Sunday, November 11, 2018

55th Military School Reunion

Well worn.

Leon Johenning Class of '61 and his delightful wife.

Bill Allfather and current love :) was the Battalion Adjutant in 1961 and I in 1963

Me. Haven't changed a bit........:)

Bernie and wife

Bernie at 40th Reunion

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling 

Bink Wilson on the left and Bernie Fisher on the right

Sorry, Brian Kemp Still Won

 This election is over. Brian Kemp is the governor-elect of Georgia.

Here was the state of play as of yesterday per the Kemp campaign’s breakdown of publicly available information:
As of Saturday, November 10, 2018 (12:00 p.m.)
*Information below is public.
 Total votes reported: 3,924,658
Kemp: 1,975,162 (50.33%)
Abrams: 1,912,383 (48.73%)
Metz: 37,113 (.95%)
Kemp Margin: +62,779 votes

More @ NRO

FINALLY!:) A Washington Post Mortem on the $PLC

Image result for The Despicable $southern Poverty Law Center

"'See that speck there?" retired Lt. Gen. William G. 'Jerry' Boykin says, directing my gaze to the ceiling of the Family Research Council's lobby in Washington. I spy a belly-button-size opening in the plaster. 'That's a bullet hole.'" That's how the Washington Post magazine opens the latest in a long line of mainstream media features on the fall of the $outhern Poverty Law Center ($PLC). Since the shooting at FRC in 2012, the tide has been turning on the one-time civil rights watchdog -- and more and more reporters are taking note.
More @ FRC

Fulton County #'s Show Massive Duplicate Ballots, Rejected Ballots, Non-Citizens

Bombshell numbers out of Fulton County, Georgia show that a vast amount of the provisional ballots submitted in the Democrat stronghold were rejected for being duplicate ballots.

Now, the Democrat Stacey Abrams campaign is pushing on Fulton County, running an entire campaign-style operation with phone banking, texts and email blasts to reach out to people who allegedly cast provisional ballots on Election Day.

Abrams’ search for provisional ballots may yield fruit, but her search for credible provisional ballots that can be counted in this election will prove futile. Why?

A full 1,811 provisional ballots in Fulton County were duplicates (49 percent), and 1,556 of them (42 percent of the total provisionals) were rejected.

Here We Go… Georgia Democrat Party Says Thousands of New “Absentee, Early, and Election Day Votes” Were Just Discovered in Several Counties

Via Billy

Image result for Here We Go… Georgia Democrat Party Says Thousands of New “Absentee, Early, and Election Day Votes” Were Just Discovered in Several Counties

They’re going to steal Georgia too.

The Georgia Democrat Party announced on SATURDAY that a handful of Georgia counties have suddenly discovered THOUSANDS of new votes that need to be counted. The Georgia Democrats say the new stash included absentee, early and election day votes.

The midterm election was four days ago.

Dem wins leave behind a more conservative GOP conference: Midterms put GOP centrists in peril

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A large chunk of centrist Republicans were either wiped out at the polls on Tuesday or are planning to retire at the end of this Congress, while the ultra-conservative House Freedom Caucus is actually expected to expand its ranks next year.

That means that when Republicans assume their new role in the minority, the GOP will largely be unified as they rally against the Democratic agenda and defend Trump from an onslaught of investigations and hearings.

More @ The Hill


EU Populists In France, Hungary And Italy Continue To Surge In Polls; Le Pen Overtakes Macron

Via Billy

According to the latest polls, the populist wave of anti-mass migration nationalist parties across the European Union is picking up steam, particularly in Italy, France and Hungary as pro-nationalism parties lead their rivals going into next year's EU parliament election.

As we reported last week, a recent poll from Nov. 4 from the Institut Français D’opinion Publique (IFOP) showed that French President Emmanuel Macron's centrist party Republic on the Move (LREM) has fallen to 19%, while Marine Le Pen's right-wing Rassemblement National (RN, formerly National Front) jumped to 21%, according to Euractiv.

More @ Zero Hedge

Suffrage to suffering: Women empowered Democrats in midterms

Via Richard

Well, ladies, you did it again. No, not all of you. But here's the reality: If only men had voted this election, the GOP would have held the House and picked up some seats. The Senate's Republican majority would be even greater (than plus six or eight) and the Trump train would be full-steam ahead. But women breaking for Democrats by roughly 20 points made this impossible – and Mad Max (Waters) a committee chairman. Egads!

Here are the stats: Women constituted 52 percent of the electorate and went for Democrats 59-40. Men went for Republicans 51-49. Oh, don't get me wrong, this wasn't the guys' finest hour, either; when almost half my fellow "men" are voting for the party of irrationality, well, we're perhaps seeing the consequences of the recent decades' 30-percent drop in testosterone levels.

Yet this merely reflects a simple truth. Regarding voting, men really stink.

Women stink worse.

9 Years Into Common Core, Test Scores Are Down, Indoctrination Up

9 Years Into Common Core, Test Scores Are Down, Indoctrination Up

Common Core sucked all the energy, money, and motivation right out of desperately needed potential reforms to U.S. public schools for a decade, and for nothing.

It’s been about nine years since the Obama administration lured states into adopting Common Core sight unseen, with promises it would improve student achievement. Like President Obama’s other big promises — “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” — this one’s been proven a scam.