On Tuesday, 21 July 2015, the North Carolina House of Representatives is scheduled to consider a monuments protection bill. The legislation has passed the House Homeland Security Committee and will now be considered by the full House. The legislation is titled:
S22, the "Historic Artifact Management and Patriotism Act" http://ncleg.net/Sessions/2015/Bills/Senate/PDF/S22v3.pdf
It is much larger than just a monuments bill, as it also protects all items of our history---markers, plaques, memorials. It also has sections that stress patriotism and support for all our veterans. PLEASE contact your North Carolina House of Representatives members and tell them you support this legislation. You can locate your House representative's email address by accessing: http://ncleg.net/representation/WhoRepresentsMe.aspx
Alternatively, you can call the House switchboard at 919-733-4111, and ask to be connected to your representative's office.
This request is extremely important. Your voice CAN be very important. But you MUST ACT, and you must act TODAY, Thursday, 16 July 2015, as the legislature will not be in session tomorrow. If you cannot contact your member today, then please try again on Monday, 20 July 2015, as the House will come back into session Monday night. At the very least, if you cannot respond today or Monday, please email or call and leave a message over the weekend.
Please follow through on this request. It is critically important to our heritage.