Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Perils of a Porous Border


Protecting the 1,954-mile Mexico-U.S. border, as some pundits assert, is not just an economic issue, or a problem of criminal drug trafficking and gun running. It threatens America’s national security. In an August 13, 2013 op/ed in The Washington Times, Retired Admiral James Lyons, who was senior U.S. military representative to the United Nations, stated, “Fixing our porous borders is one of combating the threat of terrorism that America faces. In the various efforts to reform the U.S. immigration system, often overlooked in the debate is its impact on national security.”

The statistics are alarming: according to an August 1, 2011 investigative report in the Columbus Dispatch, the United Nations estimates that 97 percent of the illegal immigrants who enter the U.S. clandestinely do so across the U.S.-Mexican border. However, only 20 percent of illegal aliens are caught. Smuggling illegal aliens across the border is now a $6.6 billion industry for Mexican crime syndicates.


  1. 6.6 billion and give Obozo his kickback and all is fine

    1. I knew an illegal who went back to Mexico to be married and then came back here. Wasn't worried one iota about the difficulty.

  2. Before the cartel takeover I knew people that would rent vans - extended and bring in 20 across the border at a time @ 3k each. The female doing it was busted and given probation. The guy doing it was bringing over close to 50 at a time @ 3k each was busted only when his driver was stopped at the border, spoke no English and pointed to him "El Jefe" he ended up with a felonie because during the investigation he told them how long and how many he brought across the border and they got pissed - threatened him with life in prison. I never got all the details always wondered- if you are getting paid to bring people across the boarder where is the money?

    1. I know some get paid when they deliver them to relatives in the states.
