Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Black Protester Who Swung At and Cursed Trump Supporters at Rally Suing for Hate Crime

Via Billy

black trump activist

And once again… The leftist perpetrator becomes the victim…

On Saturday an unhinged left-wing activists stormed Donald Trump’s massive rally in Alabama.

The activist swung at Trump supporters, screamed and refused to leave the buildings.

More with video @ The Gateway Pundit


  1. I think I need to start taking custody of these bastards cuff them and duct tape a 5 gallon plastic bag around their necks... Then set the cookie timer for 10 minutes..

  2. The best defense......he who files the first lawsuit becomes the victim in he minds of the average person.....because the average person isn't all that bright. This walking land tuna should have been arrested and charged. Instead he was allowed to walk and start bleating as if HE was the vicim.

    1. should have been arrested and charged.


  3. Why, sumbody gots to take day flag an carries it own fo' The not-so-reverands Al and Jessie. Day's gettin too olds to keeps duh marchings an potess gowen.

    Central Alabamaian

  4. He was the only angry and hateful person I saw there among the ten thousand or so others who were there. Reckon how it would turn out if a white heckler showed up and acted like this man at a black lives matter rally that Hildebeast was addressing?

    1. Reckon how it would turn out if a white heckler showed up and acted like this man at a black lives matter rally that Hildebeast was addressing?

      Really and thanks for the continuing info.

    2. What about the two Whites who were video taping a BLM protest. They
      charged them because they were White and the the two White dudes
      shot at them. Maybe the two Whites should sue for racism and abuse
      by peaceful protesters.

  5. You are welcome. Trump nailed it right after they threw this POS out of the exhibition hall. Trump said something to the effect of; " Mark my word. This heckler will get more facetime than I will. The press will not show the good people that came out today to support my campaign, but only this protester. When the media gets through with the story, one would think there were hundreds of anti-Trump protesters in attendance". Now I am paraphrasing, but that is the gist of what was said.From what I understand, that guy is a regular agitator. I bet he is on the "brown check draw".

  6. Trump telling it like it is is scaring the devil out of the commies and more power to him.

  7. While this story may be completely legitimate, I can't take 'the gateway pundit' serious. They have major censorship issues, when it comes to 'disqus'. ie they only allow their POV to be provided, facts based in physics are ban from publish when counter to their personal opinion.

  8. What are the odds that Trump supporters will have video evidence on hand, and Trump counter sues?
