Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Graham: God might smite Obama with lightning

Via Billy


& not a tear would be shed.

One of the highest-profile Christian leaders in America, Franklin Graham of Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, is hinting that Barack Obama is deliberately setting himself up in opposition to God.

On his Facebook page Tuesday, Graham, who has kept up a steady stream of comments on the “gay”-rights agenda, brought up the subject again.

He noted Obama’s decision to promote homosexuality with colored lights at the White House after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled June 26 the Constitution grants same-sex couples a right to marriage.

“He had the gall to disgrace the White House by lighting it up with the gay pride rainbow colors,” Graham wrote. “This is arrogantly flaunting sinful behavior in the face of Almighty God. My advice? He might want to have some extra lightning rods installed on the roof of the White House.”

More @ WND


Via Billy


Marie Laveau, Voodoo Queen, was a Confederate Loyalist

Via comment by Anonymous on Mississippi flag supporters rally outside state Ca...


This is the legendary Voodoo queen Marie Laveau's obituary from the New York Times. She was a free Black woman in New Orleans and her grave as well as tales of her are part of New Orleans legend. She is probably the most famous Black woman in New Orleans history. Mitch Landrieu proudly posed by a statue of her last year. She is a cornerstone of New Orleans history, folklore and the tourist industry.

But according to the logic of Mayor Landrieu and others, that needs to change. No praise or homage should ever be given to her... as she was a rabid supporter of the Confederacy!

From her obituary:
"Marie always remained true to the people of her section, and during the war of the rebellion, she did all in her power to assist the Southern interest,hiding and caring for the devotees of the "lost cause" and their property, at the risk of her own goods and liberty."


"It is Secession or Slavery. Choose one. There is no third choice."

Comment by Michael on Nullification vs. Constitutional Convention


A convention is exactly how we ended up with the constitution when delegates were gathered to only consider amendments to the Articles of Confederation. The founders called that convention knowing full well they intended to do away with that form of governance. We honor them today for what they did? Patrick Henry saw full well where the new consolidated federal government would lead us.

"And here I would make this inquiry of those worthy characters who composed a part of the late federal Convention. I am sure they were fully impressed with the necessity of forming a great consolidated government, instead of a confederation. That this is a consolidated government is demonstrably clear; and the danger of such a government is, to my mind, very striking. I have the highest veneration for those gentlemen; but, sir, give me leave to demand, What right had they to say, We, the people? My political curiosity, exclusive of my anxious solicitude for the public welfare, leads me to ask, Who authorized them to speak the language of, We, the people, instead of, We, the states? States are the characteristics and the soul of a confederation. If the states be not the agents of this compact, it must be one great, consolidated, national government, of the people of all the states."

The republic is long dead as is the constitution. Those who feel we can restore the constitution and the republic are as deluded as those who feel with just the right Republican candidate we can vote our way out of this. We as a nation are just too large, too out of scale for a proper form of republican governance to work and we are too far divided to ever be able to come together and even try to make it work. Our "representative" government only represents the special interests and the political elites don't give a damn about "we the people" except in how they can manipulate us to serve their needs and the wishes of their masters.

It is time again to say "all we ask is to be let alone". It is time to truly Free North Carolina.

AL Gov. Bentley says he's done taking action on Confederate issues

Via Billy " Old Gov. realizes he has poked a stick in a hornets nest! Since Montgomery counties Probate Judge Reed is against S.C.V. car tags ( and everything else Confederate ) I`ll have to spend the extra $50 bucks & get me one."

Confederate tag.JPG

Three weeks after Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley ordered the Confederate flag removed from the grounds of the state Capitol, a probate judge is asking the governor to go a step further.

Montgomery County Probate Judge Steven Reed sent a letter to the governor on Tuesday asking him to issue a proclamation ordering the Sons of Confederate Veterans to redesign its license plate, which features the battle flag.

When asked about Confederate car tags today, the governor, through a representative, said he won't take any action on tags or anything else related to the Confederacy.

More @ AL

Mobile, Alabama, removing Confederate flag from city seal

Via Billy "Alabamians get busy or the monuments & statues are next!"

The city of Mobile, Alabama announced Tuesday that it was removing the Confederate flag from its official seal.

