Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Border Patrol points gun at Boy Scout's head

U.S. Border Patrol agents on the Canada-Alaska border detained a Boy Scout troop for four hours and threatened one boy with a loaded pistol to the head, all because one of the scouts tried to take a picture of the agents.

The incident involving Troop 111 from Iowa occurred over the weekend as the scouts re-entered the U.S. at Alaska after a camping trip to Canada.

Troop Leader Jim Fox told KCCI-TV in Des Moines, Iowa, the boy was threatened with a $10,000 fine and a 10-year prison term for taking pictures of a border-entry point, the accuracy of which many experts say is dubious, at best.

More @ WND


  1. That guy (BP) is nuts. He is a sitting target. Why, even a boy scout could easily take him out. He just provided the motive. Not what one would call a professional.

    1. Not what one would call a professional.

      Not at all.
