Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The astonishing 2,500 year old tattoos of a Siberian princess, and how they reveal little has changed in the way we decorate our bodies

Via A Trainwreck In Maxwell

Incredibly well preserved body found high in the Altai mountains, with two warriors buried close by for protections and six horses to ease the journey into the next life. Tattoos on left shoulder, including a deer with a griffon's beak and a Capricorn's antlers.

The intricate patterns of 2,500-year-old tattoos - some from the body of a Siberian 'princess' preserved in the permafrost - have been revealed in Russia.

The remarkable body art includes mythological creatures and experts say the elaborate drawings were a sign of age and status for the ancient nomadic Pazyryk people, described in the 5th century BC by the Greek historian Herodotus.

But scientist Natalia Polosmak - who discovered the remains of ice-clad 'Princess Ukok' high in the Altai Mountains - is also struck about how little has changed in more than two millennia.

More @ Mail Online

New Black Panther Chief To White Republicans: ‘OUR ‘FEET WILL BE ON YOUR MOTHERF***ING NECKS’

Via Michael Downing

Damn, they got gun safety down to a T, don't they......:) Blithering idiots. Maybe they should be invited to the PATCON for training.

One day they may get their wish, and the moment they make that last mistake – they are going to wish they never crossed that line.

If history was not such an excellent teacher, waving off and disregarding the insane rantings and threats coming from Obama’s Black Militant Marxist Army would make sense. But history teaches that such threats from devoted followers of Marxists/Anarchists/Socialists/Collectivists – is ignored at our own peril. History teaches that classic agitation thuggery that is being displayed by the radical Left always is used to implement tyranny. Obama campaigned for his Marxist cousin Raila Odinga in 2006 who employed such methods, including mass murder to force a change in Kenya’s 2007 election results.

The threats coming from the New Black Panthers are threats that the media ignore. They are threats that the Obama regime and Eric Holder have repeatedly REFUSED to prosecute. Such threats and criminal activities caught on tape are ignored is matched only by the outrageous efforts the Obama regime has made to criminalize Whites, the TEA Party and Conservative Americans in official DHS reports to Federal government agencies. Agencies that have requisitioned MILLIONS of rounds of hollow point ammunition.

More @ Sword At The Ready

The Responsibility for War

It is said that the war against the American South began when the Star of the West left its dock at New York, laden with troops and supplies to reinforce the Fort Sumter garrison. The land and fort was originally ceded to the US government to protect Charleston from hostile forces, with its artillery aimed toward the sea.

Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"

The Responsibility for War:

“The view that the South was to blame for the war has been challenged by [historian] Charles Ramsdell, who maintained that the real cause of hostilities was Lincoln’s sending relief expedition to Fort Sumter. Lincoln had done so, said Ramsdell, in the full expectation that war would result, because only be provoking the Confederates into firing the first shot could he hope to unify the Radical and Conservative wings of his [Republican] party and attract Northern Democrats to the cause of preserving the Union by force.

A new dimension was added to the subject by Kenneth Stampp, who carefully analyzed what the North feared it would lose be acquiescing in an independent Confederacy, and how those fears were translated into powerful political pressure on Lincoln to do something decisive.

He conceded that Lincoln….was willing to accept war rather than Southern Independence. As for the North in general, Stampp concluded:

“Yankees went to war animated by the high ideals of the nineteenth century middle classes, but they waged their war in the usual spirit of vengeance….But what the Yankees achieved – for their generation at least – was a triumph not of middle-class ideals but of middle-class vices. The most striking products of their crusade were the shoddy aristocracy of the North and the ragged children of the South. Among the masses of Americans there were no victors, only the vanquished.”

(North Against South, The American Illiad, 1848-1877, Ludwell H. Johnson, Foundation for American Education, 1993, pp. 279-280)

The Responsibility for War

Report: Russian Nuclear Attack Sub Patrolled Waters Off Gulf for a Month…Undetected

Report: Russian Nuclear Attack Subs Patrolled Gulf of Mexico Undetected

A Russian, nuclear-powered attack sub patrolled the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, off the U.S. coast, undetected for a month, a new startling report from the Washington Free Beacon says.

The sub, the Free Beacon says, is an Akula vessel loaded with cruise missiles and is one of the quietest in the Russian fleet.

