Thursday, February 10, 2011

VMI Conference Shows ‘Cities Of Light’ To Glamorize Jihad Conquest Of Spain

Worst of all: the organizers of this conference, still scheduled for March 23-25 at the VMI Center for Leadership and Ethics, may impose the political correctness that pervades our military forces and intelligence community. The Virginia Military Institute cadets and faculty will have to sit silent and to submit to this disinformation – because to question this propaganda is, in Shariah terms, to “insult Islam,” or in U.S. government bureaucratic terms, to “violate diversity guidelines.”

Are there no VMI alumni or donors or board members who can intervene? Are there no Virginia state officials – VMI is a public college – who have standing to stop this travesty? Are there no VMI faculty who can assert VMI’s once-respected standards of intellectual honesty and academic rigor and stop this debacle?

Via 1389 Blog