Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Gun Control Could Die Today!


Call your Senators to make sure it happens!
This is it!

It would have been better if we had won the motion to proceed last week and didn't have to spend this week fighting one Harry Reid bribe after another - all of which are intended to lure Senators into passing gun control.

But we believe that our grassroots’ pressure has kept Senators from giving in to the bribes. And, as early as today, there could be a series of pivotal votes on gun amendments.

The most important - and the vote which will determine whether we defeat all gun control in the 113rd Congress - is the vote on the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer gun registry bill.

This bill would require you to go to a dealer and fill out a 4473 if you put up a sign or run a newspaper ad touting your gun that’s for sale. And, once you fill in that 4473, Toomey-Manchin-Schumer would open the door to putting you on a national gun registry.

Don't believe the loophole-filled weasel words in the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer amendment. If it passes, there will be a national gun registry.

The vote on Toomey-Manchin-Schumer will be, by far, the single most important vote today. And it will require 60 votes for adoption. If we get 41 votes against - and we are very, very optimistic that we will - gun control will probably die for the next two years. Obama’s agenda will have been defeated.

There will also be votes on two other bad amendments, but we should be able to get 41 votes and defeat these without any difficulty. They are the votes on the Feinstein semi-automatic ban and the Blumenthal magazine ban. As we say, these should die without any more effort.

A number of good amendments will be offered:

  • The Vitter/Cornyn amendment would allow concealed carry holders and persons in constitutional carry states to carry nationwide.
  • The Burr amendment would guarantee that veterans cannot lose their gun rights without a court order.
  • And the Barrasso amendment would defund state governments that release the names of gun owners.
But we need to keep our eyes on the ball: The single most important vote is the vote to defeat the Toomey-Schumer amendment. If we win on that, we will probably kill gun control for the rest of this 113th Congress. We only need 41 votes. And we are optimistic that, with your help, we will get them.

ACTION: CALL YOUR SENATORS at 202-224-3121. Demand that they vote against the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer sell-out.

Let them know that Gun Owners of America will be scoring this vote in its end-of-year rating.

TALKING POINTS for Senators:

1. Vote against the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer amendment!
2. Vote against the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer amendment!
3. Vote against the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer amendment!


  1. No it won't.

    Partial transcript of conversation(about gun control) on msnbc's Morning Joe broadcast today between 7:30 & 8 am, 17APR13.
    The full text of transcript and video can be viewed at:
    Apologies for this lengthy post.
    Without question, Joe, Mika,(the wrist slapped criminal)former congressman Harold Ford, jr. and everyone involved in that segment should actually be charged with treason following this segment.
    What occurred goes deeper down the rabbit hole of simply being pandering, whoring and felating quislings for joe.
    Listen hard and think hard and read deeply between the lines of their discussion, mashing into a single homemade burger Boston, Newtown, terrrorism and gun control laws.
    Their discussion is based on a video clip used to introduce the segment.
    The video clip is an english translated, youtube video, training video by muslim/islamic terrorist. The beginning of the partial transcript below is supposedly the transaltion of what the terrorist is saying.

    "in the west, you’ve got a lot at your disposal. Let’s take america as an example.
    America is awash with easily obtainable firearms. You go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle, without a background check and, most likely, without having to show an identification card. So what are you waiting for?

    >>Mika Brzezinski comments first<<
    "If you vote now, you can continue to work with that guy. really? really? seriously?

    >>Joe Scarborough follows next<<
    "let's just do a side-by-side and do one of those things. we can actually -- we are helping this guy out. we are helping this guy out if we don't reform this system that rudy giuliani said was an absolute joke that allows criminals and terrorists to keep getting guns. gang members -- i'm sorry, go ahead harold."

    >>enter former congressman and msnbc analyst Harold Ford, jr.<<
    "you take a terrorists word and run that ad side-by-side with every ad that wants to be run and you say i stood up and i showed courage and voted this way. i don't mean to judge administratively my friends in the senate but i have to say this is one of those moments not only what happened in newtown but what commonwealth of massachusetts is confronting if you can't fight it, you can't be in this business." {and it goes from there}

    -you shouldn't be in office.-

    -from my part of the country, somehow support allowing guns to flow freely all over the country, i don't think people in northwest florida or people in arkansas or people in west virginia want that guy and terrorists across the globe to be able to get guns easily in america to kill americans.
    and to laugh at our stupid system.

  2. Sadly, one of those traitors is 'ours'.

    Wonder how Idaho votes on this?

    1. You would think pro-gun, but these days you never know.
