Thursday, February 7, 2013

How the post-Sandy Hook gun control push spectacularly backfired in America


In the aftermath of the tragic Sandy Hook shooting, the gun grabbers across America unleashed a full court press to try to wholly disarm American citizens. With the help of the incessantly anti-gun mainstream media, people like Biden, Bloomberg, Cuomo, Feinstein and Obama managed to stir up a frenzy of fabricated fear that promised all our children would be violently gunned down if we didn't immediately agree to turn in all our guns and ammo magazines.

The push for gun control, however, has spectacularly backfired. In reality, it has hardened the positions of gun rights advocates while massively increasing the number of AR-15s and other firearms sold across the country.

The backfire is far worse than the gun grabbers could have possibly imagined when they launched their efforts on the graves of the dead Sandy Hook children. Here's my analysis of what has factually happened on the gun control front since Sandy Hook.

Analysis of ways in which the gun grab backfired

More @ Natural News


  1. "The backfire is far worse than the gun grabbers could have possibly imagined when they launched their efforts on the graves of the dead Sandy Hook children"

    In my opinion, the gun grabbers didn't wait for those children to be in their graves. They were dancing in the warm blood of those children the instant their bodies hit the floor.

  2. In my opinion, the gun grabbers didn't wait for those children to be in their graves. They were dancing in the warm blood of those children the instant their bodies hit the floor.

    They know no shame.