From the report:

The stealth underwater incursion in the Gulf took place at the same time Russian strategic bombers made incursions into restricted U.S. airspace near Alaska and California in June and July, and highlights a growing military assertiveness by Moscow.

The submarine patrol also exposed what U.S. officials said were deficiencies in U.S. anti-submarine warfare capabilities—forces that are facing cuts under the Obama administration’s plan to reduce defense spending by $487 billion over the next 10 years.

The Navy is in charge of detecting submarines, especially those that sail near U.S. nuclear missile submarines, and uses undersea sensors and satellites to locate and track them.

The fact that the Akula was not detected in the Gulf is cause for concern, U.S. officials said.

“The Akula was built for one reason and one reason only: To kill U.S. Navy ballistic missile submarines and their crews,” said a second U.S. official.

More @ The Blaze

The Reidsville Monument

Via Billy Bearden

NCUDC Pres Aileen Ezell:
"We do not wish to be a factor in any unpleasantness that may occur if the statue is allowed to remain in its present location."

Reidsville Mayor James Festerman:
"Once it's down, I think it sends the wrong message to put it back up"

February 1st, 2012
Confederate Courier
Aileen Ezell to all NC UDC members:

"...It was decided unanimously by the membership at Winter Board to relocate the Reidsville Monument to the plot owned by the UDC in the Confederate section of the Reidsville City cemetery. It was also unanimously decided to contract for the replacement of the broken soldier who is beyond repair..."

From: Ted Monnich
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2011 11:29 AM
To: Michael@ci.reidsville.nc.us
Subject: Damaged Monument

Michael,Thank you for all of the good photographs of the damaged monument.I believe that the monument can be restored, and displayed in it's original outdoor location, on the town square.My initial estimate for the restoration of the monument, based on your photographs, for labor,materials and associated expenses.is $28,000.00.The process will involve cleaning with enzymatic solutions, and repair of the monument using natural marble, pinning, and marble-specific adhesive resins. It will also involve reseating the base and pedestal prior to replacing the soldier.

Best regards,
Ted Monnich
Conservator www.sculpturepreservation.com

"...Sadly, subsequent legal action by the SCV, who claims ownership of
the monument, has delayed this work. Upon advice from our lawyer, we have delayed beginning work on the monument.Documents obtained from correspondence between SCV officials reveal they are claiming ownership of all our monuments.Distortions and untruths continue to be their forte..."

(NOTES: Legal action is by HPAC, not SCV. SCV has never tried to claim all monuments as their own. Instead of settling for the repair and restore cost of $28,000.00, the UDC managed to get $105,000.00 from insurance companies to remove it to the cemetery)


That was just 6 months ago. 2 weeks ago a story broke out of Waynesville NC regarding forced removal of Confederate Memorial flags, and NCUDC Pres Ezell once again offered her unique 'Surrender at all costs' position:

“The best thing to do in this case is not to replace the flag you are using and let the matter die a natural death. We gain nothing by fighting this. It is amazing to me that such a small flag has caught so much attention.”

