Saturday, July 2, 2016

Unstoppable Yankee Avarice
 Private Edwin Francis Jemison


16-year-old John A. Cockerhill, described his experience at Shiloh:
“I passed… the corpse of a beautiful boy in gray who lay with his blond curls scattered about his face and his hand folded peacefully across his breast. He was clad in a bright and neat uniform, well garnished with gold, which seemed to tell the story of a loving mother and sisters who had sent their household pet to the field of war. His neat little hat lying beside him bore the number of a Georgia regiment… He was about my age… At the sight of the poor boy’s corpse, I burst into a regular boo hoo and started on.”

While in the western theater early in the war, Grant observed the brisk illicit traffic passing around his lines as Yankee traders and speculators bribed Northern officers to allow their passage to purchase cotton. Later in the war, General W.H.C. Whiting in command of the Cape Fear District at Wilmington wrote President Davis that blockade runners with Northern goods aboard seemed to pass through the blockade more easily.
Bernhard Thuersam,   The Great American Political Divide

Unstoppable Yankee Avarice

“The amount of greed and corruption that attended the business of blockade-running was about what might have been anticipated, and involved not only Southerners and Britons, but some grasping Yankees.

When Gazaway B. Lamar (though born in Georgia, Lamar removed to Brooklyn in 1845 and became successful in business, and for several years president of the Bank of the Republic, New York), a pre-war smuggler of Africans into the South, headed a company that vigorously operated four steamers, and along with Fraser and Company of Charleston, and Fraser, Trenholm of Liverpool reported lucrative returns, it is no wonder that some Northerners watched these traders enviously! The contraband commerce had all the attractions of gambling for high stakes.

More than half the ships and cargoes tried in the New York prize court were British, but the British name too often concealed Northern interests. Some Yankees were as ready to evade trading-with-the-enemy laws as their fathers had been in 1812. Northern goods, their labels altered to flaunt famous English names, passed through Boston or New York on long roundabout trips, Boston-Bermuda-Wilmington, or New York-Nassau-Mobile, and sometimes were even shipped with bold directness to Charleston or Matamoros.

At its height, the New York trade with Bermuda, Nassau and Havana was scandalously large. A “ring” of dealers, shippers, and blockade-runners helped organize the traffic and made arrangements with the Custom House for shipments. In the autumn of 1864, information was given Naval Officer William E. Dennison that blockade-runners had been heard to boast of ease with which they could clear outward-bound goods through the [New York] Custom House. Several men swore that one employee, the son of H.B. Stanton the noted Abolitionist orator, had taken bribes, and he and his father were dismissed.

[As for Yankee cotton-buying in the West, Grant] . . . “in private conversations to the end of the war, he always spoke of them as a gang of thieves.” As Lincoln crisply put it, “The army itself is diverted from fighting the rebels to speculating in cotton.” Rear Admiral Porter said of the Treasury agents sent down by [Treasury Secretary Salmon P.] Chase to control the situation: “A greater pack of knaves never went unhung.”

Yet his own gunboat crews were equally unscrupulous, one Senator later declaring that they had made a hundred millions during the war. Charles A. Dana wrote: “Every soldier dreams of adding a bale of cotton to his monthly pay.” And David Perry of the Fifth Illinois Cavalry, son of a mayor of Bloomington, Illinois, made a yet graver charge.

“Many lives have been sacrificed during the past summer and fall, he informed his father as the year 1862 ended, “that certain high officers might make their fortunes with cotton-trade, and many a poor darkey who had fled to us has been traded off, by officers holding high positions in the army and before the world, for cotton. The truth is, when an impartial history of this war shall be written, it will expose a greater amount of fraud and corruption than the world has ever before seen. Even your Bloomington general, Hovey, traded Negroes for cotton and sacrificed many lives . . . for the sole purpose of making money.”

By Autumn [1862], a correspondent of the New York Tribune was asserting flatly, “One of the causes of the want of discipline, energy and military power in the army of the Southwest is the mania for cotton speculation which has seized upon the officers of the Army, from generals down to quartermasters and lieutenants.”

Loyal Union planters saw their cotton pounced upon by greedy [Northern] officers who waved papers, talked of the violation of obscure military orders, and shipped the crop away with almost no concealment of the fact of private interest.

