ViaTuan Hoang
The little boy named Maung Tun Htun Aung, 15 years old was shot dead by the armed military forces this afternoon while he was on his way to get water for his mother at Chan Mya Thar Si, Mandalay.
Maung Tun Aung born in the family without father. The boy's mother and three brothers are currently living in the charity area in Kyu Kyaw Taye, Chan Mya Thar Si Town.
I am a 8th grader and often donate blood to earn money to support my parents to raise their families. In the picture is my Mother, who can't believe that her small son who always flared up was shot dead by the military this afternoon and is being put in a coffin by the neighbors.
When I was alive I donated blood to my family and now I give my life to feed my country's Liberty.