Saturday, August 2, 2014

PELOSI LOSES IT! Angrily Confronts GOP Rep. Tom Marino On House Floor During Immigration Debate…. (video)

Via Susan

Rep Tom Marino rightly pointed out that Democrats held veto-proof majorities in the House, the Senate and held the White House in 2009 and 2010; they did nothing about immigration issues.   Yet now they want to use the lack of immigration reform as a political tool.   Pelosi went batsh!t crazy on the House floor…..

A heated debate over the southern border crisis late Friday led to a rancorous confrontation on the floor of the House between House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Rep. Tom Marino, R-Pa.


  1. Can too much botox make you go batsh!t crazy?

    1. I hope something sends her to Bellevue, as my mother would say. :)

  2. Pelosi is a mentally unstable individual. She should be in restraints, not running free. So, when you say batshit crazy, you are more accurate than you think.

  3. He should have knocked the crazy bitch on her ass.


  4. You know Tom Marino comments are funny. I have been using the same logic on my liberal friends. Every time they bemoan how Republicans are stopping anything from passing congress. How those Republicans are just the party of no I ask them. You do remember 2009 and 2010 the Democrats owned the House, the Senate and White House. Please explain why nothing you are complaining about was done? Democrats for two years could have passed EVERYTHING they ever wanted and yet they did nothing. I just love that vacant look I get every time. Logic is not a strong point of liberals they feel not think.


    1. Please explain why nothing you are complaining about was done? Democrats for two years could have passed EVERYTHING they ever wanted and yet they did nothing. I just love that vacant look I get every time. Logic is not a strong point of liberals they feel not think.


  5. Can you imagine the weeping and wailing from the "press" if so done.? :)

  6. Dennis Miller had her pegged in his "batshit crazy" comedy sketch some time would be hard to find an equally fitting tribute to the crazy one.

    1. it would be hard to find an equally fitting tribute to the crazy one.

      Yes, indeed.

  7. You remember when Rick Lazio walked over to Hillary Clinton during one of their senatorial debates, how it was characterized as a sexist attack? Hell, at least he didn't charge Hillary, shaking his finger in her face like Pelosi does here. Honestly, if she'd been a dog and Marino a cop, he'd have shot her. ;)

    1. if she'd been a dog and Marino a cop, he'd have shot her. ;)

      You sure pegged that.
