Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Patrick Henry: The Real Indispensable Man


After finishing a biography titled, Patrick Henry: Champion of Liberty, by John Kukla, I am convinced that Mr. Henry, Colonel Henry, nay, Governor Henry is the real father of our country instead of the beloved General, President George Washington. As I become more familiar with the particular history of Old Dominion and her role and that of her leading citizens in the first war for independence, it seems that Patrick Henry was the actual indispensable man. It was his writings that first dared name the final object while others were still calling it treason. It was his resolutions that prepared Virginia to become economically independent and arm herself when England’s aggression first became apparent. It was his conviction and energy that moved the goal of independence forward among a people whose timidity and lack of vision made them reluctant to pursue it. (Sounds like us today)

More @ The Abbeville Institute

The Future


I’m begging individual Americans to understand their sheer strength as an individual, their talents, their abilities and that each individual voice rings with unique beauty and power. The diversity of experience and knowledge combine to create something new every day and to give up, to lie down and accept the computer program being devised for them is a sin greater than any I can think of.

History is the guidepost to the future. Everything that happens has happened before and so, the study of history is what one does to interpret the present to be ready for the future. The ability to predict the future is of little use, because people don’t listen. No matter how accurately one predicts the future, or how loudly they speak, the ability to force others to act on that prediction is an impossible task. They retreat into what they can prove, what exists physically in front of them. Normally, that’s all right. It’d be nice to stop the worst from happening before it does, but that’s a leap of faith that most won’t take.

More @ 12 Round

An Afghanistan Grows In Wisconsin

 Via Hal


The skies over Sparta have never been as busy as when the Biden administration decided to dispatch 13,000 Afghans, including at least one pedophile, to Wisconsin.

Sparta, a small town of less than ten thousand souls, whose claim to fame is being the “Bicycling Capital of America”, could only watch as a population of Afghans outnumbering its own population created a new Afghanistan on the premises of Fort McCoy.

None of the Afghans at Fort McCoy have a Special Immigrant Visa. Biden left the SIV visa holders behind in Afghanistan. The Afghans who have overrun the Wisconsin base are the ones whom the Taliban, for their own reasons, decided to allow through their checkpoints.

More @ Front Page Magazine


Biden’s 'Evacuation' Was a Taliban Human Trafficking Scheme

[Photos] A Day Trip to 1968 Vung Tau


 Stayed here for my honeymoon in 1969.


Time for a trip to the coast.

While old photos of Saigon depict a city that is certainly different from what it is today, there are similarities. Even 60 years ago, the streets were busy, and the layout of central districts was largely the same. Newer, suburban districts hardly existed, of course, but Le Loi is still Le Loi, and the Opera House is still the Opera House.

Vung Tau, on the other hand, was a quiet coastal town, still early in its development, as seen in these photos taken by an American service member named Jeff Lander in 1968. Modern Vung Tau is a bustling place jammed with hotels, traffic and restaurants of all type, a far cry from the rather sleepy streets and undeveloped areas along the water of years past.

Visit Saigon's favorite beach getaway through a time machine below.

An Awe-Inspiring Bird's-Eye View of Bình Định's Chăm Towers


What if memories were not collections of chemicals and electrical impulses stored in the fleshy recesses of a mind, but physical objects made of brick and stone?

They too would disintegrate over time, crumble into dust and dirt, but they would at least last longer than the first-hand accounts that disappear from the Earth upon a person’s death. So it is with Bình Định Province’s many Chăm ruins.

More @ Saigoneer

House Majority Leader Nathaniel Ledbetter urges caution on future state budgets as federal money dries up, economic hurdles arise

"I recently read an article regarding the fact that 27% of Republicans support secession. I would guess that number is higher, but nonetheless I believe one of the factors that will keep some states tied to the "hitching post" is the possibility of losing federal monies. If these monies continue to "dry-up" these states would have a very reduced interest in remaining one of the small teeth in the giant cog of federalism. I hope the media continues to tout "doom and gloom", "we just don't have the funding", etc. It makes thinking people question why they should continue to pay into to a system that squanders taxpayer money on idiotic programs (i.e. sex changes for prison inmates, environmental silliness, support of BLM and like organizations, programs that promote homelessness and drug use, etc., etc.). Below is a story that appeared on Yellowhammer.I hope we see more like this one, especially in the "lame stream media ''!   LET'S GO BRANDON!" 

Deo Vindice Jeffery

During an appearance on Mobile radio FM Talk 106.5’s “The Jeff Poor Show,” House Majority Leader Nathaniel Ledbetter (R-Rainsville) discussed concerns that could create a challenge for the legislature during the budgeting processes in the near term.

