A few excerpts below from the main article HERE.
"After the Berlin Wall fell, America stepped up its long march towards being just another nation state. America was an idea and sadly I feel that America is no more. Now there is just The United States which is sadly just another government monstrosity plodding towards irrelevance. History shows that the death rattle of a nation state can be very painful for the citizenry. It pains me that there is no place left for those who truly want to be free.
I also went to graduate school at Oxford and although I didn't learn much of practical use it did open some doors and put me in touch with some great people whom I still work with on a regular basis. An MBA taught me that formal business education was a total waste of time and was designed to perpetuate conventional mediocrity. It also heightened my distain for conventional wisdom. I was fortunate to go there once I was already financially independent so I could pick fights with the faculty.
The EU is a political entity not an economic zone. Its predecessor, the EC, was a brilliant idea because it only dealt with the movement of people, goods and services. The EU is a bureaucracy run by socially pleasant but economically ignorant technocrats. The EU was doomed from day one and will soon collapse. The Euro will not survive.
These are entitlement riots. The participants are indignant that they may not be able to count on the largess of others to subsidize their lifestyle. The entitlement system is so deeply ingrained in the European psyche that many cannot contemplate a life of self-reliance. The system is doomed to destruction and it can't come soon enough. We are already scouting investment opportunities for after the collapse.
Take a look at the recent list of Nobel Piece Prize winners and ask yourself if you would let any of them watch your dog for the weekend.
Daily Bell: We think we will see a new currency emerging in the wake of a global meltdown. Agree?
Fitzroy McLean: Absolutely. I'm not sure what it will look like but eventually it will have to be tied to precious metals or a basket of commodities. I suspect we will see a series of forcibly enforced failed currencies before we get to that stage.
Freedom is at the heart of everything I do. I am a freedom zealot. I would rather be destitute and free than comfortable and constrained. It is quite possibly a genetic defect. Sometimes I wish I could think otherwise. Life would be simpler and I would not drive my friends and family crazy with my rants about how the US government ignored thousands of years of common law and contract law in the way they handled the Chrysler bankruptcy and why it was a moral outrage. Freedom is sacrosanct.Daily Bell: Is what is happening in the world today somehow planned to build a new world order?
Fitzroy McLean: Not at all. This situation is where the laws of unintended consequences meet the laws of large numbers. This doesn't mean there are not people looking for a NWO but if working for the CIA and other clandestine outfits taught me anything it is that no group comprised of type A personalities can keep a secret. What we have are skilled opportunists maneuvering to maximize their benefit from a system in flux. You don't have to believe in an organized conspiracy to believe that there will be a collapse. My experience with so-called elites is that they couldn't organize anything more difficult than a scotch and soda without the help of a professional party planner. They could never pull the strings necessary to organize this mess. See American Idol for a more likely cause of our woes.
Money spent on increasing your self-reliance and your analytical capabilities are the best use of funds today. So many of the so-called educated class are mere sheeple and they will not be able to cope with what is in store for them if it gets ugly. I wonder how that sociology degree will help when the home invasions start. I hope I am wrong but I don't think I am.Daily Bell: The West turning increasingly authoritarian? Where should people go?
Fitzroy McLean: That is a personal decision based on cultural affinity and ones own skill set. Uruguay is a very European place where my family and I can blend in comfortably. If you went to a restaurant where we were dining you would not be able to pick us out as foreigners unless you heard my heavily accented Spanish. Small countries with limited resources are the best because very few other nations care about them. "