Friday, June 27, 2014

Pissed Off Man Confronts Police After They Shot His Dog [VIDEO]

Via Jeffery

A man whose dog was recently shot and killed by Salt Lake City police has posted a video of an exchange he had with officers minutes after the shooting.

Sean Kendall’s 3-year-old Weimaraner, named Geist, was shot in the head last week after officers entered the homeowner’s yard while searching for a missing child.

The video, posted to Kendall’s Facebook page on Wednesday, begins 15 minutes after the shooting, right after Kendall received a call from animal control informing him of the incident.

“Which officer shot my dog? Please,” Kendall asked several officers standing in his front yard when he arrived at the scene.

More @ Yahoo


  1. This young and very stupid man is VERY lucky that the black uniformed death squad in his yard didn't decide to machine gun him and his family for "dissing a cop". Or just cuff him and put two in the back of his head. Thanks to the internet it has become perfectly clear that we "citizen's" no longer have any rights that any "law enforcer" is bound to respect in any slightest way. This guy was lucky it was just his dog and not his wife & kids killed in a F***up "drug raid". --Ray

  2. "This young and very stupid man is VERY lucky that the black uniformed death squad in his yard didn't decide to machine gun him and his family for dissing a cop."
    What is your personal self-respect worth?
    What value do you place upon your dignity, respect and honor
    as a free person?
    One who is a citizen of Constitutional Republic, in which our God
    given birthrights are supposedly protected by the rule of law.
    "Sometimes, death is better."
    Do yourself a favor and don't die an embarrassing, cowardly and
    anonymous death.

  3. I do not agree, Ray - this young man obviously was prepared to die - he was enraged over what happened, and now we all know what happened, too. Didn't you hear him say how this is becoming a common occurrence across our country? He knew the risk he was taking and obviously didn't care what they did back. He didn't give them his phone number, so he knew to be afraid of their potential for abuse. Good question indeed: Why didn't Officer Olsen just back out of the yard when the dog came after him, which is what dogs in their own yards should be entitled to do? What chance in the world logically could a 3-year old get into this yard with that big gate??? Unfreakingbelievable.

    Cops can now go on your property for any reason without warning and kill anything that makes them feel "uncomfortable" or "afraid," including you and me. (BTW-The one who shot the dog, was declared a hero a few years back taking out some deranged shooter at a mall in Salt Lake City.) One would think a thorough search by the cops of the distressed parent's home would be the first order, as so often it's the parent who caused the "disappearance." Then the 3-yr. old in question would have been found.

    1. If you response is to my previous post, I think you missed
      the basis of it.
      I am not agreeing with ANON.
      Without question, I am totally shitting on the cowardice of it.

    2. As I mentioned elsewhere, a cop came to my house on a dog complaint and the subject dog charged him from next door, but the officer's mace sent him back home whimpering. I mentioned to the officer that the same thing happened to me, I then drew my gun and yelled/jumped up high and he backed off, but if he hadn't, I would have had to shoot him and the cop agreed. Of course the LEO's in the country are far different from the ones in the cities evidently.

  4. I thought dude showed remarkable restraint, and the cops' demeanor and body language says to me they know they fucked up big time.

    1. the cops' demeanor and body language says to me they know they fucked up big time.

      They didn't seem hostile as many we have seen lately.

  5. It would seem that if a perpetrator can be charged with a crime for killing a police dog in the line of duty, that an officer could be charged with a crime for negligently killing a dog. Or maybe this is like "hate crimes" where a white person can be charged for killing a black person, but rarely is a black ever charged for killing a white. It is just a matter of time before chickenshit morons such as ozzifer Olson kill the wrong persons dog, beat the wrong kid, strip naked the wife. mother, grandmother or daughter of some guy who says, "enough is enough" and does what Henry Bowman would do. This guy who lost his dog is pitiful, but he managed to handle it better than I would have. He got some good video. I'm certain some lawyer will sue hell out of the department and I hope he gets enough to retire (although he seems like the kind of guy who had much rather have his dog than all the Gold that used to be in Ft. Knox). The trouble is the taxpayers will be the one who covers the check the city gets to write in the end. They need to make the officers personally responsible for their actions. Instead ozzifer Olson will get a paid vacation while the matter is investigated. The the hot blond police chick in the foreground of the video will read some bullshit statement saying how ozzifer Olson followed department procedure, there is not evidence of any wrongdoing on his behalf, and his status will change from "administrative leave with pay" to "reinstated". It has to stop.

    1. They need to make the officers personally responsible for their actions.

      & it will come to a screeching halt for the most part.

  6. I pray that every single LEO that ever harmed or killed a dog (excluding those rare occasions when such action is unquestionly justified) will get the full "karma meet Bitch" fate they deserve. When the SHTF, there will be a settling of old scores, payback.

  7. Cavmedic68w YOU ARE AN IDIOT! You Never walk up to armed enemy forces, who can and will kill you and/or your entire family at will, and mouth off or act in such a way as to give "justification" for your summery execution or "arrest" and torture. Unarmed frontal assault is the act of an idiot child- not a hero. "Self respect" is worth nothing at all in a cell and worth even less in the grave. Planned vengeance eternal is priceless, and can only be wrought by the living and the free. "Never forgive, Never forget , Never let your enemy know that you are the cause of his screams of suffering . NEVER fight a battle you can not win and you may live to make your enemy's suffering endless and his defeat inevitable" (Mao Zee Dong -1944) AND! We do not live in a " constitutional republic" anymore. We live in a communist controlled police state. Something for you to think on the next time you "go stupid" and wind up in cuffs with your guns confiscated , your truck in impound and you with the crap beat out of you---at best. You are that "special" kind of stupid that gets good men, or yourself, killed without gain---Ray

    1. You are a bended knee slave.
      You will anonymously die the death of a slave and
      Your cowardice is why our Republic is in deep shit, resulting from
      your overuse of a stagnant checklist to determine whether you should
      fight, kau tau, slavishly suck ass, or both.
      Never, never, never, never gets you anyhwere except on the losing end.
      Moreover, you use the the ramblings of a murderous communist shitbag and rapist to justify your whoring cowardice.
      Without question, you have no interest in Freedom.
      Right on anon!
      Right on!
      It makes me wonder, who is the anon pulling levers behind the curtain.
      I can safely say, without contestation, you have never had a beloved family member or friend brutally murdered. If you had, you would never post such cowardly and slavish shit in a Constitutional Republic of free people.
      Along with quoting a muderous communist shitbag and rapist, to justify your cowardice.

  8. Of all the breeds out there a Weimerener (sp) is the least likely to attack someone. They normally go to their back and wet themselves for no apparent reason. This is absolutely ridiculous. This type of bravado by the police will be addressed in the streets in the next 2 years. It will not stand.

  9. I rented a small efficiency that the owner had built himself in Redwood City many moons ago and that was my one and only encounter with a Weimaraner.. A sweet dog.

  10. I guess the Mormons did not go west far enough
    to escape the grasp of state oppression.
    Who would have thunk it?
