Monday, July 14, 2014

Bergdahl could get $350G tax-free, if cleared by Army

Via avordvet


Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl could have a tax-free $350,000 dropped into his bank account if the current investigation into his disappearance from his base in Afghanistan was not desertion, and if he is deemed to have been a prisoner of war for the five years he was held by Islamic militants, Fox News has learned.

The 28-year-old soldier, for whom the U.S. traded five senior Taliban operatives held at Guantanamo Bay, was set to return to active duty Monday after spending six weeks in medical rehab at Fort Sam Houston, in San Antonio.

“Essentially he’ll be working a desk job,” Pentagon spokesman Col. Steve Warren told reporters at the Pentagon Monday.
"They’re pulling his clearance so I’m not sure what he’s supposed to do.”- Army official speaking under condition of anonymity
More @ Fox


  1. The fix is in he will get paid to be a traitor. Obama with that dofuss Chuck Hagel and throw in John O. Brennan it is assured nothing will happen to a fellow Muslim.


    1. Everything I was taught as being good as a child is now bad.

  2. He's at ft sam. He can't stay on the post forever. Nuff said. It's another slap in the face for sure

    1. & he's going to share a room with two other soldiers? Weird, but guess they must be Obama lovers.

    2. He might have a shallow hole. All to himself.