My Sister Paid Progressive Insurance to Defend Her Killer In Court

Via Knuckledraggin' My Life Away

My Sister Paid Progressive Insurance to Defend Her Killer In Court I’ve been sending out some impertinent tweets about Progressive Insurance lately, but I haven’t explained how they pissed me off. So I will do that here as succinctly as possible. There’s a general understanding that says, “insurance companies— oh they’re awful,” but since Progressive turned their shit hose on my late sister and my parents, I’ve learned some things that really surprised me. I’ll try to cleave to the facts. On June 19, 2010, my sister was driving in Baltimore when her car was struck by another car and she was killed. The other driver had run a red light and hit my sister as she crossed the intersection on the green light. [[MORE]] Now, I don’t discount the possibility that Katie was at fault in the accident, but it never really looked that way. The only witness who gave a statement on the day said that Katie had the light, etc. The totality of the evidence left some room for argument, but that will be the case any time there’s a catastrophic car accident that doesn’t happen underneath an array of video cameras.  One indication that the case was pretty open-and-shut was that the other guy’s insurance company looked at the situation and settled with my sister’s estate basically immediately. Now, because the other driver was underinsured, that payment didn’t amount to much, but my sister carried a policy with Progressive against the possibility of an accident with an underinsured driver. So Progressive was now on the hook for the difference between the other guy’s insurance and the value of Katie’s policy. At which point we learned the first surprising thing about Progressive: Carrying Progressive insurance and getting into an accident does not entitle you to the value of your insurance policy. It just pisses off Progressive’s lawyers. Here I address you, Prospective Progressive Insurance Customer: someday when you have your accident, I promise that there will be enough wiggle room for Progressive’s bottomless stack of in-house attorneys to make a court case out of it and to hammer at that court case until you or your surviving loved ones run out of money. Which is what Progressive decided to do to my family. In hopes that a jury would hang or decide that the accident was her fault, they refused to pay the policy to my sister’s estate. Out of a sense of honor, and out of a sense of the cost of my sister’s outstanding student loans, my folks opted to try to go after the money through legal channels. At which point they learned another delightful thing. In Maryland, you may not sue an insurance company when they refuse to fork over your money. Instead, what they had to do was sue the guy who killed my sister, establish his negligence in court, and then leverage that decision to force Progressive to pay the policy. Now my parents don’t harbor much venom for the guy who killed my sister. It was an accident, and kicking that guy around won’t bring Katie back. But kicking that guy around was the only way to get Progressive to pay. So they filed a civil suit against the other driver in hopes that, rather than going to court, Progressive would settle. Progressive did not. Progressive made a series of offers (never higher than 1/3 the amount they owe) and then let it go to a trial. At the trial, the guy who killed my sister was defended by Progressive’s legal team. If you are insured by Progressive, and they owe you money, they will defend your killer in court in order to not pay you your policy. The trial was a real shitshow for my parents, and I did not love it either. As it happens, the jury did find that the other driver was negligent, which, if justice or decency are priorities for Progressive, will result in them finally honoring Katie’s policy. At this point, I hope you’ll forgive me if I wait for it to actually happen. Don’t buy insurance from Progressive. Not only will you be paying the salaries of people who put my family through the wringer (really a smaller wringer that Progressive attached to the main wringer of my sister’s death), but also when the chips are down, your money will have bought you nothing but a kick in the face.

I’ve been sending out some impertinent tweets about Progressive Insurance lately, but I haven’t explained how they pissed me off. So I will do that here as succinctly as possible. There’s a general understanding that says, “insurance companies— oh they’re awful,” but since Progressive turned their shit hose on my late sister and my parents, I’ve learned some things that really surprised me.

I’ll try to cleave to the facts. On June 19, 2010, my sister was driving in Baltimore when her car was struck by another car and she was killed. The other driver had run a red light and hit my sister as she crossed the intersection on the green light.

Now, I don’t discount the possibility that Katie was at fault in the accident, but it never really looked that way. The only witness who gave a statement on the day said that Katie had the light, etc. The totality of the evidence left some room for argument, but that will be the case any time there’s a catastrophic car accident that doesn’t happen underneath an array of video cameras.

One indication that the case was pretty open-and-shut was that the other guy’s insurance company looked at the situation and settled with my sister’s estate basically immediately. Now, because the other driver was underinsured, that payment didn’t amount to much, but my sister carried a policy with Progressive against the possibility of an accident with an underinsured driver. So Progressive was now on the hook for the difference between the other guy’s insurance and the value of Katie’s policy.

At which point we learned the first surprising thing about Progressive: Carrying Progressive insurance and getting into an accident does not entitle you to the value of your insurance policy. It just pisses off Progressive’s lawyers. Here I address you, Prospective Progressive Insurance Customer: someday when you have your accident, I promise that there will be enough wiggle room for Progressive’s bottomless stack of in-house attorneys to make a court case out of it and to hammer at that court case until you or your surviving loved ones run out of money.

Which is what Progressive decided to do to my family. In hopes that a jury would hang or decide that the accident was her fault, they refused to pay the policy to my sister’s estate.

More @ Matt Fisher

NC PatCom: III Arms on display if all goes well!

III Percent Patriots

Brock has kindly agreed to let III Arms show off a few of the 1911 Prototypes at his PatCom, if we hit our schedule deadlines. At this moment I have no doubt we'll be on schedule and proudly passing the prototypes around to Patriots in October in North Carolina.