The ebullient “Russ” Jones of Chicago, close friend of both Grant and Elihu Washburne, made no secret of his activities. He wrote Congressman Washburne at the beginning of 1863 from Holly Springs, Mississippi, that Grant had treated him kindly.

He hoped the army would push farther South, “as I want to get as far into the enemy’s country as possible. If we get out safely with what cotton we have bought, I shall clear four or five thousand for my share . . .” Jones, former Galena businessman and Republican politician, continued to serve in his patronage post of Marshal. In 1869 he was named Minister to Belgium by Grant, and was very active in Republican politics and Chicago street railroads. At one time he managed some property and investments for Grant.”

(The War for the Union, Allan Nevins, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1971, excerpts

NC: Emerald Isle on HGTV this weekend: Yardworks Inc. of Cape Carteret Featured,-NC-Coast.jpg

The scenery may be familiar if you tune into HGTV this weekend.

Emerald Isle will be in the spotlight as a new version of the popular Beachfront Bargain Hunt show airs tonight featuring a couple searching for a beach home on a budget.

The premise is the same as the original show, but Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation helps families get into their dream home by buying a fixer upper to be renovated.
The new episode airs tonight at 9 p.m.

It is not the first time HGTV has filmed episodes of Beachfront Bargain Hunt along Bogue Banks and Emerald Isle and Mac Nelson of Advantage Coastal Properties in Emerald Isle said they were excited to have the opportunity to again help families find the beach home perfect for them and their budget.


Via comment by Anonymous on Missouri candidate’s ‘ISIS Hunting Permits’ concer...  "EVIL, VILE BITCH"

 Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
It was just announced-by sources-that no charges will be brought against Crooked Hillary Clinton. Like I said, the system is totally rigged!

U.N. Official 'Accidentally' Crushes Own Throat Right Before Testifying Against Hillary Clinton

Via sauced07

Call it conspiracy theory, coincidence or just bad luck, but any time someone is in a position to bring down Hillary Clinton by testifying they wind up dead. In fact, there’s a long history of Clinton-related body counts, with scores of people dying under mysterious circumstances.

Perhaps the most notable is Vince Foster. Foster was a partner at Clinton’s law firm and knew the inner workings of the Clinton Machine.  Police ruled that death a suicide, though it is often noted that Foster may have been suicided.

Now, another official has found himself on the wrong end of the Clintons. That John Ashe was a former President of the United Nations General Assembly highlights the fact that no one is safe once in their sights.

And as you might have guessed, there are major inconsistencies with Ashe’s death. It was not only conveniently timed because Ashe died just a few days before being set to testify against Clinton in a corruption case, but official reports indicated he died of a heart attack.

The problem, however, is that police on the scene reported Ashe died when his throat was crushed during a work-out accident.

More @ Zero Hedge

Missouri candidate’s ‘ISIS Hunting Permits’ concern Muslim community

Via Billy

Eric Greitens, one of the four Republicans running for Missouri Governor, has issued an 'ISIS Hunting Permit' as part of his campaign. Greitens' campaign started selling bumper stickers with the words "ISIS HUNTING PERMIT 2016" on Tuesday. The sticker says it expires when "we defeat this evil."

The mock hunting permits are being sold for a $10 donation. For $100, donors can get stickers signed by a former Navy SEAL who claims he killed Osama bin Laden.

Greitens, a former Navy SEAL officer, tells Fox2 they've been a hit with supporters.

More @ Fox 2

Hillary Clinton interviewed 3 1/2 hours by FBI on email server

Via Billy

Presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton met with FBI officials Saturday about her private email server that has sparked a federal investigation, her campaign said.

"Secretary Clinton gave a voluntary interview this morning about her email arrangements while she was Secretary," Clinton campaign spokesman Nick Merrill said in an email Saturday afternoon. "She is pleased to have had the opportunity to assist the Department of Justice in bringing this review to a conclusion. Out of respect for the investigative process, she will not comment further on her interview."

More @ CBS News

Dow, S&P 500 shake off Brexit, log best week of 2016 & Post-Brexit crisis, what crisis? The FTSE 100 is roaring ahead

Manufacturing activity was stronger than expected.