The Mobile City Council voted Tuesday to remove the Confederate flag and other banners from the official seal of city government following complaints that the Old South symbol depicted racism and intolerance.

The 6-0 vote, from which one member abstained, means only the U.S. flag will remain on the seal of the port city. A version of the Confederate national flag and four other historic flags will be taken off.

More @ The Post & Courier

What's next? Confederate cleansing?

"Dear Brock -

This is my first transmission to you - but, hopefully not the last. I have been a Long Time Reader/Admirer of your freenorthcarolina.blogspot page and finally feel I have something worthy to pass your way. The text is attached as a word doc, but - if you prefer - here is the actual link .

I was born and reared in Roanoke, VA - about 15 miles or so from Boones Mill, VA - but I cannot say I know writer, Mr. John Cahoon. However, he is certainly Spot On with his comments - four years in advance - and it would be a great pleasure to cross his path, just as it would Yours. Though a Virginian by Birth, I have been in North Carolina since matriculating to the Dark Blue Durham School in 1972 - a school which would, today, shun the likes of me (the feeling is mutual, by the way ... see attached).

I thought you would appreciate Mr. Cahoon's writing from 2011 and I hope you are able to give it proper distribution with your popular website. More importantly, I wanted you to know with certainty that there are - indeed - those of us Out There who are watching, waiting, and standing by ...

Please continue to Keep Up Your Good Work and, when time and energy permit, let me know how I might be of assistance.

Very Respectfully,

Rick Hubbard
Terrell, NC

Life Member, NC SCV

Dear Rick, 

Thank you for your kind words, Sir and we shall continue the fight until we cross over the river.





The Lexington City Council, currently under court injunction for previous civil rights violations against its own residents, has courageously resurrected what appears to be massive resistance and embarked on a campaign of Confederate ethnic cleansing in order to preserve the Southern way of life based upon viewpoint segregation. Thank goodness.

If not, council members would have to endure the integration of different viewpoints within their closed, progressive community and be forced to acknowledge as equals those who wish to honor the Confederate soldier by displaying the Confederate flag one day of the year.

In a previous narrow escape from having to embrace tolerance, inclusiveness and free speech, Lexington fended off an attempt to locate the onerous Museum of the Confederacy within their community. This would have been a calamity since their community would have been exposed to undesirable and contrary viewpoints. Certainly the tourist dollars and resulting jobs were inconsequential to the wealthy elitists and were not needed by Lexington's unemployed blacks and whites.

Jade Helm, Terrorist Attacks, Surveillance and Other Fairy Tales for a Gullible Nation

Via LH

Strange how paranoia can link up with reality now and then.” ― Philip K. Dick, A Scanner Darkly
Once upon a time, there was a nation of people who believed everything they were told by their government.
When terrorists attacked the country, and government officials claimed to have been caught by surprise, the people believed them. And when the government passed massive laws aimed at locking down the nation and opening the door to total government surveillance, the people believed it was done merely to keep them safe. The few who disagreed were labeled traitors.
When the government waged costly preemptive wars on foreign countries, insisting it was necessary to protect the nation, the citizens believed it. And when the government brought the weapons and tactics of war home to use against the populace, claiming it was just a way to recycle old equipment, the people believed that too. The few who disagreed were labeled unpatriotic.

Why Frédéric Bastiat Still Matters


 Some freebies above. 

 Yesterday marked the 214th anniversary of Frédéric Bastiat’s birthday on June 30, 1801, in Bayonne, France. One of the seminal thinkers of the classical liberal tradition, Bastiat made great contributions to the field of political economy, laying many of the foundations for the later school of Austrian economics. Both a politician and a writer, Bastiat penned numerous books and essays on political economy and how its principles could be applied to mid-19th century France, writing with his razor-sharp wit and renowned rhetorical flair. While his works pertain to post-Napoleonic France, they carry important lessons for our nation’s leaders, politicians, and economists.

One of Bastiat’s most important lessons appears in That Which is Seen, and That Which is Not Seen, where Bastiat applied his careful method of logical procession to economic questions. In this work, he examines the same topics that are commonly misunderstood by contemporary politicians: military spending, taxes, the economic benefits of saving, and mechanization, among others. In each examination, he demonstrates that the economist or policy maker must look beyond the apparent to understand the true effects of a policy, showing in every case that the arguments for government intervention are inherently flawed. If one were to apply this method to the argument for raising the minimum wage to $15, for example, one would see that the unseen effects, the firing of low-skill workers and increased prices, are damaging. It is this logical method that informed many in the Austrian school of thought and formed the foundation of Henry Hazlitt’s seminal Economics in One Lesson, which is a more thorough investigation of Bastiat’s principle.