If you can attend Brock's gig I highly encourage you to do so. It is by getting together and building bonds that we build the III.

Here's the link.

Thank you, Brock!


Off-duty police officer shoots dead outraged father who confronted him after he mowed down his four-year-old daughter

Via midnightrider


An unnamed, off-duty officer has killed the father of a little girl he crashed into late Saturday night.

Authorities say that Taniyah Middleton, 4, was crossing First Avenue in the Maywood section of Chicago with her older cousin when the officer approached on his motorcycle.

He didn't see the girl until it was too late, so he threw himself off the bike - which went skidding into the little girl.

Christopher Middleton, 26, heard the accident and came rushing out and allegedly attacked the man who did it. He was shot and killed by the officer.

According to the police report, Taniyah Middleton rushed out into the road in front of the officer, not giving him enough time to stop his vehicle.

He tried to avoid her, throwing himself off the bike, but the machine flew straight into the little girl.

Hearing the commotion, father Christopher Middleton, 26, ran out to see what had happened.

'Her face was skinned,' Darrell Davis, Mr Middleton's uncle, said to ABC.

'Of course a father would be upset at the initial reaction of seeing the child in this condition and he confronted the guy and they got into a confrontation.'

Mr Middleton faced with a weeping daughter, flesh ripped off her face, flew into a rage, attacking the man who hurt his little girl.

He and John Passley, 18, Taniyah's cousin, both allegedly jumped onto the man, who they say never identified himself as a police officer.

Police say Mr Middleton struck the officer, a 43-year-old, eight-year veteran of the force, in the face and knocked him to the ground.

The two pummeled him until he was nearly 'unconscious,' Fraternal Order of Police Spokesman Pat Camden said.

Soldiers of the Southern Cross: Tallapoosa County, Alabama

Via Calvin Johnson

In 1861 the quiet little hamlet of Youngsville, Alabama reverberated with the sound of fife and drum played by William Brittain and Augustus Daniel Rape. The duo were led by music teacher Albert G. Holloway. Years later Rape was still playing his drum at a Confederate Veterans Reunion in Arkansas circa 1910.

National Weather Service Follows DHS In Huge Ammo Purchase

Via Brandon1

Why would the National Weather Service need to purchase large quantities of powerful ammo? That’s the question many are asking after the federal agency followed in the footsteps of the Department of Homeland Security in putting out a solicitation for 46,000 rounds of hollow point bullets.

A solicitation which appears on the FedBizOpps website asks for 16,000 rounds of .40 S&W jacketed hollow point (JHP) bullets, noted for their strength, to be delivered to locations in Ellsworth, Maine, and New Bedford, Mass.

A further 6,000 rounds of S&W JHP will be sent to Wall, New Jersey, with another 24,000 rounds of the same bullets heading to the weather station in St. Petersburg, Florida.

The solicitation also asks for 500 paper targets to be delivered to the same locations in Maine, Massachusetts and New Jersey.

The National Weather Service is is one of six scientific agencies that make up the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

The solicitation requires a response by August 21.

More @ Info Wars

When 1,099 Felons Vote In A Race Won By 312 Ballots

In the eyes of the Obama administration, most Democratic lawmakers and left-leaning editorial pages across the country, voter fraud is a problem that doesn't exist. Allegations of fraud, they say, are little more than pretexts conjured up by Republicans to justify voter ID laws designed to suppress Democratic turnout.

That argument becomes much harder to make after reading a discussion of the 2008 Minnesota Senate race in "Who's Counting?", a new book by conservative journalist John Fund and former Bush Justice Department official Hans von Spakovsky. Although the authors cover the whole range of voter fraud issues, their chapter on Minnesota is enough to convince any skeptic that there are times when voter fraud not only exists but can be critical to the outcome of an important race.

In the '08 campaign, Republican Sen. Norm Coleman was running for re-election against Democrat Al Franken. It was impossibly close; on the morning after the election, after 2.9 million people had voted, Coleman led Franken by 725 votes.

Franken and his Democratic allies dispatched an army of lawyers to challenge the results. After the first canvass, Coleman's lead was down to 206 votes. That was followed by months of wrangling and litigation. In the end, Franken was declared the winner by 312 votes. He was sworn into office in July 2009, eight months after the election.

