Wednesday, January 15, 2014

NC: HB 786 (Capital Special Interest BS)  

Notes on Thom Tillis email on NCHB 786, driver permits for illegal immigrants

Tillis says that illegal immigrant drivers permits "do not equate to a driving license"? Say what? But illegal immigrant workers would have a NC issued document allowing them to drive!  Fortunately, this part of the so-called "enforcement" bill did not pass the General Assembly. But a provision in the bill to essentially nullify any requirement for E-Verify did pass and leaves a gaping hole in illegal entry and illegal alien employment opportunities. Gov. McCrory tried to veto it, but Tillis and his special interest backers, e.g. the NC Farm Bureau and other high illegal use lobbying associations, were able to override his veto.

Do law enforcement officials and organizations in NC back this?  Give me their names and let their recommendation stand the public gaze. Let them publicly state their positions and arguments for all to see. Rolling out a red carpet for illegal immigrants is; highly unlikely to have anything but a negative impact on public safety. It might benefit employers of illegal immigrants, but no one outside of a madhouse believes it would be good for public safety.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out where Tillis would stand on illegal immigrant amnesty and importing more cheap foreign labor for the benefit of his special interest backers. It doesn't take a genius  to figure out that  he cares more about them than American workers or taxpayers or national security or public safety.

Does North Carolina need a Lindsey Graham or John McCain representing us in the Senate?  We do not want Obamacare or Kay Hagan, but massive importation of cheap foreign labor--legal or illegal--will destroy the nation even more quickly.

We need to get rid of Obamacare and Kay Hagan, but we need to elect a conservative to the Senate. If you back massive amnesties and massive importation of cheap foreign labor under whatever name, you are not a conservative. You are certainly not a fiscal conservative, and you have abysmally little loyalty to American workers and a peculiarly lax attitude about national security, preventing terrorism, etc.

And don't insult our intelligence by claiming giving illegal immigrant workers driver permits is much different than a drivers license by more than a few technical details. If you issue state documents to illegal immigrants that allow them to drive a vehicle in NC, you have little respect for law or the people of North Carolina.

 Mike Scruggs

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