This week’s edition of the Appalachian Messenger has articles by:
Robert Gore
The Swarm
David DeGerolamo
Which Freedom Do You Want?
Francis W. Porretto
T. L. Davis
Who Will Make The Call?
Click here for the April 28, 2017 edition.
When the Chair of the DNC, the Senate Minority Leader, and the Democratic nominee for President of the United States cannot differentiate themselves on the political spectrum (the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist) —Houston, we have a problem.
The Republican-controlled House and Senate both voted to repeal Obamacare in January 2016. In the House, 239 Republicans voted for repeal, while three voted against it and four did not vote. President Obama, of course, vetoed the bill.
Now, with a president who would sign an Obamacare repeal, there's no way Republicans could get as many votes as last year.