According to the Republican Dekalb County lawmaker, while Alabama state government has had record budgets for the general fund and education trust fund, headwinds could come as federal money ceases to be pumped into the economy and as economic pressures, including supply chain issues and inflation, aris

More @ Yellow Hammer News

Former CDC Director Gives Alarming Statistic on Fully Vaccinated COVID Deaths

Satanic or satire? US school preaches 'cannibalism,' yet concerned parents are the ones branded as ‘domestic terrorists’

 Via David

Satanic or satire? US school preaches 'cannibalism,' yet concerned parents are the ones branded as ‘domestic terrorists’

As further evidence that the US school system has lost the plot, students in Georgia were instructed to consider ‘eating babies’ as a way of solving world hunger. How much more depraved does it have to get before people wake up?

In the ongoing series entitled ‘US Schools Go Insane,’ one institution apparently thought that by slapping a ‘satire’ sticker on the most profane idea imaginable, the contraband would go unnoticed. On behalf of satire, I’m happy to report it didn't work. 

As part of the inventive English lesson, which probably spoiled more than one trip to the cafeteria, high school students at Richmond Hill were tasked with finding ways of ‘raising and eating of babies to solve the world hunger problem’. Yum. Rhonda Thomas, founder and president of Truth in Education, broke down the details of the class assignment in a shocking interview with The New American. The information from the lesson plan that she divulged is nothing short of – as Thomas herself described it – “satanic.”

More @ RT

On the Value of Memory, and Remembering the South

 Via Cousin John

Standing at a constitutional crossroads, we should not cut ourselves off from the full American political tradition.

Much of human life is bound up with memory: whether in school, when one memorizes dates, grammar rules, and mathematical formulas; or in relationships, when one remembers birthdays or anniversaries; or as we age, when we remember good people and experiences. We tend to associate memory with wisdom, too. We remember the past—whether it be the good, the bad, or the ugly—in order to live wiser lives in the present.

Thus, I was somewhat puzzled when I stumbled upon a piece by prominent historian Allen C. Guelzo, “Why We Must Forget the Lost Cause,” published on May 12, 2021, at the website of The Gospel Coalition. Guelzo has had a long interest in Southern things, even penning a book on Abraham Lincoln entitled Redeemer President. But I was struck by Guelzo—a historian—calling on people to forget.

More @ The American Conservative

Jeff Cooper: The Forgotten History of Lt. Col. Cooper and his Impact on Combat Readiness

 Via Sam

 history of jeff cooper

The United States Marines have a saying: "Every Marine a rifleman." That being said, some of them are pretty handy with a pistol, too.

Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper literally wrote the book on modern handguns in combat. In fact, you're probably already acquainted with a number of concepts he introduced to the world of pistols, even though you might not know his name. Some of them are so common sense and simple that it's hard to believe anyone had to invent them.

This was the genius of Jeff Cooper.

Jeff Cooper's Marine Corps Career

More @


“This is the last time you’ll hear me in a patrol car and Jay Inslee can kiss my ass.”

"F--- them yellow-bellied sonofabitches"

Via David


Repost 2018: An Extraordinary Voice


Extraordinary Voice

This is Elsie she is totally blind. She has never been to school, never learned English. (Maybe but most Filipinos speak English.) She listens to songs and learns the song. She has one of the most Amazing voices I have ever heard. She lives in a small fishing village in the Philippines.

When in the Course of Human Events

A review of When in the Course of Human Events: Arguing the Case for Southern Secession (Rowman & Littlefield,  2004) by Charles Adams

Did the South go to war for sport?

Not being a professional historian, my historical toolbox is not large. But one tool has often gotten me to the heart of past events. That tool is to ask:

What is the most incongruous thing in these events?

The most incongruous thing in the debate over the causes of the War Between the States is that, if the South wanted to preserve slavery, as the many (sic) declarations of causes for secession clearly admit, then why on earth was it willing to go to war to do so? The Corwin Amendment, which would have established slavery irrevocably, which would have been America’s 13th Amendment, had been given to them before a shot was fired. A Northern Congress, absent of all the Southern states, had proposed it; Lincoln had personally promoted it; and five states – not one of them Southern – had ratified it. Why would the Southern declarations champion slavery as a cause for secession and as a casus belli when there was absolutely no need? And if the South seceded for other reasons, why did it not state those reasons to the exclusion of a principle which was not at issue whatsoever, and which was likely to alienate European support? Did the South go to war for sport?

More @ The Abbeville Institute