Thursday, July 3, 2014

The A-10 'Warthog' keeps flying

Via WiscoDave

Last month, the House voted to bar the Air Force from axing the plane, a move that pleased those who valued the A-10's abilities in support of ground troops.

Here's a look at the venerable "Warthog," and some of the people who fly it and keep it flying.

Slideshow @ Stars and Stripes


  1. I love that airplane. It's kind of the .45 ACP or military aircraft. Subsonic and hit's like a brick.

    1. My favorite was the Skyraider.

  2. Another reason to vote? What does anyone think would have happened with a Democrat controlled House?

    1. Another reason to vote? What does anyone think would have happened with a Democrat controlled House?

      Precisely, just what we got in Vietnam.

  3. The big brASS could care less about the grunts on the ground. The A-10 just is not sexy enough for them. The plane is cheap and effective. They would much rather spend 20 billion per plane if it looks sexy and has lots of cool new technology. So what the plane cannot fly slower than mach 1.3. It can still be used for close ground support. The A-10 is a perfect plane cheap and almost impossible to kill yet is does not have that sexy look of a F22 Raptor. Able to perform task or not they want their names associated with latest high tech not the A-10 that is old news. Yes, I am saying most of the brass in the pentagon have zero interest in the troop’s welfare only their own career.


    1. most of the brass in the pentagon have zero interest in the troop’s welfare only their own career.

      Just another punch in their promotion ticket.
