Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Shameless: G. W. Bush Claims Snowden Hurt The Country


Instead of listing all the things that Edward Snowden has done, let’s try to list some things he hasn’t done.
  • Edward Snowden never shoved interest rates into the floor and picked a replacement Federal Reserve Chairman who pretending there was no housing bubble. Snowden never took the nation into the worst recession in history.
  • Edward Snowden never presided over the greatest national security failure in history. He didn’t promote the people with direct oversight into the greatest security failures into higher offices.
  • Edward Snowden never claimed that we had to invade Iraq because it was likely that Saddam Hussein had unmanned aerial devices that could reach the East Coast.
  • Edward Snowden never helped strongarm Congress into raiding the public of $700 billion so that he could bail out his crony friends on Wall Street.
  • Edward Snowden never censored the EPA to give out false assurance to the New York City public that the air was safe to breathe in the aftermath of 9/11.
  • Edward Snowden never invented a connection between Al Qaeda and Hussein’s government as a pretext for an invasion.
  • Edward Snowden never sacrificed hundreds of billions of dollars, thousands of American lives and American limbs to turn a secular Iraqi dictatorship, that protected Christians from Muslims and opposed Al Qaeda successfully, to a Shiite dictatorship—complete with the same secret police and secret torture prisons—that persecutes Christians and is subject to regular fatal attacks by Al Qaeda forces.
  • Edward Snowden never took a secular next-door enemy to Iran and turned it into a natural religious ally that strengthened Iran’s regional position, all at great cost in American blood and American treasure.
  • Edward Snowden never suddenly reversed course, having suddenly turned a secular nation into a Shiite nation, and started supporting Sunni terrorists, such as the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda-related forces. (Obama has continued and stepped up this policy, but Bush invented it.)


  1. The new world order, thousand points of light family contributed as much to destroying liberty as the Clinton-Obama gang. I am done with Bushes and with Rinos.

  2. I posted this yesterday on my Google+ page. It's a shame I didn't read the writings of Richard Henry Lee earlier. I should be in prison for voting for a Bush after reading the Bush Book. I am duly ashamed of my stupidity.

    "I did not vote for George H. W. Bush, being sure he was a liar. But I voted twice for his lying son, W. The great Virginia Anti-Federalist, Richard Henry Lee, warned us against dynasties. Never vote for two people with the same last name."

    "Since the advent of the "Bush Dynasty" the words of Richard Henry Lee in 1787 are ringing true – He wrote: "The great object is, in a republican government, to guard effectually against perpetuating any portion of power, great or small, in the same man or family. This perpetuation of power is totally uncongenial to the true spirit of republican governments." Richard Henry Lee

    found at Barefoot's World

