Wednesday, October 3, 2012




There will be an interesting debate tonight, or so I hear.

On one side, a Leninist Marxist will try to convince the audience that the economy is not crap, that my food and gas bill has not doubled, and that, in general, the only problems with the last four years were caused by those damned kulaks. 

On the other side, a demonstrated and proven Trotskyite Marxist will try to dress up his firm record of Marxist and collectivist policies and market it to a population that is increasingly angry, frustrated, and tired of more and more government.  "Riding the wave", so to speak.  He and his brand of collectivism will appeal to many, mainly because he has a shiny "R" after his name.

Both men will claim that they, as POTUS, will have "the answers" to our country's ills, thus proving decisively their lack of understanding as to the nature of our problems.

Afterwards, both sides of the Marxist aisle will claim victory and trumpet their virtues, while lambasting the others' shortfalls...

Although if their actions while in political office are a guide, there is little real difference between them.

They are both trying to sell collectivist Marxism to you.  They are trying to give you a problem, and make you pay for the solution.

They are both claiming to "have the answers", although they are both firmly in "part of the problem" territory.


What I want to hear from these men, that they will do as much as possible to dismantle government, will not happen. 

That would be my promise if I were ever to put myself in those shoes. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, I will spend the entirety of my term seeking out, identifying, and ruthlessly destroying those parts of government that intrude in your lives or that encourage you not to take responsibility for yourself."

End of debate.  Candidate AP walks off stage.

I have to lift heavy pieces of steel off the floor tonight, read with the kids, and take a walk with the wife. 

There's just too much to do to spend the night on my rear end listening to two unrepentant liars.

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