Monday, August 4, 2014

The lavish homes of American archbishops

Via WiscoDave

Records reveal that 10 of the country's top church leaders defy the Pope's example and live in residences worth more than $1 million.

"How I would like a Church which is poor and for the poor!"— Pope Francis

Clearly, "lifestyles of the rich and religious" doesn't cut it for Pope Francis.

The pontiff has said it "breaks my heart" to see priests and nuns driving the latest-model cars.

He's blasted "airport bishops" who spend more time jet-setting than tending to their flocks.

And he's warned against church leaders who bear the "psychology of princes." 

The Vatican fired one such "prince" last year: German Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst -- aka "The Bishop of Bling" -- who spent $43 million to remodel his opulent pad. 

(Bronze window frames? $2.4 million. Getting on the wrong side of the Pope? Far more pricey.) 

"God save us from a worldly Church with superficial spiritual and pastoral trappings!" Francis said in his book-length blueprint for the church

Say what you will, but this Pope puts his preaching into practice.

More @ CNN


  1. At least this archbishops don't have Benny Hinn hair. I don't want to insult any Catholics, but according to Ann Barnhardt who is a devout Catholic, the American Catholic church is infiltrated with communists and sodomites. Her words, not mine. But this is just not just a Catholic problem, look at some of these protestant prosperity theology preachers. Nothing wrong with wealth, just the love of it over eternal things.

    1. this is just not just a Catholic problem, look at some of these protestant prosperity theology preachers.


  2. well, if I were a rich man...

  3. I am trying to lighten up ;)

  4. Replies
    1. :) At least for awhile. Don't go overboard.......:)

  5. never would I go overboard ... at least for long...

    1. I've been overboard for about 60 years+ and I ain't stopping now :)

  6. A major failing in many Churches. My main reason for going rogue is the "financial concupiscence" of Bishops, ArchBishops, etc. The folks who donate their nickels and dimes, the literal "widow's mite" in many cases never see that that bit of sweat and blood given in support of the Church ends up paying for a Mercedes or a vacation trip or some ecclesiastical jewelry. While the truly poor are unclothed and hungry, bereft of home or possessions. Not in my belief!!

  7. Hard to help the church when the pastor drives a Mercedes. Seen it first hand.