U.S. stocks booked a fourth straight daily gain Friday, and the Dow and S&P 500 marked their best week this year as stocks clawed back some of the losses scored in the wake of the tumult that followed the U.K.’s decision last week to sever ties with the European Union.

Better-than-expected manufacturing data combined with fading worries about the Brexit, or British exit from the EU, stoked appetite for equities.

More @ Market Watch


 A TV screen showing a financial index rising

After an initial slump in the first two trading days following the Brexit vote, the index of Britain’s top 100 companies regained all its losses by Wednesday and is now at its best level since last August.

The remarkable rebound has surprised analysts, with Chris Beauchamp, a senior market analyst at the spread betting group IG, saying: “Of all the post-Brexit outcomes discussed across the City over the past few months, ‘buying frenzy’ was not one that was viewed as very likely.”

More @ The Guardian

Nigel Farage on Fox News after Brexit

Via Ryan

Great shot

RocknRolla by Betina La Plante

 Christopher Stamp, record producer and manager to Jimi Hendrix and The Who, at his home in NYC.

How About “Civil War” Re-enactments With No Battle Flags?

Via Billy

 Thomasine Tynes
 l to r: Thomasine Tynes, Ronald Waters, Vanessa Brown

 3-year undercover sting operation by the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office captured five state officials  on tape accepting money…” The article listed the five officials, one of which was “State Rep. Vanessa Brown who took $4,000 in exchange for voting against a bill requiring  voters to show identification at the polls. Brown did vote against the bill…”

This is the weekend for the re-enactment of the tragic Battle of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania.

Re-enactors come from all across the country to take part in one army or the other. However, one Pennsylvania politician does not welcome the Confederate Battle Flag. Undoubtedly there are others but this lady is creating somewhat of a hostile environment by her commentary on the flag. Southern hospitality is something that apparently does not abide in her.

The lady is Rep. Vanessa Lowery Brown, a Democrat from Philadelphia and she has quite a history.
 According to a recent article on  Brown “…recently protested a Confederate flag in a display at the state Capitol…and Gov. Tom Wolf ordered it removed. Brown says its a symbol of hatred and murder which wasn’t mentioned in the Capitol display and likely won’t be on the battlefield reenactment.” She’s right–it probably won’t be mentioned–for the simple reason that it is not true. Whether Ms. Brown realizes that or not I don’t claim to know. Brown said “If they’re not going to tell the story properly, then they should not be displayed and they should not be reenacted unless they are going to tell the truth.”

Ms. Brown is a cultural Marxist, whether she even realizes it or not (though I think she does) and what her statement means in that context is that if the story is not told in a way that is compatible  with the cultural Marxist agenda then it should not be told at all or the history should simply be rewritten to fit the cultural Marxist agenda because that’s what most of these “memory hole” Marxists are really all about. Brown just makes the statement that the flag is a symbol of murder and hate. Where’s her proof for such a statement? Black soldiers fought under that flag. Were they murderers too? Ms. Brown is either woefully ignorant of the real history or she fervently hopes those who listen to her inflammatory statement are.

The Globalists Are In Deep Sh*t

Via Ryan

I have never viewed any of his videos until now, but certainly enjoyed this one.

China wonder: SouthWest of Kunming in Yunnan

Via Cousin Colby

A place in south west of Kunming, Capital city of Yunnan Province. Because of remoteness and lack of infra structure and lodging etc. This place is not listed in the tourist map of China.

The red land of the eastern river is a place where one almost can not find in China's tourist maps. Even if there is, it has only a few words to introduce it.

It is located in the southwestern part of KUNMING, 2600 ft. above sea level, a remote area.
Because of its lack of infrastructure, transportation problem, inadequate lodging facilities.
ordinary travel agency would not think of going there.

Even the people living there are not so aware or familiar with its existing beauty.

But for those who have seen the pictures of the Red land , no one can resist being attracted to its beautiful scenery! Just like a painting of a great magnificent landscape.

Because the soil contains such components as oxidized Iron, etc kind of metallic minerals. after a long period of oxidation , gradually added and mixed in the soil that produced this extra-ordinary reddish brown soil.

Indicted or not indicted, Clinton could lose politically

Via Billy

FILE - In this June 22, 2016 file photo, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a rally in Raleigh, N.C. In her quest for the White House, Clinton is using every fundraising technique at her disposal, including intimate salon-style gatherings with elite donors.

