Friday, October 4, 2019

The South and “Red Flag” Laws


These days, we see many politicians pushing relentlessly for gun control. In the wake of recent mass shootings, several so-called “conservatives” have shown their true colors by demonizing gun owners and misrepresenting the facts on the issue.

Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina called critics of red flag laws “libertarians” and stated that “the Second Amendment is not a suicide pact.” Marco Rubio also just published a New York Times piece pushing for bi-partisan support and Donald Trump has even reportedly considered implementing a social credit score system, similar to the Chinese, in order to determine who can buy guns.

At the end of the day, are any of these proposals really so different from the radical leftists that want to take guns by federal confiscation or buy-back?


  1. There has never been nor will there ever be a gun control law that keeps us safer. If politicians really wanted to keep us safer they would pass a law allowing everyone to be armed at all times because an armed society is a polite society. Nobody wants to get shot.

  2. WE KNOW that THEY KNOW that gun control laws don't keep us safe because they always EXEMPT THEMSELVES, all government agents and even private armed security companies. Their current House AWB does this. It even EXEMPTS government agent retirees. Anyone who wants to TAKE FROM US WHAT THEY HAVE AND KEEP FOR THEMSELVES. It's what criminals do. --Ron W

  3. Lindsey need to drop the gun control bs and hold hearings on the deep state thugs trying to remove Trump. It's what Lindsey promised to do but I have as yet to hear about a single hearing he has held. Lindsey and gibberish seem to go hand in hand.

    1. Gun control crap from a South Carolinian. Just amazing.

  4. I did hear Lindsey admit on TV that he owned an AR-15. He'd better be careful, he may get red flagged if he gets his "red flag law". But then, Congress usually EXEMPTS THEMSELVES form laws they impose on us. I spoke today, at the Tennessee Firearms Assoc. meeting to a Republican U.S. Senate candidate, Dr Manny Sethi, for the 2020 open seat here in Tennessee and told him to campaign on applying ALL laws passed by Congress to EVERYONE....NO EXEMPTIONS. ALL of the Bill of Rights for ALL citizens, "special rights and privileges for NONE! --Ron W
