Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Wrong-headed Protests Continue

"There is no denying that statue represents men who fought for...murder and systematic racism..." 

 ~ Pretty blonde CAROLINA student, protesting with Black Lives Matter activists today, referring to Silent Sam, the monument on campus to honor the UNC students who gave their lives on the field of honor defending the Old North State. 

 "Murder...and systematic racism"...SERIOUSLY...?


  1. Ignorant, brain washed idiots.
    We've been watching the zombies rise to prominence for the last 6 years.
    It'll only get worse I think...

  2. "There is no denying that statue represents men who fought AGAINST...murder and systematic racism..."

    There you go, sugar...I fixed it for you. Now go back home and find what that truth means, and quit spouting off your ignorance in front of people who know better.

    I have found that ignorance. left unchecked, almost invariably turns into stupidity of one degree or another.

    Around here. the saying is "you can help ignorance, but you can't do nothing for stupidity".

    Bless her heart.

    Central Alabamaian

    1. There you go, sugar...I fixed it for you. Now go back home and find what that truth means, and quit spouting off your ignorance in front of people who know better.

      Good man. :)

    2. I may be a Yankee but I understand "Bless her heart." Well said


  3. I'm sure this witless peckawood is part of my generation. We're cut off from our culture, our history, and our ancestry. Maybe she should've said no to that sixth tattoo, and instead bought a history book by a sane Southron author.

    1. Maybe she should've said no to that sixth tattoo, and instead bought a history book by a sane Southron author.

      You have to learn to read first..........:)

    2. You're right, Mr. Townsend. I forgot she was a college student for a second.
