Thursday, November 11, 2021

Stack Cake

 Via Hilda Berry Davis

May be an image of dessert

The house smells really good for I am cooking apples for a stack cake for friends who are visiting. I made one over the weekend, but did not have molasses and I was looking for a recipe that did. I asked my friends and got a whole slew of them. That is the old timey one that  settlers used. They had no sugar or butter. They used honey and molasses for sweets. I also read that since they had few if any hogs, they used possums for their fat. Many people dislike possums today but they were deeply valued back then. Sometimes people will argue with me that the women of today have it just as hard as they did back then. I argue right back! You don’t know how hard life can be until you skin a possum, or wash clothes on rocks or hang clothes out when your hands are freezing off. My mama did all of that! I could go on and on but you get the picture…..☕️

John Rock and Yankee Hypocrisy

 “Let me tell you, my friends, the slaveholders are not the men we dread! They do not desire to have us removed. The Northern pro-slavery men have done the free people of color ten-fold more injury than the southern slaveholders… There is no prejudice against color among the slaveholders. Their social system and one million of mulattos are facts which no argument can demolish. If the slaves were emancipated, they would remain where they are. Black labor in the South is at a premium. The free man of color there has always had the preference over the white laborers. Many of you are aware that Southerners will do a favor for a free colored man, when they will not do it for a white man in the same condition in life.”

John Rock was an American teacher, doctor, dentist, lawyer and abolitionist. Rock was one of the first African-American men to earn a medical degree. In addition, he was the first black person to be admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of the United States.

On January 23, 1863, John Rock made a speech at the annual meeting of The Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society. What follows are excerpts from that speech published 2/14/1863 in “The Liberator,” the paper of the radical abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison.

Rock was a Yankee, born in Salem Massachusetts. He was certainly no friend of the South, but he does provide some insight to the differences between the North and the South regarding the black race.

First Rock points out that the “deep and cruel prejudice” against blacks in America is “much more abundant in the North.” He then explains why, and closes this passage of his speech stating that both rich and poor in the North hate blacks out of self-interest, and hold no notion of “justice and humanity:”

More @ The Abbeville Institute


 Lee's Letter To His Son & The Year Was 1780

To save the reader the suspense, it doesn’t get any better from here. This is communism. This is what we reviled when presented in the Soviet Union and China. The sense that the state is an everyday concern is now a fact. Americans have been slipped into that cocoon of communism inch by inch. While myself and others have warned about it, read with dread the words of Solzhenitsyn and presented each ratchet click of authoritarian rule to our readers, it’s here.

What are BLM and Antifa if not government thugs unleashed on patriots, seemingly untouchable, while every minor infraction on the right becomes a threat to “democracy;” an insurrection? The committee hearing on the January 6th protesters is one example. The Kyle Rittenhouse case demonstrates in full color the tactics and the response. When patriots are the insurrection, it’s logical to conclude that those who fear them are, in fact, communist usurpers. Is that an admission? I believe so. When the fraudulent president holds an inauguration and surrounds the capitol with barbed wire and troops, is that not an admission? I believe so.

More @ 12 Round

Witness: Kyle Rittenhouse Tried to ‘Deescalate’ Riot, Not Cause Violence

KENOSHA, WISCONSIN - NOVEMBER 11: Frank Hernandez testifies during Kyle Rittenhouse's trial about the video he took on the night of Aug. 25, 2020, at the Kenosha County Courthouse on November 11, 2021 in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Rittenhouse is accused of shooting three demonstrators, killing two of them, during a night …

He testified that Rosenbaum “led the charge into the gas station” and that he became “physically aggressive,” shouting, “Shoot me, [N-word], shoot me, [N-word]” to provoke a fight with the guards, who had gathered at the gas station. The court then watched Hernandez’s footage of the encounter, which corroborated his testimony and his recollection of events.

Freelance journalist Andrew “Drew” Hernandez testified Thursday in the murder trial of Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha, Wisconsin, that the defendant tried to “deescalate” a conflict between rioters and armed guards watching a local business.

Hernandez, who traveled the country documenting the Black Lives Matter riots of 2020, was called as a defense witness and said that Rittenhouse had been successful, for that moment, in defusing tension between the two groups on August 25, 2020.

More @ Breitbart

Facebook Under Fire For Covering-Up Vietnamese Communist Figure Eating Gold-Encrusted Steak

 Via Jonathan Frost-Johnson

We have often discussed the hypocrisy of leaders and social media companies proclaiming their faith in free speech while promoting unprecedented levels of censorship. However, the layers of hypocrisy in a story out of London is breathtaking.

Gen. To Lam was shown recently on a trip to visit the grave of Karl Marx.


More @ Zero Hedge

Tucker: ‘A Rapist Called Joseph Rosenbaum … Died As He Had Lived, Trying To Touch An Unwilling Minor’


DeSantis on Biden Flying Illegal Aliens Into Florida: ‘I Will Send Them to Delaware’ on Buses

                              DeSantis on Biden Flying Illegal Aliens Into Florida: ‘I Will Send Them to Delaware’ on Buses

DeSantis said that Florida was looking at ways of going after the contractors that the Biden administration was using to fly the illegal aliens into the state, saying, “we should be able to have consequences for those contractors and your ability to do business in Florida I should absolutely be curtailed based on whether or not you’re bringing problems or not bringing problems.”

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) unloaded on Democrat President Joe Biden during a press conference on Thursday over reports that the Biden administration has used contractors to fly dozens of planes into the state of Florida carrying illegal aliens.

DeSantis’ remarks come after an illegal alien who posed as a minor, but was really in his early twenties, illegally entered the U.S. at the southern border and was flown to Florida where he allegedly murdered a father-of-four.

More @ RTM

"How The Townsend Girls Started"

Via Daughter Christine 


Happy Veterans Day to all who have served. Last picture is of my Aunt getting evacuated from Vietnam. It’s the only picture my dad really has. She was crying and scared. I can’t even imagine what it would feel like to go through a war and leave your home country but in the end my family has made one pretty amazing life. XOXO @brocktownsendiii