No matter how the FBI investigation into the handling of sensitive information on Hillary Clinton’s personal computer server ends, it likely will hurt her presidential bid.

If she is indicted, she will face further questions about her honesty and perhaps even calls for her to step aside. If she isn’t indicted, as many legal experts predict, critics will accuse the Obama administration of letting her escape charges merely because they want her to win the White House.

The threat of political pain even with no indictment was underscored as dozens of Republicans lawmakers pressed Attorney General Loretta Lynch to appoint a special prosecutor far removed from the White House to determine if any laws have been broken.

More @ McClatchy

Hillary Clinton's Campaign Rap Video - I love America hillary 2016

Via John

California Governor Signs Legislation Limiting Assault Weapons

Via John

Gov. Jerry Brown on Friday signed legislation that would impose new restrictions on assault weapons and regulate the sale of ammunition in California, cementing the state’s reputation for enacting some of the most stringent gun regulations in the country.

Propelled by the reaction to mass shootings in San Bernardino, in Southern California, and Orlando, Fla., the gun regulations are the latest example of how this state, where the Legislature is under Democratic control, has been able to enact a legislative agenda on issues that have deadlocked Congress.

The legislation in Sacramento was passed with overwhelming Democratic support, and was largely opposed by Republicans who make up a small minority in the Senate and the Assembly.

Presbyterian Church USA offers prayers to Allah, acknowledges Muhammad as prophet

Via Billy

wajidi said-at-presbyterian church usa

The assembled Presbyterians no doubt thought they were being wonderfully open-minded and ecumenical; they did not realize that Wajidi Said was openly proselytizing for Islam. “Lead us on the straight path” is straight from the Fatihah, the Opening, the Qur’an’s first chapter and the most common and oft-repeated prayer in Islam. Islamic scholars identify the straight path with Islam itself.

And in invoking “Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad,” Said sounded beautifully ecumenical himself to the ranked Presbyterians, aglow in their bloomin’ primness, but in reality he was reflecting the Islamic belief that those figures and the other Biblical prophets all actually taught Islam, but their messages were corrupted by their followers to create Judaism and Christianity.

More @ Jihad Watch

Elite K-8 school teaches white students they’re born racist

Via Billy
Thanks Obama voters......... can't find background information on her, but I imagine we can guess 90%.

An elite Manhattan school is teaching white students as young as 6 that they’re born racist and should feel guilty benefiting from “white privilege,” while heaping praise and cupcakes on their black peers.
Administrators at the Bank Street School for Children on the Upper West Side claim it’s a novel approach to fighting discrimination, and that several other private New York schools are doing it, but even liberal parents aren’t buying it.

They complain the K-8 school of 430 kids is separating whites in classes where they’re made to feel awful about their “whiteness,” and all the “kids of color” in other rooms where they’re taught to feel proud about their race and are rewarded with treats and other privileges.

Reporter: FBI ordered ‘no photos, no pictures, no cell phones’ during Clinton/Lynch meeting

Reporter Christopher Sign of ABC 15 in Phoenix, AZ appeared on The O’Reilly Factor Thursday night to talk about his scoop involving that secret meeting between former President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

Sign lays out how the story developed and then he leaves this little nugget:
“The former president steps into her plane. They then speak for 30 minutes privately. The FBI there on the tarmac instructing everybody around ‘no photos, no pictures, no cell phones.'”

First of all, it isn’t the FBI’s job to tell journalists or private citizens they can’t take photographs of a former president and the Attorney General. What were the agents going to do, arrest people for taking a picture or video?

Also, if there was nothing wrong with the meeting and it was totally innocent, why were federal agents instructed to demand no one take a picture?

Finally, let’s stop focusing on the fact that this meeting was inappropriate because Clinton’s wife is under investigation by Lynch’s Justice Department. I mean, that’s bad, but it’s actually letting Lynch and Clinton off the hook a bit. By focusing on the appearance of conflict because Hillary Clinton is being investigated, we are willfully overlooking the very real conflict in the fact that Clinton himself is under investigation, as the Grand Poo-bah at the Clinton Foundation. (Fox News)

More @ Hot Air