Tragedy strikes again, and again within twenty-four hours, and it will continue to strike until something changes at the heart of society and modern civilization. “We are not helpless here,” Obama said in a statement posted on Twitter. “And until all of us stand up and insist on holding public officials accountable for changing our gun laws, these tragedies will keep happening.” Obama said the El Paso shooting followed a “dangerous trend” of violence motivated by racist ideologies.
He must be kidding? One of the shooters killed his sister, was that motivated by racist ideologies?
The above picture is a spectator shouting at Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine and we can imagine the frustrations and pain of Americans who are feeling more and more fearful of going anywhere or sending their children even to their schools. None of this matters to superficial politicians who use everything for their political gain and to support lunatic ideas that have no place in reality.
More @ Dr. Sircus