Two months after Afghanistan fell to the Taliban, desperation is ravaging the people America left behind.

In White House remarks after the last Americans left Afghanistan, President Joe Biden said it was time to look forward  “to a future that’s safer, to a future that’s more secure.”

But to Afghan families spiraling deeper into poverty with every passing day, the future is bleak and desperate.

A report in The Wall Street Journal quoted a woman it named Saleha, who said she sold a 3-year-old daughter to satisfy a $550 debt. 

More @ Story Warrant

Sick Twist in Loudoun County ‘Cover-Up’: Teen Boy Allegedly Assaulted Another Girl 5 Months Earlier

This is a massive scandal. Every media outlet should be reporting on Loudoun County’s apparent cover-up.

Parents aren’t primarily worried about transgender individuals turning out to be predators. Rather, they share the reasonable concern that predators may attempt to take advantage of transgender policies.

During a Loudoun County school board meeting in June, Scott Smith was arrested, hit in the face and dragged out before he could tell the board what had happened to his daughter.

According to Smith, she had been raped in a school bathroom by a boy wearing a skirt.

Smith’s attorney confirmed the account and said the boy had been charged with two counts of forcible sodomy, one count of anal sodomy and one count of forcible fellatio, all in connection with the May 28 attack.

The local sheriff’s office confirmed that a report of “forcible sodomy and sexual battery” matching the date and location of Smith’s story did indeed exist.

More @ Flag & Cross

More than 300 Black Churches across VA will Hear from @KamalaHarris

 Via Hal

‘The Final Straw’: PA School Board Assn Withdraws From National Assn After ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Letter

 Keep your power dry.

The Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA) has withdrawn from the National School Boards Association (NSBA) because of the NSBA’s letter suggesting the recent behavior of individuals in school board meetings could eventually rise to the level of “domestic terrorism or hate crimes.”

PSBA wrote bluntly, “The most recent national controversy surrounding a letter to President Biden suggesting that some parents should be considered domestic terrorists was the final straw.”]

More @ The Daily Wire

Mailbag: Pediatric Cardiologist checks in

 Via Siouxma



Long-time reader, first-time writer…

First, just want to say how much I appreciate you and your voice of truth in the Church and world. You have done so much to open my eyes.

As a pediatric cardiologist, I can report we have seen a significant increase in myocarditis in teenagers after receiving the second dose of the deathjab. While they have all recovered, there is significant focal myocardial damage and I worry that in the future they will be at increased risk for lethal ventricular arrhytmias due to the scar that is left.

More @ Ann  Barnhardt

Comment on War for a Certain Interpretation

 7 Important Civil War Battles - HISTORY

 War for a Certain Interpretation

Yes, that is one interpretation.

Here is my interpretation:

* The Confederacy was, is, and will continue to be a lawful sovereign nation.
* Lawful boundaries of this sovereign nation were illegally violated.
* Many hundreds of thousands of atrocities -- recognized war crimes -- were committed by the invaders.
* Civilians and non-combatants were intentionally targeted by the invaders in violation of international law.
* After forcing an illegal surrender, the invaders committed, and continue to commit, illegal actions against civilians and non-combatants.

The invaders were, and are, unethical and immoral. I see no productive value in continuing any relationship at any level with the progeny of such individuals.

Taking this to its logical and inevitable end, I believe all evidence points to the invaders attempting to pervert everything they touch into duplicates of themselves. That is unacceptable to me.

But I am doddering into my dowtage, and fully understand the consequences of expressing my long-term views to a society with short-term attention-spans. I understand I am in a shrinking minority.

I understand Shifting Baseline Syndrome, the human adaptation to 'the new normal' enforced by our attempts at daily (hourly?) survival.

After knowing incredible freedoms of travel and association, I am dismayed at all we lost just in my few decades.

I am not saddened nor angered, but merely astonished at the meek acceptance of limitations upon my friends and family.

Their yokes are not yet heavy.


GOP Needs Trump to Get Past 2020

 Via Hal

Trump’s declaring that the election was “rigged” cost Republicans two seats and thus control of the Senate thanks to low Republican voter turnout in the Georgia Senate runoff. Telling supporters not to vote is not a formula for winning elections, nor is it an effective means for addressing voter fraud.

Fixation on the “stolen election” will do more to hurt Republicans’ 2022 chances than help.

Donald Trump had an incredible legacy as president, but sometimes he can be his own worst enemy. More broadly, as the leader of the Republican Party, he’s ensuring that his self-inflicted wounds damage not only his own (presumed) electoral chances but those of other Republicans as well.

Clearly, Trump has yet to get over the fact that he is not the one currently sitting in the White House following the 2020 election. It’s true that millions of Americans wish he were currently the president, enacting policies to make America great. But as they say, if wishes were horses, then beggars would ride … and we don’t see any beggars riding.

Trump has consistently referred to the election as having been “stolen” and “rigged” — claims he again raised at an Iowa rally. The trouble is, Trump has yet to demonstrably prove that any illegal shenanigans actually changed the outcome. (Heartily disagree.  Just the posts on the right side of the blog are sufficient and there are hundreds more though I do agree Trump should tone it down)

More @ The Patriot Post