Wednesday, May 21, 2014

NC Spring PATCON 2014 Pictures

The 6th NC PATCON will be held October 1st - 6th 2014.

The schedule should approximate the last and we need input concerning speakers, classes and raffle donations, etcetera.  Would like to have as much as possible by the one month notice.  Thanks.

We have more children each time and the more the better! )

The bush behind the rear porch of the Georgian.

Soap bubbles!

How do you like to go up in a swing,
Up in the air so blue?
Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing
Ever a child can do!

Up in the air and over the wall,
Till I can see so wide,
River and trees and cattle and all
Over the countryside--

Till I look down on the garden green,
Down on the roof so brown--
Up in the air I go flying again,
Up in the air and down!



He needs a mate.  If anyone finds one.......:)

Dixie as Darth Vader. :)

Susan (Sioux) brought her spinning wheel from the frozen north and the children were most pleased.

Congratulations to Jeremiah who achieved his Black Belt since the Fall PATCON.

Such a sweetie. :)

A three year old who is brilliant!  Likes vegetables also. :)

John Ainsworth, the highlight of every PATCON.

Pig Pickin'!

My next door neighbor with his twin sons.

Susan and her friend again.  Thanks.

Nothing better.

Our dear Yankee friends depart from their fourth PATCON. Always a joy!

PS:  Randy, thank you for the kind note.  It was most appreciated.

Boycott: Guns & Ammo, Rifle Shooter, Shooting Times, Handguns and the Sportsman Channel

 Leo Hindery Jr

Leo Hindery Jr. is a Democrat-fundraiser and donor whose private equity firm owns InterMedia Outdoors, which publishes Guns & Ammo magazine and the Sportsman Channel.
His equity firm also publishes Rifle Shooter, Shooting Times, and Handguns.
According to Politico, Hindery “personally contributed more than $1 million to the Democratic National Committee Campaign under [former Senate majority leader] Tom Daschle’s (D) leadership.” He was a top fundraiser for Daschle and “a top supporter of former Sen. John Edward’s White House bid.”
More @ Ammoland

Police investigate flier distributed in Middletown

Via Nancy,h:384,t:1,c:ffffff,q:80,r:1

Middletown police say they have “concerns” about a flier that began appearing around town Monday from the “White Guard,” a group claiming it would protect white people from black criminals.

The flier, obtained by the Journal-News, references the May 13 arson in which a group of neighborhood juveniles allegedly set fire to the Roosevelt Avenue home of Jennifer Chitwood, a white mother of two children.

Thaddeus Shields, 18, of 1327 Woodlawn Ave., and a 17-year-old male were both arrested and charged for the crime a day later. But Shields had the charges against him dropped because an eyewitness lied about seeing him at the scene, and police said there was credible evidence he was not involved. However, the 17-year-old, who police said is bi-racial, remains in custody charged with unruly to wit aggravated arson.

More with video @ Journal-News

1967 Chevrolet Corvette L88 Coupe Factory Side Exhaust, Tank Sticker

 S113 1967 Chevrolet Corvette L88 Coupe Factory Side Exhaust, Tank Sticker Photo 1

This 1967 Chevrolet Corvette L88 Coupe enjoys a high profile in the Corvette community and has everything for the discerning collector. Finished in popular Marina Blue with Black interior, it is a rare factory side exhaust-equipped version of the first-year L88 documented with the original tank sticker, restored by the renowned Naber Brothers and featured in multiple Bloomington Gold Special Collections spanning three decades. Best of all, it is part of one of the most memorable eras in the history of America’s Sports Car.

The most potent 427 CI engine in 1967 was not even listed in the Corvette sales material. Available only in the Corvette, RPO L88 was the ultimate realization of Chief Engineer Zora Arkus Duntov’s relentless development program, one that included a 660 HP 427 with chain-driven overhead cams patterned after Ford’s SOHC engine and a more conventional pushrod hemi-head engine rated at 628 horses.

More @ MECUM

Militia starts and wins

Military resistance Southeast could develop effective tactics to counter Ukrainian army

Inability to clear the Ukrainian security officials from the cities of South-East insurgent militia can not be explained only by the weakness of the Ukrainian army. Shooters and his team were able to oppose military professionals a new and very effective tactics of resistance. What has caused the military successes militia versed Vzglyad.

                                                                      More @ U 96                 

Appalachian Redoubt from an Intelligence Perspective

Via Michael

A couple weeks ago at the NC PATCON, I moderated a very abbreviated discussion of the Appalachian Redoubt.  There was some really good input, however, we didn’t get the opportunity to finish the discussion points.  So I’d like to open the floor up to everyone’s input.

From an intelligence standpoint, I like the Appalachian Redoubt not because it’s a particularly great option but because it’s the best option east of the Mississippi. I used to view Texas in a similar light, however, I think it’s now apparent that Texas stands a real chance of being turned blue.  Frankly, as Texas goes, so goes America.  At a strategic level, if Texas becomes a democrat state through immigration reform and the creation of 10-30MM new Americans, it’s difficult to see how we’ll ever have another pro-Liberty, limited government president, maybe within my lifetime.  I think that’s the last nail in the Republic’s coffin as national gun control legislation would be soon to follow.  (The national popular vote was within five million, and the Texas vote was within 1.2MM.  Even just a few million new voters would make a significant impact.)

At any rate, I’m attracted to the Appalachians for the same reasons I’m drawn to the Mountain West, and it’s ultimately why I decided to make the Mountain West my home a few years ago.

