Friday, November 25, 2016

The Huffington Post! Excellent: How A Train Ticket Could Have Saved The Clinton Campaign

Via David


Pundits are still fighting about the autopsy results of Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Some have argued that James Comey is responsible while ignoring the reason why the FBI had to investigate Clinton in the first place. Others blame the existence of the Electoral College. But if the popular vote mattered, Donald Trump and Clinton would have never bothered to step foot in Michigan or Wisconsin and would have campaigned in just six states.

And blaming racism is a last lazy hand-grenade lobbed from a defenseless position. It ignores the 2008 and 2012 elections while vilifying 60 million American voters. To understand why Hillary Clinton, lost look at Clinton herself.

When Hillary famously asked “Why am I not winning by 50 points?” it was clear she didn’t ask from in front of a mirror. Dissect her campaign and look at the results it produced.

An American autopsy


  1. Cognitive dissonance.
    Watch how this plays out.
    It would behoove citizens.

    As of today, the offical electoral
    vote totals are: clinton - 232
    Trump - 306
    Electoral vote #'s for the contested states:
    WI 10
    MI 16
    PA 20
    total 46
    If recounts in those states successfully
    overturns them into a clinton win:
    clinton - 232 + 46 = 278
    Trump - 306 - 46 = 260

    This would result in an electoral
    college win for clinton by eighteen
    electoral votes.
    Obviously this would immediately be tacked
    onto the propaganda (lie) that she also
    won the popular vote by an additional
    two million.
    Regardless that those (2 million) votes
    are highly suspect and likely a result
    of fraud by citizens, or were cast by illegal aliens.

    cav med

    1. I read that there were probably 2/3 million in illegals alone.

    2. Yes, sir.
      That's the figure I heard
      and quoted from.

      cav med

  2. The main point I neglected to make
    is that I believe these states were
    chosen, after being assessed
    as easy to successfully overturn.
    Given that those states are in
    in close proximity to, and controlled by the sphere of influence (even within their state borders) the communist bloc that is
    the northeast, including the entire area between Maine and the District of C.
    Regardless of Trump winning those
    states, they are still overwhelmingly
    controlled by treasonous shitbags
    and the communists of democratic blue.
    Using that analysis, it makes sense why rodham and her crime syndicate choose
    those states.
    Without question, they know had no chance
    in hell succeeding at this in any of
    the other 'red states' that went to Trump.
    All of the battlefield proxy's, including Stein,
    are now as treasonously guilty, as if they had
    personally boot stomped me to the ground,
    shoot me in the head, and then rolled me
    into a ditch.

    cav med

    1. the communist bloc that is the northeast, including the entire area between Maine and the District of C.

      as if they had personally boot stomped me to the ground,shoot me in the head, and then rolled me
      into a ditch.

      I, unlike Trump, hold grudges. :)

  3. It begins.

    cav med

    1. Guess they'll count the first state and see. Hillary shopping with no makeup, so grasping at straws.
