Sunday, February 2, 2014

Police Strip Search Woman in Public for Having Expired Registration

cops strip search

Strip searches seem to be on the rise in this country. They don’t even have to suspect that you’re hiding something “criminal” like a gun or drugs. If you have a suspended registration, or you’re a trucker driving in the left lane, that’s all some police need to perform a strip search on you in public in the middle of the day for all the other drivers to see.

Here’s Atlanta’s WSBTV:
Driver after driver told investigative reporter Jodie Fleischer officers searched inside their pants while they were stopped for minor traffic violations. In several cases, the invasive searches targeted passengers who were riding in the car. ”He was like, ‘Just unbuckle all your clothes,’
More with video @ Last Resistance


  1. Sooner or later someone is going to put a 9mm in the criminal's armpit and pull the trigger three times. Of course, it will be suicide by cop. But that still won't help the criminal, the offending officer. Sad indeed.

    1. Oh yeah, it's going to come to a screeching halt at some point.
