Sunday, August 11, 2019

“We Are Not Helpless” Obama Says

Via Reborn


Tragedy strikes again, and again within twenty-four hours, and it will continue to strike until something changes at the heart of society and modern civilization. “We are not helpless here,” Obama said in a statement posted on Twitter. “And until all of us stand up and insist on holding public officials accountable for changing our gun laws, these tragedies will keep happening.” Obama said the El Paso shooting followed a “dangerous trend” of violence motivated by racist ideologies.

He must be kidding? One of the shooters killed his sister, was that motivated by racist ideologies? 

The above picture is a spectator shouting at Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine and we can imagine the frustrations and pain of Americans who are feeling more and more fearful of going anywhere or sending their children even to their schools. None of this matters to superficial politicians who use everything for their political gain and to support lunatic ideas that have no place in reality.

More @ Dr. Sircus

China begins military invasion of Hong Kong

Via Knuckledraggin' My Life Away

One of the videos at the link has protestors singing the Star Spangled Banner while holdng American flags. :)

The Chinese government has begun moving troops across the Shenzhen Qianhai Guangshen Coastal Expressway Bridge into Hong Kong minutes ago, in a military operation to put down protests against the government of Beijing.

Hundreds of military trucks carrying soldiers and guns are moving at this hour across the Bridge into Hong Kong.

As I'm Sure We All Know: Why Democrats demonizing Trump supporters destroys accurate polls

 Image result for Why Democrats demonizing Trump supporters destroys accurate polls

On November 7, 2016 — one day before the presidential election — mainstream polling suggested that Hillary Clinton’s chances of being elected were at or above 80 percent. Relying on data and surveys that systematically underestimated Donald Trump, the nation’s leading news publications ran headlines declaring, “Trump’s chances of winning approach zero.”

The rest, as we all know too well, is history. Prior to 2016, polls provided useful and relatively accurate political forecasts. But today they can no longer be trusted—even when Trump isn’t on the ballot. While 2018 midterm polls predicted more accurate overall results than 2016, they still underestimated Republicans in several key states and races.

More @ The Hill

BLOOMBERG STRIKES AGAIN IN NORTH CAROLINA: A "Community Conversation" to Gut the 2nd Amendment

 Image result for grnc

Grass Roots North Carolina was recently contacted by television station WBTV about a "Community Conversation" that they will be hosting about gun violence. The headliner for this "Conversation" is no other than Shannon Watts, the ex-Monsanto Bloomberg-funded head of the corporate anti-gun lobby that wants to convince you that your 2nd Amendment right isn't a right at all. Joining in this anti-gun echo chamber will be a host of Democratic politicians that share in the desire to limit your rights, "for your own good."

The station wanted to know if GRNC would "join" this "panel," knowing fully that whoever came would become the whipping post for this group of people that have sold their souls (and yours, given the chance) to the anti-freedom corporate lobbies that are hard at work. At no point, of course, did WBTV feel it appropriate to include an equal number of representatives from the large community of law-abiding gun owners, instructors, competitive marksmen and actual grassroots organizers that work hard to protect our freedoms: instead, one lonely person would be setup for abuse.

More @ GRNC

The War on White Supremacist Terror

Via Billy

If you enjoyed the global corporatocracy’s original War on Islamicist Terror, you’re going to love their latest spinoff, The War on White Supremacist Terror. It’s basically just like the old War on Terror, except that this time the bad guys are all white supremacists, and Donald Trump is Osama bin Laden … unless Putin is Osama bin Laden. OK, I’m not quite sure who’s Osama bin Laden. 

Whatever. The point is, the Terrorists are coming!

Yes, that’s right, some racist psycho murdered a bunch of people in Texas, so it’s time to “take the gloves off” again, pass some new kind of Patriot Act, further curtail our civil liberties, and generally whip the public up into a mass hysteria over “white supremacist terrorism.”

The New York Times Editorial Board is already hard at work on that front.

Jefferson and Liberty

Via David

The night of fire is yet to come
The tyrant's shadow down the years
demands we kneel, or take the gun
And go shed blood instead of our tears

 So, rejoince, Columbia's sons, rejoice!
 To tyrants never bend the knee
 But lend your heart and hands and voice
 To Jefferson and liberty! 
"Every twenty years," he said
"The times are ripe and over-past
To raise rebellion's fiery head
And cast off tyranny's shel at last!"

 So, rejoice, Columbia's sons, rejoice!
 To tyrants never bend the knee
 But lend your heart and hands and voice
 To Jefferson and liberty!
No man is good nor wise enough
To rule another, or disown
The rights of every woman and man
To live and let live and be left alone

 So, rejoice, Columbia's sons, rejoice!
 To tyrants never bend the knee
 But lend your heart and hands and voice
 To Jefferson and liberty!
The starry banner that did fly
O'er freedom's bloodied barricades
Now flaps and fades in foreign skies
O'er palaces that empire made

 So, arise, Columbia's sons, arise!
 Arise that ye might yet be free!
 Cast off the forces that made lies
 Of Jefferson and liberty!
The world that once did turn and watch
The struggle for democracy
cries, "Have Columbia's sons forgotten
Jefferson and liberty?"

 So, arise, Columbia's sons, arise!
 Arise that ye might yet be free!
 Cast off the forces that made lies
 Of Jefferson and liberty!
But we, the heirs of Jefferson
Like ancient Sons of Liberty
Will bear indeed the rebel's gun
And never bow to tyranny!

 So, arise, Columbia's sons, arise!
 Arise that ye might yet be free!
 Cast off the forces that made lies
 Of Jefferson and liberty! 
 --Leslie Fish

Former MCC inmate: There’s ‘no way’ Jeffrey Epstein killed himself

Via John

Metropolitan Correction Center, Jeffrey Epstein (inset).

There’s no way that man could have killed himself. I’ve done too much time in those units. It’s an impossibility.

Between the floor and the ceiling is like eight or nine feet. There’s no way for you to connect to anything.

You have sheets, but they’re paper level, not strong enough. He was 200 pounds — it would never happen.

When Your Dad Works For Hollywood

Via G.W. Long

THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A FATHER WHO IS A TALENTED GRAPHIC DESIGNER & well known for making great movie scenes, filmed his son and then added various special effects.  Incredible result:  This is also why it is so difficult to believe what you see on the internet.

More @ Woodsterman

AG Barr Seems To Not Buying Epstein Suicide Story,”Apparent Suicide” Has Barr “Appalled”

Via Richard

Opinion, Speculation & Analysis by The Elder Patriot – As you know, The Federal Bureau of Prisons announced that Jeffrey Epstein had been discovered around 6:30 Saturday morning hanging in his cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan.

The New York Times reported that “Epstein was housed in a special unit with extra security, but he was not under suicide watch.”  (UPDATE: However, they have since changed their story, saying he was NOT under watch, despite having allegedly trying to kill himself weeks earlier)

What does that mean?  Despite the Times account, others, including Fox News, are not sure that he wasn’t under suicide watch.