Sunday, August 11, 2019

BLOOMBERG STRIKES AGAIN IN NORTH CAROLINA: A "Community Conversation" to Gut the 2nd Amendment

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Grass Roots North Carolina was recently contacted by television station WBTV about a "Community Conversation" that they will be hosting about gun violence. The headliner for this "Conversation" is no other than Shannon Watts, the ex-Monsanto Bloomberg-funded head of the corporate anti-gun lobby that wants to convince you that your 2nd Amendment right isn't a right at all. Joining in this anti-gun echo chamber will be a host of Democratic politicians that share in the desire to limit your rights, "for your own good."

The station wanted to know if GRNC would "join" this "panel," knowing fully that whoever came would become the whipping post for this group of people that have sold their souls (and yours, given the chance) to the anti-freedom corporate lobbies that are hard at work. At no point, of course, did WBTV feel it appropriate to include an equal number of representatives from the large community of law-abiding gun owners, instructors, competitive marksmen and actual grassroots organizers that work hard to protect our freedoms: instead, one lonely person would be setup for abuse.

More @ GRNC

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