Back when, the Army had 'Garrison First Sergeants' and 'Field Firsts'. The Garrison guys were the Admin types with a key to the Log Train.
At Fort Stewart, Polk, Bragg, Gordon, Bliss, you would see them handling all the Garrison chores, details, discipline, schedules, supply all the minutae that keeps the Army ticking. At those same places, you'd see the Field First out in the mud with the boys, training, Training and, TRAINING. Only one wore the stripes and he was the Garrison guy. Field Firsts might be SSGT, PSGT, or SFC. "TOP" usually referred to the Field First, being the Top Soldier in the Company. He was usually a guy who'd been everywhere, done all of it, and at his best in the Field. He didn't talk discipline, he WAS discipline. But he took care of his troops. Privates could talk to him, he could joke, or fall on you like the Needle.
The politics was the Field First had all Tactical authority, the Garrision had all Admin and Post Responsibility. Field Firsts stood Duty NCO in the Company and handled the orderly room at night or weekends. Usually Field Firsts would become the Garrison First after some time working up. He was our equivalent of the Company Gunny in the Marines. Progression was Ass't Squad Leader, Squad Leader, Platoon Guide, Platoon Sergeant, and whichever path the Captain chose for you. Field or Fussybutt.
Now, the Army has adopted centralized everything and First Sergeants are expected to have degrees, be politically astute, personable, and complicit in all the Diversity bullshit. They get all kinds of management and business training and have a professional persona. You'll never see 1st Sgt kick
a Soldier's ass any more. He's had the SJW orientation. No more 'Wall to Wall Counseling' from him. (PLTSGT may do some attitude adjustment)
Via William
All my NCO’s were Vietnam vets. Some of the officers, and all the
WO’s. Everything they taught me, I taught my guys as I went up.
AFAIK, I was the last, or one of the last of the old school GM’s that
knew and used “Bosn Hole Justice”.
Since then, it’s just like you said, be nice, politically savvy, etc.
What horseshit….