Friday, August 1, 2014

Vote In the W&L Poll

Brock, this is a Yankee poll from Brooks Simpson the Yankee sympathizer. Let the South teach him a lesson in the poll, we can prove him wrong.

Cousin John


Given the controversy concerning the Lee Chapel at Washington and Lee University, what do you think of how the WLU administration chose to address the issue of the display of flags in the chapel and the museum next to the Lee family crypt?

Vote @  Crossroads


  1. Replies
    1. with 500 votes still more than 50% with us. I have more than one computer. Isn't it one computer, one vote? My Linux computer was the 500th vote. :)
      Fla. (I know, you thought I was really from Chicago)

    2. We're actually at 85% adding the first two. Thanks.

  2. As a lifelong Yankee, I think the removal of the flags is nothing short of disgusting. These cretins knew full well what kind of university they were attending and what the shrine looked like. Having said that, this is yet another case of letting a scorpion into the house. I think these little trouble making scumbags should be (very publicly) kicked out and humiliated.
    The spineless twerps who acquiesced to the "demands" of this rabble should be tarred, feathered and run out of town!