During the controversy, a conservative group called Minnesota Majority began to look into claims of voter fraud. Comparing criminal records with voting rolls, the group identified 1,099 felons -- all ineligible to vote -- who had voted in the Franken-Coleman race.

More @ Townhall

Virginia Flaggers Update: Reidsville Road Trip!

Jaime Funkhouser

Jaime Funkhouser stand guard at the site of the former Reidsville Confederate Monument in protest of the Statue on top the monument not returning to its spot on Scales Street after 101 years.

THIS Sunday, August 19th, the VA Flaggers will travel to Reidsville, NC to stand with our friend and Tar Heel Flagger, Jamie Funkhouser. We invite everyone who is willing and able, to join us as we support Jamie in his efforts to raise awareness of the situation there. For anyone who has ever thought about flagging, wanted to flag, or just wants to get a peek at what goes on, now is your chance to join us on the front lines!

The Reidsville Confederate statue was erected in honor and memory of the brave men who left their homes and families to defend North Carolina during the War Between the States.

Sadly, just 100 years later, after a traffic accident damaged the statue, the statue was REMOVED, under the direction of the very ones charged with guarding the memory of those brave soldiers he represents!

There are those who believe that it is better to avoid any "unpleasantness" that may arise if the Reidsville Soldier is returned to his rightful home.
We disagree.

Jamie has been steadfast in his protest, most often standing alone...in weather ranging from freezing rain to blazing heat. We are honored to have the opportunity to stand with him!

Will you pick up your flag and join us?

We will meet at the circle in Reidsville at 10:00 a.m., leaving Richmond at 7:00 a.m., and plan on flagging until 3:00. Anyone interested in attending, or riding from Richmond, please contact us for more details.

More on Reidsville here:





August VMFA Flagging Schedule:

Wednesday, August 15th: 3-Dusk

Saturday, August 18th: 11-3

Thursday, August 23rd: 3-Dusk

Saturday, August 25th: 11-3

Tuesday, August 28th: 3-Dusk

Saturday, September 1st: 11-3

If you are not on the text alert list, and would like to be, please let us know.

ALSO…save the date! Va Flaggers 1st Anniversary Celebration Picnic will be held Sunday, September 30th. 3-8, with supper at 5:00. More details to follow, but make plans to be there and bring your family!


Sunday, August 19th: Flagging Reidsville! Join us as we stand with Jamie Funkhouser, forwarding the colors and protesting the removal of the Confederate Monument from the traffic circle in Reidsville, NC. We will leave Richmond at 7:00 a.m., and flag 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. in Reidsville.

August 23rd-25th: Sesquicentennial of the Battle of 2nd Manassas. Va Flaggers will attend the activities on Saturday, August 24th, and forward the colors at the National Park AND the CusterMobile, which is scheduled to be there!

Tuesday, September 4th: The Va Flaggers will be the guest speakers at the monthly meeting of the Isle of Wight Avengers, SCV Camp#14, Smithfield, VA. http://www.iowavengers.com/

Saturday, September 22: 9th Annual Richard "Dick" Poplar Day at 11:30 a.m. Memorial Hill, Blandford Cemetery, Petersburg, Virginia, http://www.petersburgexpress.com/Petersburg_Events.html

Saturday, September 22: 10TH Alabama Marker Dedication Ceremony, 10:00 a.m. Bristoe Station

Sunday, September 30: Save the date and celebrate the Va Flaggers’ one year anniversary with a family cookout at the home of Grayson Jennings. More details to follow.

Saturday, October 27: Guided bus tour of Stuart’s ride around Richmond. Sponsored by Edmund Ruffin FireEaters Camp 3000, SCV.

Susan Hathaway

Va Flaggers

The Most Divisive Campaign in American History


In 1980, when President Reagan asked Americans, "Are you better off now than you were four years ago", it was still possible to campaign on a theme as simple as the job performance of the other guy. But now, 32 years later, the campaign hinges on a much more fundamental split among the voting population.

Romney appeals to voters who are dissatisfied with the last four years. Obama appeals to voters who are dissatisfied with America.

This basic gap was obscured in the 2008 campaign by the window trappings of inspiration. Among all the plastic pillars and stolen quotes from poets who stole them from sermons, it was harder to see that the underlying theme of the campaign was dissatisfaction with America. But in 2012, Obama can no longer run as a reformer or an optimist.

