Joe Sobran: Requiem in pacem
1946 – 2010
Joseph Sobran , his race run, died on Thursday.
An editor at The National Review for 18 of his 21-year career at TNR, if you do not know of him, it is perhaps because he was long ago sacrificed on the neoconservative altar of perpetual war and thereafter became another of those “who must not be named” by the mainstream media.
“No one so explicitly or deftly connects what is happening in the world today to the loss of our freedom and the systematic usurpations of government — absolutely no one. Sobran is a cross between Mencken, Nock, and Cato’s letters.”
— Sheldon Richman, editor of The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty.
“Perhaps the finest columnist of our generation.”
— Patrick J. Buchanan
“Joe Sobran is a national treasure.”
— Llewellyn Rockwell Jr
Jeffery Lord‘s ridiculous piece in the American Spectator cannot be taken seriously as an intellectual argument. Using an early 1980s term which once described Democrats like Gary Hart and Paul Tsongas and which came to fruition in the Clinton/Blair era to try and make Ron Paul be the “other” as it were in our modern politics has nothing to do with trying to make people think. But Lord know this as well as anyone because it is not his intention to make a cohesive argument for opinion makers. Instead he is making a political argument with a specific purpose in mind. He is trying to discourage the presumably conservative readers of the magazine and others who will read the article online from even considering Paul as a second or third choice among many, but to rule him out completely. And he doing so with similar tactics one finds by reading SPLC manifestos or listening to Cultural Marxian critics within the academe.
Then again, being “politically correct” has never been the sole discretion of Left. It is a tactic which can be employed by any ideologue of any persuasion wishing to damage a political opponent or cause or movement by separating the candidate or activists as individuals and making them part of something bigger, more sinister in its design by either the company they keep, intentional or not; by what they’ve written, even if out of context or long ago (or in the case of Ron Paul not at all) and by their supposed place in history and what they connect back to. Lord employed the entire arsenal in order to go after Paul and no doubt the people who published this article thought they were getting “In Search of Anti-Semitism II” referring back to infamous essay written by National Review founder and editor Bill Buckley whose basic design, like Lord’s, was to forever connect Buchanan with fever swamps of anti-Jewish conspiracy mongers regardless that Buchanan the extremist worked for two Presidents, had a syndicated column and was a pundit for many media shows.
Buckley’s smears did not keep Buchanan from the mainstream (although that wasn’t true for Joe Sobran) anymore than Lord’s load of filth will affect Ron Paul’s impact on politics. But having insulted the Lord’s piece from being anything worth reading, I wish to dwell upon it if only to marvel at the obsession those within the “conservative establishment” (or as I have called it “Conservative INC.) with anything which has to deal with the state Israel and or anti-Semitism. Like the Left when it comes to race, those who would call themselves conservatives seem to have their ears more wide open on this topic than anything else.