So I’ve come up with the top five factors with intelligence requirements that need to be discussed and answered if you’re going to build the Appalachian Redoubt.  I love the idea and I’ll support the mission as best I can.  (And, really, these factors apply to any Redoubt or retreat location.)

Miami VA Whistleblower Exposes Drug Dealing, Theft, Abuse

Via LH

When asked why he would risk his job and speak publicly, Detective Thomas Fiore considered the question carefully before answering.

“People are dying,” he finally said, “and there are so many things that are going on there that people need to know about.”

Fiore, a criminal investigator for the VA police department in South Florida, contacted CBS4 News hoping to shed light on what he considers a culture of cover-ups and bureaucratic neglect. Among his charges: Drug dealing on the hospital grounds is a daily occurrence.

“Anything from your standard prescription drugs like OxyContin, Vicodin, Percocet, and of course marijuana, cocaine, heroin, I’ve come across them all,” he explained.

More with video @ CBS Miami

McMillan Merchant Solutions and PistolPay
Last year the Department of Justice partnered with the FDIC and the Federal Trade Commission to put a whole host of industries (and their customers) on a “high-risk” list and urged banks to pay close attention to those industries as part of Operation Choke Point.

Storefront gun dealers, online dealers and ammunition dealers are on the “high risk” list, along with porn and other salacious products (as if they’re even comparable, the Second Amendment is constitutional right, yet it’s on the DOJ hit list). DOJ argues the program is needed to stop fraud, but that’s a lie. The program is used to target politically inconvenient industries without the permission of Congress.
Fortunately, as Bearing Arms noted last September, a number of pro-Second Amendment companies have stepped up to offer dealers, distributors and manufacturers the financial resources they need.

EXCLUSIVE BREAKING ANALYSIS: Obama Still Can’t Throw a Baseball Correctly


After more than five years in office, President Obama still can’t throw a baseball like a normal adult male, a Free Beacon analysis has found.

Issa Subpoenas DOJ After ‘Election Crimes’ Director Refuses to Answer Critical Questions 34 Times


House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) subpoenaed the Department of Justice today for documents after the DOJ’s Election Crimes Branch director, Richard Pilger, refused to answer critical questions 34 times, as advised by a DOJ lawyer, about the IRS-Tea Party scandal.

“The Department’s refusal to allow Mr. Pilger to testify about matters highly relevant to the Committee’s investigation unnecessarily delays and frustrates the Committee’s Constitutional oversight obligations,” said Chairman Issa in a letter sent with the subpoena.

“The Department’s obstruction in this regard, coupled with its failure to produce any relevant material to date, leads the Committee to conclude the Department is not seriously committed to cooperating with the Committee’s investigation on the Committee’s terms,” said Issa.

More @ CNS News

NC: Calls Needed to Support Anti-Common Core Bills

Dear HSLDA Members and Friends:

Some North Carolina legislators are fighting back against the State Board of Education’s adoption of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), which will detrimentally affect not only public school students but also students in home schools. Senate Bill 812 and House Bill 1061 would replace the CCSS with standards developed by the State Board of Education after consultation with the newly formed Academic Standards Review Commission. These bills would also prohibit the State Board of Education from acquiring or implementing CCSS tests without the approval of the legislature. Your calls and emails are needed to support these bills that would get rid of CCSS altogether.

The current impact of the CCSS on home schools nationwide is revealed in the expanding state longitudinal databases for tracking all students, shifting college admissions expectations, newly updated curricula, and revised standardized tests. For additional information from an HSLDA analysis of the CCSS, please click here.

HSLDA’s primary opposition to the CCSS comes from its overarching philosophy of centralized educational planning. The standards create a one-size-fits-all approach to education and rest on the assumption that every child must learn the same things at the same speed. We believe that the success of home schooling shows that the key to educational success is empowering parents and teachers, not educational bureaucrats. As public school test scores and graduation rates continue to fall, it is disappointing to see that the CCSS continues to follow the failed approach of greater national control over education instead of empowering parents, teachers, and local schools.

Members of the legislature need to hear from home educators and others who want to replace the Common Core State Standards with standards appropriate for North Carolina students.

Action Requested


1. Please call and/or email your state senator and state representative with this message or something similar in your own words:
“Please vote for Senate Bill 812 and House Bill 1061, which would replace the Common Core State Standards with standards appropriate to the needs of North Carolina students. The Common Core State Standards are flawed because they create a one-size-fits-all approach to education and rest on the assumption that every child must learn the same things at the same speed. The key to educational success is empowering parents and teachers, not educational bureaucrats.”
To find the contact information for your state senator, please click here.

To find the contact information for your state representative, please click here.

2. Please forward this email to every family you know who is not a member of HSLDA and urge them to contact their senators and representatives about these bills.

To view the text of Senate Bill 812, please click here.

To view the text of House Bill 1061, please click here.

Please call or email today!

Dewitt T. Black, III
HSLDA Senior Counsel
• • •
P.S. We greatly value you and your support—it is a privilege to serve you! If you or someone you know is not a member of HSLDA, will you consider taking a moment today to join or recommend us? Your support enables us to defend individual families threatened by government officials and protect homeschooling freedom for all. Join now >>

Citadel PATCON Update

The planning committee is ramping up for our August PatCon.  Be sure to drop them a note and RSVP so we have enough of everything to make this our best PatCon yet west of the Mississippi!

We have some outstanding sponsors lining up and supplying gear for our Patriots to T&E.

The raffle promises to impress!

Good food, good friends, beautiful mountains of Idaho, camping and celebrating the best of America, with true Americans.

Are you coming?