The coalition that he committed to last year is a coalition of those who are unhappy with America, not in the last four years, but in the last two-hundred years. Its core is composed of groups that fear democracy and distrust the will of the people. There is no optimism here, but a deeply rooted pessimism about human nature and the country as a whole. It is the Democratic Party's coalition against democracy.

After 2010, the numbers were crunched, and it was clear that Obama and the Democrats could not win a mainstream campaign. Instead, they targeted narrow groups, stirred up conflicts over issues aimed at that group, whether it was union pensions, racism or birth control. There was no more pretense of a national election, only a frenzied rush to polarize as many groups as possible and join them together into an acrimonious coalition, not so much for anything, as against Republicans.

There isn't any inspiration here. Just paranoia over everything from gay marriage to abortion to racial profiling to illegal immigration. A dozen illegal benefits being handed out with the explicit threat that they will be lost if Romney wins. A dozen mini-civil wars being stirred up to divide Americans and set them at each other's throats for the benefit of the Obama campaign.

From Occupy Wall Street to Wisconsin, from Trayvon Martin to Chick-fil-A, the goal of these manufactured conflicts has been to divide and conquer the electorate by emphasizing group rights over individual economic welfare.

Obama can't win on the economy. He can't win on foreign policy. He can't win on any aspect of his administration. All he can do is stir up violence and then promise to heal the country in his second term while winking to all the representatives of the grievance groups. It's not a new game, but the Democratic Party has never played it quite this baldly in a national election. And if it succeeds, then national politics will have finally been reduced to the level of a Chicago election.

The String Wart Revolutions



With the summary firings of virtually the entire general staff of Egypt's armed forces Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi has locked up power for the Muslim Brotherhood. That supposedly benevolent power-sharing, much bruited about on gossamer wings by western pundits, is so much obvious khara. We now have another Islamist state in the Near East. One that controls the Suez Canal, a 165-mile border with Israel in the Sinai, and the tenth largest armed force on the globe. Didn't see that coming when Lara Logan was being repeatedly raped in the street by mob-crazed Egyptian "enthusiasts."

Now all Israel needs is for a similar Islamist coup d'etat in Syria, where our feckless foreign policy has done nothing to influence the outcome of Baby Assad's assured demise. Facebook and Twitter and YouTube don't premise a democratic revolution anytime, or anywhere. They merely make sharing the real-time horrors of mob violence and government bloodletting a more democratically shared experience. What's been happening in the Arab world has not been a Velvet Revolution, or a Green Revolution, or an Orange Revolution, or a Cedar Revolution. It's been a series of String Wart Revolutions, the Libyan, Egyptian, and Syrian strings each more grotesque than the last.

The Suez will be the most interesting short-term issue. Transit of the canal has been notoriously corrupt since its creation, regardless of the reigning authority. Huge cash payments still move one's vessel to the front of the line. Now cash may not be enough. It is relatively easy for the United States Navy to escort tankers through the Strait of Hormuz. How does one ensure the Canal stays open and safe? The British and the French surely won't help us do it after the 1956 debacle.

But hell, what's the big deal with the most vital seaway on the planet? Everyone can just Vasco da fuckin' Gama around the Cape of Good Hope. Probably only adds 12 days transit time. Each way. And oil is cheap, right?

Of long term interest is the perfervid religiosity. The Mubarak regime fell in shockingly short order. Now the street crawlers have their blood up, and a nodding accomplice in the palace. They won't be satisfied thumping some Sudanese or Ethiopians on the noggin. They'll be wanting to thump some Jews. Now, the supposedly well-trained Egyptian army couldn't even protect itself from the street crawlers, and I doubt the street crawlers, armed with some new-found hardware, would pose much of a threat to the Israelis.

But it is a distraction, when Israel must look east. They may not wish to divert conventional resources to the Sinai when Iran is on the menu. If the Sinai gets swarmed by ten thousand hooligans they might just glassinize it. Remember the Six Day War? This would be the Two Hour War.

Most importantly, what can we do to diffuse the instability an Islamist Egypt poses? I suppose the real question is what Obama will do with the situation to further his short term political goals. And the only answer I keep coming up with is start the damned thing.