Honoring our Forefathers: The heritage of the South, symbolized by the Confederate Battle Flag, is so important to many

Via LH

Like nearly all South Carolinians, I was deeply saddened upon learning of the senseless murders at the Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C. At the time, I was serving (military duties) outside the state when I also learned one of the slain was related to a fellow soldier.

I continue to pray for the families. Their Christian witness after the tragedy impacted us all.

For the sake of respect for the victims and their families, I did not believe it appropriate to write an article in response to the Confederate flag issue in the immediate aftermath of the tragedy; not during the period for mourning. I had to pray about timing, as I wanted nothing I said to detract from the care of the families. However, now that we have had an opportunity to grieve (and with the recent U.S. Supreme Court gay marriage decision undermining states’ 10th Amendment powers), I feel compelled to offer a contrasting view about the Confederate Battle Flag.

Independent Institute: Love Gov Video Series Satirizes Intrusive Government

The United States just celebrated 239 years of independence from England, but have Americans become too dependent on Washington, D.C.? And what does it mean—in human terms—when we say that the federal government has become too involved in the lives of young adults? Rather than address the question with numbers and graphs, we thought it would be more memorable (and entertaining) to tell you the story of Alexis Smith—an idealistic college student who falls for Scott “Gov” Govinsky in Love Gov, a satirical video series from Independent Institute that we’ve just released on YouTube.

Each of the series’ five episodes follows Alexis’s relationship with Gov, a confident young man whose “good intentions” wreak (comic) havoc on her life. Watch Alexis as she deals with excessive student debt, costly housing, underemployment, bureaucratic healthcare, and more. Alexis’s loyal friend Libby tries to help her see Gov for what he really is—a menace. But will Alexis come to her senses in time? Tune in to find out!

Love Gov is a way to help anyone, especially Millennials, understand the federal government’s ever-expanding reach into personal lives,” says David J. Theroux, founder and president of Independent Institute. “It’s a lighthearted approach to reach audiences on a personal level, and inspire them to learn more and take action.”

The Love Gov video series also connects with the updated MyGovCost mobile app, a tool that helps users estimate their lifetime federal tax liability, their contribution to 17 federal spending categories, and the amount of money they would have accumulated if they had invested the money they paid to the U.S. Treasury and earned a modest six percent return.

Mississippi flag supporters rally outside state Capitol

Via Billy

The Confederate battle emblem should remain on the Mississippi flag because it honors ancestors who fought for the South in the Civil War, a brother of former Gov. Haley Barbour told about 40 supporters of the state banner at a rally Monday outside the state Capitol.

“They were fighting for the freedom of the South not to get bossed around by a bunch of Yankees,” Jeppie Barbour told reporters after he spoke on the Capitol steps.

Egypt’s New President's Forces Kills 241 NWO ISIS Terrorists In 5 Days

Via comment by Anonymous on Appalachian Messenger July 3rd

 Sinai Egypt

Clashes between the armed forces and militants in North Sinai since the beginning of July left 241 [ISIS mercenary] militants dead, said military spokesman Mohamed Samir in an official statement on Monday.

The statement further read that a total of 33 people were arrested, out of whom 29 were suspects. The armed forces statement accompanied photos of killed militants with camouflage gears.

Illegal alien Francisco Sanchez coached to say he feels sorry for murdering Kate Steinle at San Francisco pier

Via comment by Anonymous on A Muslim Beats a Dutch Girl in Holland


From Eric Dondero:

Headlines in San Francisco media, and even across the country this morning, that the killer of Kate Steinle feels regret over shooting her while she was walking with her Dad on SF's famed Pier 14 last week. But pay careful attention to the video interview in the jail cell.(Relevant portion starts at the 17 minute mark. The precise moment is at the 18 minute mark - listen to how the the interpreter asks him "te sientes mal"?  Do you feel bad?  His response of "No" - shaking his head from side-to-side is crystal clear. )