Wednesday, December 29, 2021

A Dedicated Group of Patriots Working to Protect Freedom & Liberty

 Via Request by Timothy Norman

 Operation Resist Tyranny is a non-profit, unincorporated association of American patriots actively working to restore unalienable Rights; protect, advance, and preserve the foundational principles of Freedom and Liberty upon which the Republic rests; to compel the government at all levels and branches to make good on the constitutional guarantees that our forefathers fought, bled, and died in order to secure for themselves and Posterity. In order to achieve that goal, OPERATION RESIST TYRANNY submits to all American patriots The Charter and Proclamation of the Rights of Man as a demand that the government restore our unalienable Rights.

More @ US Rersisters

Marines say they're being 'crushed' over vaccine refusal: 'A political purge'


Zero religious exemptions for the COVID-19 vaccine have been granted to date, Marine Corps spokesman says

US Warship Stuck Overseas After COVID Spreads Through Fully Vaccinated Crew

The littoral combat ship USS Milwaukee and its crew are stuck at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba amid a coronavirus outbreak.

Navy leadership kept the ship in port after some sailors among the fully immunized crew tested positive for COVID-19, according to a Friday news release from the Navy. Infected crew members have been quarantined, kept away from the rest of the crew, the statement from the armed service said.

More @ Flag & Cross

12 Round Podcast


Every year on my birthday, I re-evaluate what I’m doing and whether that’s working or not. It’s the only notice I give my birthday, because it seems completely irrelevant, except in this one area. This blog will remain, though probably more sporadically than before, because I was forced to recognize that writing these posts and relying on the support of the many readers was not having the effect I wanted to have. In a lot of ways, I consider myself a failure, because I’ve been working diligently on opening minds and providing those who are already awake something to share with friends and family, to help explain their points of view on certain issues, but here we are, I’ve had no effect, it seems. Okay, I’m not a stranger to failure, it doesn’t hurt like the first few, before I realized that hard work and diligence are not a failproof recipe for success. I would suggest that it’s very difficult to succeed without those ingredients, but even with them, one can fail. But far from distancing myself from the eternal struggle for freedom, I’ve come to the conclusion that there are better ways.

Mote @ 12 Round

The Lee Monument Time Capsule


Governor Northam’s henchmen have finally located the time capsule buried in the Memorial erected to Confederate Gen. Robert Edward Lee in Richmond, Virginia.  How shameful and hypocritical that today the Virginia Department of Historic Resources shows so much interest in opening and disgorging the contents of the time capsule in light of their insipid defense of this monument and others throughout the Commonwealth over the last six years.  Governor Northam no doubt is salivating at the thought of this final desecration, disgrace, and slander of General Lee and the Confederacy.

More @ The Abbeville Institute