Monday, January 31, 2022

Did over 100,000 people older than 124 years vote in Wisconsin?

 Via David

If you’ve been wondering about the extent of voter fraud in America, we may be seeing a staggering amount of either fraud or grotesque negligence in Wisconsin voter rolls. A review of the state’s voter roles showed that 569,277 voters registered on January 1, 1918. Of that number, 20% of these people, all of whom must be at least 124 years old, voted last November. Biden “won” in Wisconsin by 20,682 votes....

More @ American Thinker


  1. If fraud can be proven, it would have extended to the Congressional vote (in Wisconsin) so how can Congress still remain under Democratic control; all legislation passed is vitiated.
    Who is to say that we won't have a redoubled effort (fraud) in the coming mid-term elections. We've already been made aware that Soros is overtly donating hundreds of millions to PACs; we don't know how much he's donating behind the scenes.

    1. Hope he comes out like he did in the 2010 elections and says there is nothing I can do to prevent a blood bath.

  2. More of that not a hint of fraud. The hits just keep on being unearthed. Like corpses.

  3. One would think that this would be raised in the house or senate of the United States. But then, that would mean that our illustrious government might lose some of their plumb committee positions, or their fancy cars or kickbacks, etc.
    You know that nobody wants anything to do with that. It would be too "Inconvenient." Plus the Republicans didn't like Trump any better than the Democrats did.
    I come from a small town of less than 1,000. And so I tend to be pretty naive, even at my age of 61. But I am learning, and I have learned just recently that elections don't seem to make any difference. The person that they decide is going to be president will win, no matter what they have to do to make the numbers work. Joe Biden got 80 million votes? Jesus Christ Himself could not get that many votes, and he turned a few fish and a couple of loaves of bread into enough food to feed a huge crowd. He could certainly manufacture enough votes to win. Just not on the same scale as the Democrats.
    But we were supposed to believe it, and not ask questions or cry foul. Makes me want to hurry out and vote again.
    Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, and it makes no difference who I vote for, they are one and the same.

    1. Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, and it makes no difference who I vote for, they are one and the same.

      What a screwed up nation we have become.:(

    2. "Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss..."
