Thursday, August 31, 2017

Political Ignorance–Part of the new slavery

Via Billy

There a lots of “useful idiots” out there on the Left that couldn’t pour water into a teapot if they were handed a set of gilt-edged instructions along with the water. Our government education system has largely aided in their brainwashing and programming so that they think good is evil, freedom is slavery, and white is evil, even though many of them are white. They claim that fascism is a “right-wing” phenomena when any sane person recognizes that there is precious little difference between a Nazi (national socialist) and a Communist (international socialist). They are both socialists!

I just read an article this morning from Frontpage Magazine, by Matthew Vadum, dealing with Antifa, which is supposed to be an “anti-fascist” group but, in reality, acts as though they were Hitler’s brown shirts.


  1. The two systems of government are certainly very similar. The values are not as similar though.

    Nazis are half right-wing, half progressive. Extreme centrists, in a sense. :)

    1. Extreme centrists, in a sense

      Hadn't thought of that.

    2. I want to watch a video that was emailed to me recently on how the Germans came to power.

      Apparently they appealed to the left-wing, won left-wing support.

      The lesson I suppose is that any of these movements can turn out good or bad. You can get behind the people fighting the bad guys and end up backing a movement that has become nearly as bad. :p

      No one knows how a revolution / movement will turn out. Conservatives in the UK I've heard had praised the NS Germans early on. I guess anything looks nice next to Communism.

  2. That's one great shirt.
    - Charlie

    1. Reminds me of what happened to one commmie who wouldn't talk. The ARVN took him up in a helicopter and told him if he didn't they would throw him out the door. Evidently the culprit thought it was a bluff, but found out otherwise when they got over the South China Sea.

  3. You know, anytime you use the term "extremist", there most be an opposite. For instance, Liberty is the opposite extreme of tyranny. Recall the quote from Barry Goldwater, "extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice." --Ron W

    1. "extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice."

